L.a.t. Live Apart...together?

I used to say I wanted this when I was much younger but I wouldn't want that now. Did I become less trusting or more insecure? IDK. What point did they miss @Black Ambrosia?

About fidelity. On one had I don't think fidelity has to do with proximity because people cheat right under the other person's nose. On the other hand, if cheating stealing etc. is about opportunity, then yes, there will be tons of room for infidelity. I guess it's about what motivates you.
I don't see how a couple can build together while living like this and from a financial perspective, seems wasteful. Why not get a minimum of a 2 bedroom house or get a wo/man cave and call it a day?
In one of the articles, I read that the men viewed it as temporary and the women as permanent. The men want the space to play until they're too old to get it up and the woman don't want to do domestic work or be bothered with sex lol
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I can see myself doing that. The thought of living with someone with no escape gives me anxiety. It's the first thing I think about when marriage is discussed. Like, I have no idea how I'm supposed to live with someone nonstop and not be able to just be by myself for a few days. I'm one of those people who love being alone so I get it.
They argue that they are quite deeply committed. With no practical ties that bind – no mortgage, joint finances or shared children, often – they are only in it because they choose to be.

Good point.

I read the article and (unless I missed it) none of the couples are married. So this is just like being boyfriend and girlfriend with your own places, which is super normal and common to me.

Is sharing a home the new default for folks who aren't married? Is that why this is a big deal?

Interesting that the couples also don't seem to be as autonomous as I thought at first glance. One dude lives with his mom and multiple children and one is with roommates. And everyone is over 40 or close to it. Just an observation.

To answer the question...well, not sure if I can answer objectively. I'm not married, not looking to be, and will be ok if I never do. I'm an only child, live alone, and adore spending time by myself.

So, yeah, I think I might entertain this if I were married. But, again, I don't think I'm the norm.
I wouldn't have a problem with this. I'm not living with a man if we're not married. If/when I ever get married, the place will need to be at least 3 bedrooms so I can have space when I inevitably need it. I'm very introverted and can't stand too much social interaction, I'd lose my mind if I didn't at least have the illusion of disappearing for a while.
Would it FEEL different to those that say they'd do it, if the man proposes this living arrangement?
Right now, in this thread you say you'd do it but what if they beat you to it and offer that living arrangement? If I wanted it it's OK but if they wanted it, I'd be suspect lol
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This would work for me until marriage. Ince married we can each have our separate spaces. I want a meditation/yoga room. We could even have separate bedrooms as most men snore.