I purchased the big bottle. I used it to try to detangle my 11 weeks post hair. It was alright. Guess it wasn't magic for me. I will keep using it however, it helps in its own way.
ITA! It sure wasnt magic for me so I just use it on my dog so that my money wont go to waist.:nono:
This product was a disappointment. A word of caution to myself that no all products work the same for all hair types. It has now in the PJ grave yard.
Thank you for responding, but honestly, I owe many thanks to the ladies of this hair forum. Serioulsy, (I forgot who originally posted regarding Cowboy Magic), I owe a special thanks to whoever referred the product!!! CM is definitely a must have and a keeper, especially for thick hair like mines and for women who are stretching, going natural, etc. It's not expensive and it works!!!!
It was Coffee who posted about it. My bottle was a lil over 25 bucks and my heart was so hurt when it did nothing for me.
nope. didnt work for me. picked up some last week and sadly i was disappointed. i only purchased the detangler, and i must say, my fantasia frizz buster wrapped circles around it. i'll stick with my fantasia.

It's not a moisturizer, it contains no water. It's a silicone serum formula.

I still use it and I like it. I massage it on before washing to get rid of tangles. I picked mine up at a feed store. :dork:
I will try this method! I want to get my money's worth. Tangles are what prevent me from stretching longer than 16 weeks. I end up pulling out to much hair.
ITA! It sure wasnt magic for me so I just use it on my dog so that my money wont go to waist.:nono:

This product was a disappointment. A word of caution to myself that no all products work the same for all hair types. It has now in the PJ grave yard.
I really thought I was the only one this product did not work for. I am glad to see it's just not my hair resisting the magic.:ohwell:
It's not a moisturizer, it contains no water. It's a silicone serum formula.

I still use it and I like it. I massage it on before washing to get rid of tangles. I picked mine up at a feed store. :dork:
I wish I could thank you 100x!! I used it as you suggested tonight and and it got rid of the tangles!! Now I don't have to feel like I threw money down the drain on this products. Thanks Lionessa.
Hmmmm...might have to introduce this product into my regimen.:spinning:..I continue to rough handle my hair and loose tons of strands when detangling my hair after a shampoo or after an install removal!:wallbash:
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Cowboy Magic wasn’t magic for me either, it made my hair; crispy, hard, there was far too much build and it didn’t detangle my hair :nono: