LACE ON LACE FRONT is the wrong color!


Active Member
I bought two wavy lace fronts a #1 and a 1B in color. The black (1) looks wonderful and natural. I don't remember ever getting so many compliments on my hair. The BBS only had one of the #1 so the lady suggested I get the 1B. I thought to myself, the color isn't much different so why not? I cut the lace of the 1B and put it on while I washed the other and the lace is several shades off from my complextion. The #1 was perfect. I didn't expect there to be such a difference. Is there anything I can do to make the lace blend in?
well i never bought nor have i worn a lacefront! but i do love youtube and have watched a bunch of installs vids on them. i do remember a lady say that if you get a lacefront and the lace is to light for your skin they recommend you buy some dye from the fabric store and tone the lace down.

now if the lace is to dark for you, then i dunno how you would lighten it up?
1. you could cut the lace back to the hairline. a truely realistic application would require you to have very little lace showing. cutting to the hairline will make for a more realistic app and will take care of your color issue

2. put foundation over the lace once the units is applied
If you go over to the BHM lacefront section I'm sure someone who can help you. I haven't been to that section in a while, but I remember lots of us used to use Rit Dye, some used Sally Hensen Airbrushed legs, others some marker. Good luck : )
Yup, check BHM. RIT dye, tea, fabric markers, Sally Hansen, Bare Minerals..... you'll find all those methods over there for dying lace - either permanently or everytime you apply.