Lacefront weave booth at the African International Festival in Chi town


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I went to the African festival with my sisters and we saw a lacefront hair booth. You should have seen the women going crazy to get information. My sisters and I just shook our heads on the state of black women and their hair. I have natural hair and I'm not anti relaxer but I am anti weave because I feel it's breeding a generation of bald black women. The reason I feel this way is because I have friends who never take out their weaves, and they are losing their hairlines. I don't have the stats but I bet you the majority of the weave wearing sisters have become so dependent upon that LOOK, that they can't remove that hair. By the way, my sisters never heard of lacefront and when they saw the saleswomen they thought it looked horrible. I don't think she did it right because her hairline started about an inch from her ears and the weave was very blond. I wanted to start my own booth for LHCF and give out info on growing long hair naturally. By the way, its becoming the biggest african festival in the country and it's during the Labor day week-end.
I agree also! Why are so many black women dependent on FAKE HAIR as a means? When did having short hair become a crime among black females? I am not anti-weave; but its as if black women have chosen fake hair as a replacement instead of a temporary protective hairstyle. It's a sad, sad situation!:sad:
I am so glad that I don't depend on fake hair. I used to. I would NOT be seen withotu braid extensions. But after being on this board, I cannot even stand braids on me that much anymore. Weaves don't stand a chance! I am so happy that I am over that.

My sister made the comment that she likes weaves because she thinks she looks better with long hair. But her hair is thick and shoulder length. She would look very pretty wearing her own hair.

Again, I think she is dependant on it.

That is why I LOVE seeing black women wearing their own hair without extensions - short, long or relaxed, natural - whatever.
I forgot to mention, I also felt sad that so many women at the festival could not wear the hair God gave them.