Ladies--Broken off sides question


Active Member
Okay ladies, I have a question. I have APL hair, but I have hair of varying lengths all around. I have some hair that is framing the sides of my face naturally. Like layers. It doesn't look broken off. I'm goign to have my hubby take a picture of it, flat down so you can see what I mean. It looks like I planned it that way. Every since I can remember my hair has naturally grown in layers, the back very long, the sides starting around the middle of my neck, and graduating to APL in the back.

Now since I've been on this site, I wonder if it's something I'm doing that's causing it to get broken off. (or something my mom was doing in the past). This hair is always the hardest for me to comb when it's wet and the quickest to tangle.

HOWEVER, I'm not sure if it's broken off hairs, because when I examine my sheds, I have some of the very long peices like the back of my head, but I also get shorter sheds like the hair that I am describing on the sides.

Is it normal to have hair that grows different lenghts, and could it be that my terminal growth on the sides is shorter than my growth in the back, or is it that I'm doing something to "break it off inadvertently". Do different places on the hair/scalp have different rates of terminal growth?
As for me, my hair grows at different rates. The right side grows slower then the left. It's always been that way and it gets on my nerves:wallbash:. I've been sitting here wondering for the past couple of days about hair length. Can the hair in front of someones head be the same as the back. I mean, the front or top is the furthest from the back or nape area. So, is it possible for them to be the same length? (i've been thinking this to myself) I guess measurement wise they can be.

Do you comb from the tip up? Maybe if you put what your regime and products are, you can get more help.
Thanks so much for the help.

I'm thinking it may be that the hair just grows different lengths.

Here is the reggie right now....

Every 5 days or so (because I exercise, sweat hard and have dandruff) I wash my hair with loprox shampoo. Lather twice.

Deep condition with silk elements deep conditioning treatment. for 30 minutes.


Detangle with Ample amount of Motions Foaming wrap lotion.

Slick hair back into bun using clear proclaim gel.

Moisturize entire pony tail with generous amount of silk elements moisturizing cream.

Seal with hot six oil.

Braid hair.

Pin into bun.

OORRRR.......see the above regimen, but rollerset instead of pinning in bun.

Those are the only ways I style my hair currently..

Thanks for your help!

Edited to add that I always detangle from the tip up.
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My hair grows in layers then it was cut into some more layers. So yea, if you're being extra careful with your hair its probably how it naturally grows