Ladies, does your SO look like or physically remind you of your dad?

Does your SO physically resemble your father?

  • Yes - and I have a wonderful relationship with my dad.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Yes - but that was just a coincidence.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope - and I have a wonderful relationship with my dad.

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Nope - and I have a horrid relationship with my dad.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Eww - yuck. What kind of Oedipal/Electra mess is this???

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Ladies, does your SO look like or physically remind you of your dad?

Either way, do you think this has something to do with your relationship with your dad?

For instance, typically I've been attracted to "teddy bear" type guys (think Ruben Studdard, Gerald Levert) because they are similar to my dad, whom I love. (I am a complete and total daddy's girl.) But the other day, my BFF (the one who is not thrilled with me being with Dutch Chocolate) said that I wouldn't date someone 15 years my senior who was black . . . and I had to agree . . . but that's because that would be TOO much like dating my dad :nono: But DC does not remind me of my pops at all . . . not with his lily white, flat-butt self :lachen:

Anyways, does your SO physically resemble your dad? Does/has your relationship/feeling about your dad impacted your preference in men?
nope. looks nothing like him. SO is 5'6", lighter complexion, dominican, straight hair. My dad is 5'11", dark complexion, black, 4b hair. They do both have a little bit of a teddy bear look like you mentioned and I love that!!

What they have in common is that SO has a lot of the same personality, respect, chivalry that my dad has towards women and I definately found that attractive. I always saw the way my father treated my mother and hoped I'd meet a guy that would treat me the same.

I didn't answer the poll because my father and i dont have a horrid relationship but the wonderful relationship we once had went down the tubes during a very ugly family despute a few years ago.

ETA: My father LOVES my SO. Guess it's because both of their personalities are the same?
no. SO is tall like my father but that's about as far as the similarities go physically.
but has my relationship with my father impacted my preference with men? yes, but only personality-wise. i have a great relationship with my father. the loving and wonderful way he treats me and my sister sets the bar for my expectations as to how men in my life should treat me generally. i think that's why it is so important for girls to have a good father or father-figure in their lives growing up.
absolutely not.
his values and morals on what a relationship well as his view on family in general is very similar to my father tho
:lachen: . . . not even close. I cant think of a single thing that's similar.

Wait . . . one thing . . . I was a daddy's girl and he would put up with me hanging all over him ( when he was in his chair, he would put his legs up, I would climb on and curl up like a lemur). While I am obviously too big to do that to DH, he puts up with me "hanging" on him ... like sleeping on his back etc. :grin:

Father 6'-5" light skinned, hazel eyes, sandy hair, lanky-ish, long face. My Dad has the best sway in his walk.

DH is 6'-1", dark skinned, black hair, dark eyes, large round face, built up top - french fry legs. Dh kinda bounces when he walks.:giggle:
Ha ha ha... no!

I love my daddy too, but I never was really attracted to anyone who looked like him. I don't think that was deliberate -- it just never happened that way.

Daddy: 5'9", kinda lean, chocolate-brown skin, curly gray hair (was black), glasses

FH: 5'10", stocky, very fair-skinned, blue eyed, straight blond hair

Yeah, not even close! :lol:

Daddy and FH get along quite well though! :)
Wow I am obviously in the minority. I've only dated one guy who was very Dad-like (extra tall, light skinned, goofy, smart and nerdy with glasses) and I would have married him in a heartbeat if I knew then what I know now. In fact, he worked with my Dad and Dad introduced me to him because he thought he was my type and he was so right. :lol:

But in general I am totally into guys just like my Dad - personality more then looks....but I could not date a guy who looked remotely like my Dad if he was way older then me.....too creepy.
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Eww no. He looks nothing like my dad. In fact I've never dated anyone who looked anything like my dad.
Nothing alike physically but height but in terms of personality and values, they are dead ringers of each other and I'm thankful I had a good man for a father so I was able to recognize a good man to be my husband.
I voted no, and my father and I have a great relationship.

My dad is medium-light brown and my SO is dark brown skinned. They're both lean and around 6'. They don't look alike in the face though. I am usually attracted to guys this physique (height 5'11" - 6'3" who are athletic / toned).

They have similar physiques and personalities. Both very intelligent and entrepreneurial and interested in the sciences. Both in tune with people though pretty private. Both good sense of humor. Basketball - loving. Love kids. Similar politics.

well D@MN! :lachen: I never realized they are alike!!!!

SO is different from dad in that he's more mature than my father was at his age, had a vastly different upbringing, and SO is goofier.

I love em both! :)
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DH: 6'2", stocky but not fat (he has a belly though), dark brown eyes

Father: around 5'9", big/round, hazel eyes

The only thing they had in common was a bald head and complexion--my father wore a beard and mustache, DH just wears a mustache. Their personalities/qualities are like day and night--they had nothing in common in that department--DH wins :)
I do like my men kind of short and I love a moustache + well groomed shoes.

That's where the similarities end. :lol:
Nope he doesn't look like him at all but DH does remind me of my father by his mannerism and the things he say and do. It is scary!!!:blush:
I have an extremely emotionally tight relationship with my dear father (with my siblings and mother, too; we are like the Musketeers). We all call, text, and email each other like 5-6 times a day.

Very, very oddly, even though their skintones and facial features are nothing alike, my SO resembles my father in:

--physique (thin limbs but running to fat around the midsection) and tall height, and, more importantly, in some personality aspects:

--extreme mild-manneredness;
---aversion to trying new foods
-- practical, non-dashing :look: , down-to-earth natures

I have to be honest: hugging my SO or chilling with him watching TV with my arm flung over his stomach does feel like physically doing the same things with my dad when I was a tween/teen.

Perhaps that's why I was so physically comfortable around my SO from very early mind already had the physical memory of a figure like his imprinted on it.
My SO is the complete opposite of my father physically, (think chris rock next to john goodman lol) but personality wise they're the same person, and it freaks me the F out, all the time. Then when they're together it's like frick n *****. Ugh.

Oh, and yes, i have a great relationship with my dad.
Nope, not at all, LOL. I married a man opposite of my dad. I love my dad to pieces but he can cut you down faster than those huge tree cutting machines. My husband is the sort of man that focuses on the solution and NOT the problem. My dad will witch and moan about everything. Why is this man driving a Benz at 80? Why didn't he put it in his nest egg? How come my friend has a 100 pair of shoes, that's wasteful? How come you go out all the time, can't you stay home? You allergic to your house? The dog looks smaller, are you feeding him enough?

My DH is more like, whatever makes you happy is cool with me. He doesn't care what Tom, Dick and Harry are doing. And he thinks out of the box. My father thinks in 1/4 of the box.

They are similar because they think my name is Kizzy Kinte. They will not life a finger to help unless it is the dishes. In the all the time I've lived with my father/DH, neither have ever cleaned ANYTHING in the house. They shared the same excuse is that, the house always looks clean! *sucks teef*