Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discusses We KNOW is not GOD...........


Well-Known Member
Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discussions We KNOW is not GOD...........

.....these tactics are distractions. Give the scriptures pray for the persons and move on. Keep this forum sacraed unto God by not giving life to something that God has called DEAD or SIN. These debates should be in other off topics and the key word here is OFF. For all of us here are ON to Jesus the Christ the Son of Living God.
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.....these tactics are distractions. Give the scriptures pray for the persons and move on. Keep this forum sacraed unto God by not giving life to something that God has called DEAD or SIN. These debates should be in other off topics and the key word here is OFF. For all of us here are ON to Jesus the Christ the Son of Living God.

I agree. I read somewhere that sometimes people come to the forums or debate with Christians do discourage them and exhaust them.

What I think should be done is prayer, prayer and fasting for people who don't see the bible as God's inherent truth as well as everyone who does.
Star, I have to admit my guilt in this area. With the Lord's 'pressing', I chose to stop participating in the Prop 8 discussions in the Political forum, because it will be an endless vicious cycle. The Lord has been pressing me for weeks, since the election was over, to return to this forum and allow Him to minister to me and use me.

There is truly a gay spirit that has taken over this forum; this forum has become our window to this forum's and society's mindset and it's current state. And those 'spirits' do and will, wander over here to the Christianity forum.

And I KNOW it's the enemy's distraction. I can literally 'see' him behind it, and YET I also see where the Lord is making 'us' aware of just how far this spirit of homosexuality is trying to extend its self which is in our schools and into our Churches --- into our ministry.

Somewhere there has to be an 'awareness' made to those who are called of God and at the same time, not wrestle with the enemy.

As Christians, we cannot 'sleep' on this. This is how satan has been able to get as far as he has because as Christians we have been 'asleep' and we have not made each other aware until it was too late.

The scripture that keeps coming to mind is, "Beware of satan's devices...."

It's two fold here:

#1: A definite distraction (the threads and responses)
#2: Christians in darkness of what's going on with the gay agenda; Christians or those who say they are surrendering to the gay causes.:nono:

We need to take care of both.

#1: Not yield / participate in the distractions.
# 2: Be aware of satan's devices with the gay agenda; fight / take a stand against the gay attack upon Christianity.

As much as we would want to hide from the world, sheltered from it's sins and sorrows, we are still called to take a stand against it when it trespasses and tries to infiltrate and overtake what God has given us.

I thank God that you posted this Star. :kiss: You are a true vessell of the Lord. I will continue to pray before I post and ask the Lord to lead me and guide me to speak or not to speak and what I should say with His leading and not my own. For as the Lord says, 'No plague shall come nigh our dwelling." I'll either stamp it out or ignore it. :giveheart:
Star, I have to admit my guilt in this area. With the Lord's 'pressing', I chose to stop participating in the Prop 8 discussions in the Political forum, because it will be an endless vicious cycle. The Lord has been pressing me for weeks, since the election was over, to return to this forum and allow Him to minister to me and use me.

There is truly a gay spirit that has taken over this forum; this forum has become our window to this forum's and society's mindset and it's current state. And those 'spirits' do and will, wander over here to the Christianity forum.

And I KNOW it's the enemy's distraction. I can literally 'see' him behind it, and YET I also see where the Lord is making 'us' aware of just how far this spirit of homosexuality is trying to extend its self which is in our schools and into our Churches --- into our ministry.

Somewhere there has to be an 'awareness' made to those who are called of God and at the same time, not wrestle with the enemy.

As Christians, we cannot 'sleep' on this. This is how satan has been able to get as far as he has because as Christians we have been 'asleep' and we have not made each other aware until it was too late.

The scripture that keeps coming to mind is, "Beware of satan's devices...."

It's two fold here:

#1: A definite distraction (the threads and responses)
#2: Christians in darkness of what's going on with the gay agenda; Christians or those who say they are surrendering to the gay causes.:nono:

We need to take care of both.

#1: Not yield / participate in the distractions.
# 2: Be aware of satan's devices with the gay agenda; fight / take a stand against the gay attack upon Christianity.

As much as we would want to hide from the world, sheltered from it's sins and sorrows, we are still called to take a stand against it when it trespasses and tries to infiltrate and overtake what God has given us.

I thank God that you posted this Star. :kiss: You are a true vessell of the Lord. I will continue to pray before I post and ask the Lord to lead me and guide me to speak or not to speak and what I should say with His leading and not my own. For as the Lord says, 'No plague shall come nigh our dwelling." I'll either stamp it out or ignore it. :giveheart:

I hear you and respect if God leads you but be careful. Our greatest warfare is on our knees and our greatest power is fasting and prayer. Some things not all should be done in private and God will execute the power in public. I do not pick fights but I do not run from them either. I fear no enemy. We can shake up stuff on our knees and when we fast and prayer as team or private we can tear up the earth in good way. Be careful!! God Bless!!
it is as not as a means of debate for topical issues that may or may not intersect
with Christian interests ..
but as a means of spiritual guidance support for those seeking the Christian faith in their walk with Christ..

