New Member

ive been a lhcf stalker for a lllooooong time now, lol!!! im happy to be official now! how is everyone?

anyways, i had read the lace wig thread, and i contacted the company, and this is the info i got!

my email:


how much do one of these wigs cost? do u put it on like a regular wig, or do u have to have it sewn on?



their response:

They are 650.00 for a full lace and 350.00 for a mini lace.

Mini is lace in the top of head.

The mini can just go on and so can the full lace front.

Some people us a tape to hold the full lace down.

Do you have a style in mind?


2nd email from me:


thanks for your fast reply! no particular style. i would say free flowing like Beyonce Knowles. i believe this is what she wears.

please let me know


his response:

If you click the link below you can see a mini lace.

(the hair line)

This would be the type she has when her hair is down.

And can be added without tape.


650 is a bit steep for me, but 350, hmmmmm, lol!

those wigs would be great for protective styles!

what do ya'll think?
TJD why don't you try one and let us know how it goes. I want to but I can't afford to drop the paper it will cost to get one. Thanks for posting the info.
He is in ny too. is this issac black or white. what hair does he specialize in? I like the way it looks but I am afraid that it will not be for me. I would go with the mini lace even though I do not know how I would hide the lace on that either. Do they have ones that start further back if you want to have your own hair out?
hey girl, thnx for the info...i want one of these wigs sooo bad...i am willing to drop 350. on it.....but it has got to be worth it...