Knock-off Designer Hair Products


New Member
Oh my! I just watched the local news program here and they had a story on about buying "designer products" in grocery or discount stores. (i.e. Paul Mitchell, TIGI, Texture, etc.). They said these products are usually contaminated, tampered with or very old. Paul Mitchell was interviewed and he said for example some of the hairsprays contain the drying type of alcohol as opposed to the moisturizing one. He said some of them don't even contain all of the ingredients that are on the label!!
The newsteam took some of these knockoff products to a lab to be tested and there were high levels of bacteria found in some of them. The lady said using them was the equivalent to putting raw sewage on your head.
. Paul Mitchell himself has actually sued some of these stores for selling these fake products that look exactly like his. They did describe one way to tell that you're buying an authentic Paul Mitchell product; they said the seam on the bottom of bottle is basically smooth and when sitting on a flat surface the bottles don't rock back and forth. They said the best way to assure you are getting the real thing is to purchase them from a salon.

Pretty harsh stuff! Just thought I'd share.

Thanks for posting this. There are phoney products out there it seems and after the discussions on this subject before, I won't buy high end products from drugstores again. Might as well be safe than sorry and know you are using the real thing.
Thanks JenJen,

I definately by high end products at the salon. Paul Mitchell products, in particular, are so incredibly expensive that I wouldn't take the chance of paying all of that money for something and having it be a fake.
I'd really be upset.
Oh, now I got you. You mean products that appear to be designer, but are at the Dollar store! Disregard my prior post. Thanks, though.