This is my point in bold exactly above. Some things are just pure nonsense and giving it life is not good.
Re: Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discussions We KNOW is not GOD...........

.....these tactics are distractions. Give the scriptures pray for the persons and move on. Keep this forum sacraed unto God by not giving life to something that God has called DEAD or SIN. These debates should be in other off topics and the key word here is OFF. For all of us here are ON to Jesus the Christ the Son of Living God.

If this thread is in response to the question that I asked in the thread that I started, then I think that I have every right to ask a question. I wanted the perspective of believers and an answer based on the Bible, which is why I asked my question here and not in in the OT forum. If you note the description of this forum " For prayer requests, daily devotions, and for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity."

My thread was started in the right place, but thank you for concern, if it was really concern and not just trouble making.
Discussion and debate are to different things.

Chellero's thread is not a debate thread. There are Christians (in this forum) who really believe that the Word suggests because Jesus is a loving God that He wouldn't hold gays accountable for their fornication because they were born gay. I believe she genuinely wants to know what scriptures they're using to back up this belief biblically.
Discussion and debate are to different things.

Chellero's thread is not a debate thread. There are Christians (in this forum) who really believe that the Word suggests because Jesus is a loving God that He wouldn't hold gays accountable for their fornication because they were born gay. I believe she genuinely wants to know what scriptures they're using to back up this belief biblically.

Thank you Ms.Honey. I really do just want to know what they are talking about.
I meant what I said in the above post

If this is in any way a thread pointing to a specific topic..going on right now was brought up as a possible concern by the above OP
I will NOT participate any further. I dont want my words used as ammunition
to back or void a current thread in a possible controversy with THIS thread
.or I would post in it or not post at all

I honestly thought it was commentary in general about the
keeping the tenor of the CF to spiritual reflection guidance and as pointed out
..godly discussion

bickering with others is not part of that ideal
I'm sorry I posted now

yes but my words are being taken out of context...and I would never agree with the red..used with my words

Maybe you don't understand what she is saying. Basically, if someone comes on the Christian forums just to start debates and have no inclination to change but just want to argue for the sake of.
In all love and kindness..I am editing out my comments to void involvment
I clearly misintrepreted this thread and no longer wish to participate
For the record.. I do not participate in threads that criticizes another current thread
or forum...

God bless
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Re: Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discussions We KNOW is not GOD...........

Cherello I can stand out and say that I did not take the thread that you started as a debate thread. From the tone of your post you were seeking knowledge and there is nothing wrong with that. If the thread took a different tone then that is something totally different. I did not have the answers to your question therefore I did not reply - simple as that. The topic that was posed is such a controversial one that most tend to debate on the issue. But I truly feel that your question was no different than those that ask for clarity regarding marriage and submission, divorce, fornication, depression, adultery and masterbation.

I thank Shimmie for stepping out in boldness to give the answers that were set in her spirit. We need more people to take the same approach. If you don't ask a question how will you ever get an answer?

I welcome you to the Christian Forum and hope that you find the answers that you are looking for.

If this thread is in response to the question that I asked in the thread that I started, then I think that I have every right to ask a question. I wanted the perspective of believers and an answer based on the Bible, which is why I asked my question here and not in in the OT forum. If you note the description of this forum " For prayer requests, daily devotions, and for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity."

My thread was started in the right place, but thank you for concern, if it was really concern and not just trouble making.
Re: Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discussions We KNOW is not GOD...........

If this thread is in response to the question that I asked in the thread that I started, then I think that I have every right to ask a question. I wanted the perspective of believers and an answer based on the Bible, which is why I asked my question here and not in in the OT forum. If you note the description of this forum " For prayer requests, daily devotions, and for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity."

My thread was started in the right place, but thank you for concern, if it was really concern and not just trouble making.

No my dear I am not trouble maker and I too can speak my mind on any and every subject. The rules of this chat is not for debate by any one. Again, I say speak the truth in love and the WORD of God and move on in all topics that are not Christ centered. Some of topics started although intended for infromation purposes it develops a fouls spirit quite quickly by some.
Re: Ladies - DO NOT Waste Alot of Time With Discussions We KNOW is not GOD...........

No my dear I am not trouble maker and I too can speak my mind on any and every subject. The rules of this chat is not for debate by any one. Again, I say speak the truth in love and the WORD of God and move on in all topics that are not Christ centered. Some of topics started although intended for infromation purposes it develops a fouls spirit quite quickly by some.

My question was about the Bible and it was a reasonable one. What can be more Christ centered than wanting to make sure that you understand God's position on any given subject. Our discussion was peaceful and helpful to me and to others members of this forum. The only one who brought in a foul spirit and negativity was you. :nono: