Knots in hair!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I'm noticing that I'm getting little knots in my hair. I've never had this problem before. I am relaxed and right now I'm 11 weeks post. Can someone tell me what might be causing this?
I was getting them too, when I wasn't keeping my 10-12 week Post Relaxed Hair Detangled or NG Moisturized enough.

I also learned after this last stretch to make sure I stay on top of removing shed hair.:yep:

The Shed Hair can sometimes become tangled & wrap around the rest of your strands, so keep your hair detangled and well moisturized.:ohwell:

I also learned that I do had to run a Wide tooth comb more often through my hair to also help prevent this from happening.:look:
I was experiencing this as well and was told to use Porosity Control...I tried it today and it seems like it helped detangle a little better but I will not be able to give a better review until I am at least 12 weeks post...that's when I have the worst time detangling (knots and all)
IA. This happen to me last year and I thought I was going to have to cut my hair due to sooo many knots/tangles. For me it was the shed hair, just make sure to stay on top of removing it. I had to use ALOT of V05 and EVOO to get the tangles out, but it worked..hth

I was getting them too, when I wasn't keeping my 10-12 week Post Relaxed Hair Detangled or NG Moisturized enough.

I also learned after this last stretch to make sure I stay on top of removing shed hair.:yep:

The Shed Hair can sometimes become tangled & wrap around the rest of your strands, so keep your hair detangled and well moisturized.:ohwell:

I also learned that I do had to run a Wide tooth comb more often through my hair to also help prevent this from happening.:look:
until I am at least 12 weeks post...that's when I have the worst time detangling (knots and all)

IA: Weeks 10+ is when you really have to get down to business as far as detangling, managing new growth, demarcation, protein, moisture, styling, basically overall Stretch Management:yep:

It's starts getting a little bit dicey.:look:
Thanks. I may have to start using porosity control again. I stopped and I have no idea why I stopped using it. I've never stretched past 10 weeks so this is all new to me. I haven't been combing my hair as much so shed hairs could be the problem. What are some good super duper detanglesr? lol
This is happening to me too. My hair has gotten thicker and now it knots up.

I'm trying to use a sulfate free shampoo because my scalp tends to itch. I may have to solely use Keracare Detangling shampoo.
When I was deep into my stretch I was getting the knots too.
I actually was starting to get some breakage from it so I got a relaxer.

I believe the knots occur when you don't comb through the new growth well enough or if it isn't moisturized.
Not detangling properly and keeping to a too low manipulation regi (not combing often) caused my knots. Now, I use the tangle teezer (TT) for detangling. Prior to using the TT, I wasn't detangling as good as I thought. The wide tooth comb wasn't removing all shed hairs. The comb simply bypassed and/or comb over some of the knots and shed hair, leaving the problem behind until next wash day. The TT actually gets all the shed hair out and the end result is nicely detangled hair.

I use to go days upon days without combing, in an effort to match the regis of other LHCF members. I quickly learned, that's not for me. I now comb every 2-3 days with a wide tooth comb and that works for me.
If you're talking about tangles (several strands knotted up) then you've been given reasons why this happens above. If you're talking about single strand knots (SSKs) or as some call them "pixie knots", they are typical of African hair probably because of the structure of the strand. Many people just ignore them coz they can happen in the middle of your strand; others cut them off, especially if near the ends of your strands. I guess it's a personal choice what to do with SSKs. I do find keeping hair braided/twisted make me not encounter them.

According to P&G Beauty & Grooming Science:
Knotting, associated with African hair...

...leads to breakdown:

Mwedzi posted pic(s) of what SSKs look like in real life: