Well-Known Member
I can give credit when credit is due. She has made some really nice progress with her hair. However, it's her response to comments like the one below that has a tendency to put people off.
I love your videos and the info you provide, but I don't get why it takes 2.5 hours to apply Kinky Curly. The owner of the product, Shelley Davis has wayyy longer hair and it doesn't take her that long. She has video on youtube of her applying the Kinky Curly Curling Custard. I even use Kinky Curly and I have long hair and it doesn't take me 2.5 hours just to put the product on my hair. Sorry, I just don't get. Are you applying on super duper tiny strands of hair?
latrice1123 1 week ago
If I said it took me 2.5 hours, that is how long it took. I don't "get" your suspicions.
How ever long it takes Shelly Davis to apply it to her hair, has nothing to do with mine. She never even mentions how long it takes her. I have video footage from mine.
FYI: Hair LENGTH is just one attribute. The kinky TEXTURE, DENSITY & how gently you handle your hair will affect how long it takes to apply this product.
Is this subject so serious that we need private investigators?
kimmaytube 5 days ago
Off topic but I have a clinical instructor who is JUST like this. OMG you ask her a question about a patient and that response above is her response on a good day

Back to the topic her hair is beautiful though.