Kiss Express Color - Anyone Tried It???


New Member
Hello Friends!!!

I just bought this for a little jazzy color for New Year's Eve and when I checked it out online..there ingredients and methodology was intense - good - but intense especially for a rinse...see below...a chock full of good stuff...

Per the instructions - they state not to use heat when processing as it is "designed to be used without heat" and not to exceed the processing time of 25 minutes (knowing I easily leave a rinse/semi-permanent on for more than an hour) - Never seen a temporary rinse quite like this before!!!...Thoughts???

Kiss Express Colors contains the extracts from the following fruit and herb. Their benefits are listed.

Horsetail ext - Astringent, Conditioning
Yarrow ext - Anti-Irritation, Astringent
Stinging Nettle ext - Hair Growth, Anti-Dandruff
Rosemary ext - Deodorant, Anti-Dandruff
Coltsfoot ext - Conditioning, Astringent
Mother of Thyme ext - Anti-Microbial, Anti-Oxidant
Birch ext - Astringent, Anti-Inflammatory
Bilberry ext - Anti-Microbial, Moisturizing
Orange ext - Moisturizing, Cell Activation
Sugar Cane ext - Moisturizing, Astringent
Lemon ext - Astringent, Cell Activation
Sugar Maple ext - Moisturizing

ETA: Other Ingredients as stated on bottle - Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Glycolic Acid, Aloe Vera Extract, Jojoba Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Tartarric Acid, Glycerin, Benzyl Alcohol, some other stuff but no mineral oils or cones...

Human hair protects itself well against chemical process due to its construction; however it can be easily damaged by physical means. When one has his / her hair cut, the ends gets split and after repeated use of dryer, alkali hair dye products, hair relaxer, permanent wave, direct sunlight or combing it gets even worse. Kiss Express Colors uses Natural Coating Protein extracted from marine resources to form strong hair coating. This process protects hair from outside physical damage such as Sunlight, Alkali Hair Dye Products, Hair Relaxer, and Permanent Wave.

Hair needs to maintain certain level of moisture just like skin to be moist and healthy. However, frequent use of heat styling products such as hair dryer vaporizes moisture, destroys nutrition inside hair, and severely damages cuticle which acts as a protective layer; thus making hair lose its health and glossiness. Kiss Express Colors combines Protein and Silicone, which are similar to the elements of natural hair, and activate Protein to combine with natural hair by heat produced by Hair Dryer. This makes Silicone to stick to the hair easier, thus preventing damage caused by heat using Hair Dryer after shampoo, and adding health and luster to hair.
The condition of hair can be affected greatly by its pH level. Healthy natural hair show pH level of 4.5 ~ 5.5. When pH level of hair goes higher, it is damaged easily because hair gets swelled. Kiss Express Colors has weak acid pH level of natural hair. Stressed out alkali hair, caused by repeated use of alkali chemical products can now be converted back to natural pH level by Kiss Express Colors, thus help maintaining natural and healthy state.
I have used it and I like it alot. I have never seen the info you were able to dig up so thanks for that.

I will say that the low pH it has was a great addition. Many rinses don't and that is why some irritate the scalp.
Gym - u are killin' me - u are going to have me looking like a child of the rainbow or something messin' with
Giiiiiirl.:eek: You got my heart beating fast. I got like 15 different colors under my sink of different rinses. I have Adore paprika in right now, but I'm loving that one too. I want to try them all except the blacks and browns.:lick:I think I'm going to be a color fanatic.:ohwell:
Giiiiiirl.:eek: You got my heart beating fast. I got like 15 different colors under my sink of different rinses. I have Adore paprika in right now, but I'm loving that one too. I want to try them all except the blacks and browns.:lick:I think I'm going to be a color fanatic.:ohwell:

Welcome to the dark side >>insert evil laugh<<

Leona, what I plan on doing, is every couple of months, use lumanize to just break the base of my hair so to speak so that my rinses take better. So much color, little time:grin:
Since we are talking color, I also like via. The colors are very vibrant and are good for toning other shades. My red permanent came out a little more plummy than I would have liked so I used Via in copper penny and pumpkin patch to help neutralize the plum.

Welcome to the dark side >>insert evil laugh<<

Leona, what I plan on doing, is every couple of months, use lumanize to just break the base of my hair so to speak so that my rinses take better. So much color, little time:grin:

That really works.:yep: Look at the pics below. The last 2 are from when I did the red luminize the first time and was dissappointed, but apparently the color was pretty good. The first two are when I did Adore rinse in paprika and then used clear luminizes on it all in the same day. Probably bad, but I love the results. I just did this a few days ago. I seen the KISS in the BSS, but not the Avatar. I love funky colors.



new color 1.jpg
Since we are talking color, I also like via. The colors are very vibrant and are good for toning other shades. My red permanent came out a little more plummy than I would have liked so I used Via in copper penny and pumpkin patch to help neutralize the plum.


The regular avatar line


You know I got a problem. I'm gonna need more storage.:nono: I'm into reds right now, but I can see loving the purples and pinks. The lime green was awesome.
I'm going to have to buy all this stuff online and send it to my mommas house. I be hiding little bottles of Jazzings in my purse, lol.
You know I got a problem. I'm gonna need more storage.:nono: I'm into reds right now, but I can see loving the purples and pinks. The lime green was awesome.

Go head and get your color on. The great thing about rinses is that if you don't like it, you don't really have to worry because you won't be stuck with it too long. I need to refresh my color. I was going to just rinse it dark brown for a while but I might swing by the store tomorrow and look one more time at the avatar reds.

My husband is the reason for this latest color. He was teasing about how he couldn't see the rinse. I had to show him didn't I?:rolleyes: well it was an excellent excuse to try it. I pretended to be so upset that I mixed the luminize and carefully applied it to this small sectioned off portion, lol. :lachen:Premeditated anger. :lachen:
My husband is the reason for this latest color. He was teasing about how he couldn't see the rinse. I had to show him didn't I?:rolleyes: well it was an excellent excuse to try it. I pretended to be so upset that I mixed the luminize and carefully applied it to this small sectioned off portion, lol. :lachen:Premeditated anger. :lachen:

:lachen::lachen: I like the way you think. I bet you already had planned out what section you were going to try didn't you.
Kiss is my all time favorite rinse:yep::yep::yep:
I'v been using rinses since high school,and this is the best!
My hair feels so sessy after i use this stuff.I use their clear rinse to add to a dc a lot.I tried it with jazzings and my hair felt like hot crap on a platter:nono::nono:
I was so pissed!So i went out and bought a Kiss rinse in a reddish color(can't remember the name).
I liked it,but i think i want my own color right now,just enhanced,so i'll go get some more of the clear later today.
Also,i noticed that a lot of the rinses in the bss don't have ingredients listed:ohwell:
This is what alarmed me about the Jazzings which i still bought like a dumas:look:,and this is also what led me back to Kiss.I love that their ingredients are on the bottle.Very helpful:yep: