KLB Came Out of Surgery Just Fine!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Her bff called me to tell me that she came out of the surgery and it went smooth. She is in recovery now.

I will keep you updated on her condition.

Praise ye the Lord!

BTW: My computer keeps acting up, so if I don't come back in to respond, then I will let you all know tommorrow.
Thank you sis for posting this, precious Wavy...:kiss:

KLB and her Boo are precious to us. Give her my love when you're able to speak to her. I'll talk to her when she's up and around and feeling much stronger. :love3: Much love to all....

She was in alot of pain last night and this morning still. The medication for pain hasn't been working for her like it should, so hopefully the doctors will adjust the dosage.

Klb's bff is one of the sweetest people ever...she stayed with her all night last night and just left the hospital this morning. Thank God for good friends!

I told her bff to tell her that all the ladies here in the CF gives their love and their prayers.

Keep her in your prayers and pray that the pain diminishes soon.

I will keep you posted!

Loving you with the love of the Lord!

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I will pray for a speedy recovery for KLB! Hope her and lachen return soon!

Just for you KLB:
