LADIES, GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ladies of Long Hair Care Forum:

I know there is topic in here on the product, "Cowboy Magic," however, I had to post a thread about it.

I don't know what my hair texture is, but from stuyding this board and learning the different terminology, I would guess a 4B. As some of you may already know, I haven't had a touch-up since May. I had my Senegalese twists installed on July 11. I have at least over 5 inches of new growth. I removed my twists last night and my hair was horrid. Extremely thick, (thanks to some of the products recommended by the women on this thread) to the point I couldn't even comb through it. Well, while I was taking down my twists, I had that "dirt knot" and as you know, it is extremely difficult to remove that "dirt knot."

Well, I purchased the CM product, and I am IMPRESSED BEYOND BELIEF!!! It made separating that dirt knot extremely easy!!!! Seriously!!!!

I removed the synthetic twist from my hair. Then, I applied a small amount of the CM to the dirt knot and massage it in that particular area. Then I gently started from the newgroth and very carefully separated the hair. It separated with NO PROBLEM whatsover. And, to my astonishment, no loss of hair. I can't believe it. Even as I sit here and type this, I still can't believe it. It made taking my hair down very simple, and on top of that, I DIDN'T LOSE ANY HAIR!!!

Tonight, I washed my hair with my MegaTek Shampoo once (I love this shampoo). Then, I deep conditioned my hair with my MegaTek for an hour with heat, sitting under a hooded dryer.) I rinsed my hair no problem. I gently towel dried my hair, and couldn't run a comb through it. Remember, I have tons and tons of new growth, and my hair is extremely thick. I used a wide tooth comb, and I couldn't even get the comb to go through my hair!!! So, with my hair all over my hair, tangled, I applied the CM from root to end. I kid you not, the comb went through no problem, with ease. And no hair loss at all!!!!! This is a must have product for anyone stretching, going natural, removing braids, etc. This stuff works!!!! When I say my hair was tangled and a hot mess, trust me, it was a HOT TANGLED MESS!!!

A little goes a long way. I just massaged it in, thinking I was tangling it even more, but the comb went through no problem. It works on dry and wet hair. And, it smells awesome.

My hair is blow dried out and it is so soft and smells delicious, very soft to the touch with a nice sheen to and the comb glides through with no hesitation whatsoever. The name of the website is

Tomorrow, I'am having my weave installed with a method called the Flexistrand method. Go to this site for more information. I'll let you ladies know how it turns out, and of course, I will submit pics.

I just wanted to share this information with you, in hopes that I have helped someone. Thank you for your time.
WOW!!!! Thanks girl, I will be getting me some of that ASAP. Cuz another thread did mention how good this stuff was. Thanks for the info. Sounds like a staple to me.