Ladies, do you let your partner help you with your hair?

My DH is the main one who relaxes my hair. When I was pregnant he did everything. Washed, relaxed, put in the rinses, conditioned. I love him.
My hubby used to help me wash my hair when I was pregnant before I started going to the salon weekly. He would also comb my hair out after it was washed.
He helped me roll the back of my hair the other day (its short back there) and it took freakin' forever. LOL He use to help with my relaxer in the back, again he was slow as heck.

He's always ready to help but the day I asked "bay do you know how to cornroll?" he gave me "THE LOOK". lol I told him there is nothing "sweet" about knowing how to cornroll, I now many (okay one) guys who learned from having sisters. LOL He didn't take the bait and walked outta the room. LOL

He's a keeper though because he doesn't hinder my PJ habits :D
My dad helps my mom detangle her hair and braid it into sections after she washes it. (He got plenty of practice from his afro wearing days).

DH doesn't help with mine. He called himself trying to 'run his fingers' thru it recently, I could've smacked him.
I don't have a partner but apparently my dad used to be a whiz with the hot comb for my mom since she couldn't find a salon to do her hair when we lived overseas.
My SO helps with my protein treatments, washing, trimming, and advice lol. He's learned a lot so he's like "maybe u need more conditioning or a hot oil treatment" lol but I think he wishes it didn't take me so much time
My husband actually would love to wash my hair as he has asked. I have to teach him though as my hair does have the tendency to do it's on thing. I am willing to do so. I am always talking about how everyone wants me to do their hair but when it is my turn I can't find anyone. I would love if he could cornrow too. If he learned that, I would not be surprised and that would be the ultimate for me (lol- so I can day like the singer Mario "Can you braid my hair"). He's good at a lot of things including cooking and sewing. His father, who is also a tailor, taught him that way as he was raised without his mother as she did past after he was born. Honestly, I have to say he was raised well. You would honestly think a woman was somewhere. I am convinced an aunty or someone helped as well. (smile). He looks forward to having little girls. An of course I want a jarhead. lol Let's just see if he will sing that same tune when those little girls need their hair done.

My daddy used to do my hair. But trust! It was not always cute, but he tried.
My hubby can assist me with almost anything.

We talk a lot about the forums and my hair so he has had a few lessons.

He does scalp massages and help me rinse out my hair.

He also assit with weave take down and my two attempts at self relaxing. I felt bad for him because I made him so nervous aobut set backs.
my SO helps me in the shower, with the rinsing and such, just speeds up the process.
i love it cause that way i dont have to worry about the running water i just tell him when to wet it and when to load up my hand with cond or poo..

me however, lol! he owes me.
he has dreads and im basically his hair stylist.
i wash condition and tighten his hair for him, he tries to do it on his own but it always looks a hot mess. lol
I love his scalp massages, but most everything else he offers is critique:
"You put food in your hair? What about when I'm hungry later, your hair is all fat, and I'm starving!" :lachen: That's as good as it gets for me.
I love this thread! Omg I thought I was alone with my man helping out. He will help wash my hair. When I have a weave in, he will help cut the thread (eeek!) and take out the braids. I had 2 strand twists and the other day he helped me take them out because my hands were hurting. Also, because I get tired of blowdrying because I have alot of thick hair, he will do one side with the comb attachment and I will do the other side. He loves to claim that his side turns out better than my side lol.
He likes to wash my hair and massage my scalp sometimes. But, believe me, it has nothing to do with 'helping' me!! Its very seductive!! LOL
Hahahaha. This is funny because when my hair was braided I always made him grease my scalp and he would always say something smart but he did it. After that he wanted to start growing his hair expecting me to press it for braids and everything until I told him I wouldn't do it anymore then he finally cut his hair.

He uses my shampoo and conditioner for his hair even though he has a fade, but he doesn't help me beyond putting grease on my scalp.
Yes! My hubby helps paying for all the products I buy :grin:. Just kidding, he actually doesn't have a clue about my hair, but he helped me once to cut my damaged ends.
My last boyfriend loved to give me scalp massages..I just loved to lay there. Once, my arms got tired and I asked him to finish the last of my 2 strand twists for me..he did like 1 and started complaining that he wasn't doing a good job. I took him off the

Eventhough we're no longer together, I know he now knows ALOT about natural haircare lol.
The DH tugs my hair during certain times :sekret: but other than that he's not allowed to even breathe on my hair LOL


My Dh actually wants to help but is scared at the same time. He knows i'm transitioning and detangling is a bit*h at times. He knows i'll scream at him if he tangles up my hair and then blame him forever, for whatever. :perplexed

He just keeps the two children away from the bathroom until i'm out :look:
Yes my DH helps a lot and I am very happy with it. It started 3 year ago, 6 months after we married. He was wishing that I grow my hair at waist, which had already been the case when I was between 16 and 19 years of age. As you may know from previous posts, my hair requires rollersets on big rollers. It was quite impossible to do it myself on the back with such hair length. After spending money in the salon, this ended with him offerig me a professional hood dryer for Christmas and me asking him to take a few lessons with a friend hairdresser to achieve the rollerset. It does this very regulary and loves it. I also enjoy that moment in fact. He is also kind enough to seat next to me during the last phase of the long drying time (I have to stay 1 and half hour under the hood and with this ver big rollerset this is not the most peasnt experience, some of you with long hair certainly know).
Well whn we were in college I used to let him grease my scalp (defiantely b4 I found u guys cause grease shall never touch this head again) And I thought it was cute that he was willing but I eventually made him stop cause he was too heavy handed and I got tired of being greasy
After reading this I had to ask my bf if he would be willing to oil my scalp, twist some hair, detangle there, etc. and he said absolutely. So we started by taking pics for my new FOTKI journal. He was good at combing out my hair to make it straight. I thought how sweet... I love him! So my answer is yes! :)
No, but after paying $18 for a 1/4 inch trim last night, my fiance shouted, "I could have done that." He probably could have, so I'm going to buy some professional shears and teach him how to do it. :-)
Yes! DH used to take length pics for me, and he once helped cut out a sew in...with plenty of jokes about all my new growth! LOL More recently, he did my BC for me and edges me up when I need it.