Kim Clements Prophetic word concerning OBAMA!!!


Well-Known Member
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 1:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: March 29, 08--Obama Prophecy
Here is the transcribed and APPROVED Obama prophecy that Kim gave in Harrisburg, PA.

God says, "There is a sway in the political arena; a change in your political world. Enough of this discussion about Jeremiah Wright." God said, "This makes no difference. It is a spirit that has endeavored to rock and sway the people and to divide them." God said, "I will sway it next week. Yes, I will, and because of Pennsylvania, I will raise up the man I want," says the Lord, "to rule and to reign and to declare victory in the Middle East."
We declare victory in the Middle East tonight. We declare victory in America tonight.
For the Spirit of God says, "Hear, oh people of Zion. Those who have been afraid in Zion, those who have been afraid in this nation--fear not! For your news media has intimidated you, and therefore, it is My turn. Next week, I will arise. I will change everything."
For they have unfairly spoken against an African man, and I'm not talking about Jeremiah Wright; I'm talking about Obama. For God said, "Even though you may think this or that, there is an element of righteousness inside of him to reach out for Jesus. Therefore, I will sway it next week," says the Spirit of God, "and I will cause My man, My power--to exalt in the White House what is necessary to declare victory. For this time, I shall rise up and I shall make known who I am in a way that I have never done it in this nation," says the Lord.
For the Spirit of God says, "Do not say, 'Is it this one or is it that one?' Hear me out. I am raising up My mantle, My voice. This nation shall be awakened to a spiritual activity that has been dead for 42 years. Listen to Me," says the Lord. "I will take over in a way and in a fashion that will bring a force of spiritual unity in this nation for the first time. You can believe it or not. I will take white and I will take African, and I will bring a unity in the Church between the two of them," says the Spirit of God.
This night in America and in this next week, God has informed us to "watch" as He unfolds and reveals things so you will know that your nation has not been set aside for division and discord; but a time in the Church where African-American, where white or Caucasian, where Hispanic and every race in this nation under the spiritual guidance of the Spirit within a midst of war and division--will bring them to a place of unity.
And God said, "Where one race stood on the steps and covered the fields with million-men marches and Jesus proclamations, there shall be one of the greatest gatherings at the Capitol that you have ever seen," says the Spirit of God. "This time it shall not be black, it shall not be white, it shall not be Hispanic, it shall not be from this or that belief, but there shall be a unified sound. Two years from now, where they will hear the sounds of faith and unity and within this next reign, there will be laws that will be changed in favor of the most High God. Not because of Democrat, not because of Republican, but because of spiritual unity and intervention. I will bring you out of what they call 'a recession' into your highest economy that you've ever had in your next four years," says the Spirit of God. "Do not think it impossible, for it shall be so."
"The gatekeepers (I am speaking of) of this nation are the spiritual leaders--the Apostles and the Prophets, the Teachers, the Evangelists, the Pastors"
"For the gatekeepers of this nation are not the Mayors nor the Senators. The gatekeepers of this nation are not the Congressmen or the Congresswomen. Yes, they are gatekeepers but the gatekeepers (I am speaking of) of this nation are the spiritual leaders--the Apostles and the Prophets, the Teachers, the Evangelists, the Pastors that I've raised up. And there shall be a sound of unity that will call from Heaven the manifestation of God as it has never been in this nation. Get ready for your sons and your daughters who will prophesy just like Joel said in the last days. In the last days your sons and your daughters, they shall be prophets and prophetesses and your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall have visions. This is that time," says the Lord of hosts.
"Let not your opinion cloud your spiritual mind. You say, 'What are you saying?'" The Spirit of God says, "Call them not denominations, rather abominations, for I am not speaking of these that have built walls. I'm speaking of the true warriors that shall sway the political field; that will sway the justice. It shall be more than a million gathered; more than a million gathered!" And God said, "They shall say, 'Washington, what is this? This is a sound that we have never heard before.'"
And God said, "I will take the entire Northeast and I will shake it and the double portion that I promised upon the Elisha generation shall be released. Do not say we are in recession, for I will take the oil crisis and bring it to an end, and the rapidity of it shall take place because of the unity of the saints and the unity of the gatekeepers. Get ready, for what you have seen on the television regarding Jeremiah Wright and everybody else is not for evil, but for good. I will turn it around and bring unity in My house," says the Lord of Hosts.
"Your present President will not leave his office or his term in shame. There will be a very precise vindication of numerous things that were scorned, that were mocked by men, that thought they knew but understood nothing. And when the baton is handed over," God said, "there shall be no fear in the nation." Now take that and be secure.
I speak not as a politician tonight. I speak to you as a prophetic voice. Not tolerated, but celebrated by the people. Stand firm, you and your house will serve the Lord. And as the prophet Joel said in the last days, your sons and your daughters... sons and daughters are being raised up to prophesy and to have visions. Old men to dream the dreams. That mantle has been cast upon the Church. Therefore, I would say your time of acceleration has reached its peak. You're taking off!

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: [email protected]
Thanks gn1g for sharing this. :bighug:

I know you'll understand when I say this. But I hesitate with prophesies until they bear witness in my spirit.

While I 'believe' that our next president is Obama, none of us will 'know' the outcome until it really happens.

Have a wonderful and blessed day angel. You did a good thing to post this; as it keeps us in 'prayer' for this country, needed all the more.
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww.... I just read this to my my mom and thats what she said. I WILL be watching.
Here's an article that I found. I'm not out to 'cast doubt' nor to disrespect Kim Clements. I'd love to see 'his' prophesy regarding President Obama come to pass, yet my heart says, 'Be Still"....

Kim Clements Latest Prophecy

by Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!

Several people have asked me about a prophecy that is circulating from Kim Clement regarding the recent destruction of New Orleans. Here is the “prophecy” as Clement claims it was given

On July 22nd, 2005, while in Texas ministering, I received a word from the Spirit which was spoken publicly at Christian Life Center in Humble, TX.

Here is the word:

Servants of God; Gatekeepers of New Orleans:

"Enough of past curses reminding you of yesterday’s failures. Enough of New Orleans and its treachery. Enough of stealing the Ark of the Covenant from my people just because you had those surrounding you that had no faith. Caleb said "we are able to take this land;" Joshua said "we are able to take this land." But ten voices arose against the Lord God. And they would stone my servant Moses and say let us stone them and raise up another leader so that we may go back to Egypt. Would you go back to your dung? Would you go back to your vomit?

O New Orleans God speaks to you from Houston tonight and says enough of this! For a judgment is coming says the Spirit of the Lord, and I will take the men that have stood in faith, raise them above the flood that shall destroy those that constantly bicker and stand against my servant Moses, or my servant Bilbo. I want you to understand there are great men in New Orleans that have faith, but you have been set aside not to lose but to win.

Enough of this! For I will take the curses and the bodies will even rise and they will come forth on the water, but I will keep you and the stench of death will only last a few days. And then what I promised two years ago will come to pass for August, September and October of this year I made a promise it would happen, and God said be strengthened now, be strengthened now, for enough is enough says the Lord."

First of all I will give Clement the benefit of the doubt and assume that he actually did speak these words publicly even though it was not posted on his website with his other prophecies until after the fact. I would also like to add that predicting a flood for New Orleans is like predicting an earthquake in California or a tornado in Texas. Your chances of being correct eventually are pretty much 100%

So, does this validate Clement as a true prophet of God? I’ll let you decide.

Let’s start by looking at some other Clement prophecies. Here’s one from last year

Prophecy given by Kim Clement in Utica New York, January 10, 2004
Al Qaeda shall be exposed shortly. There has been a threat that has come from them and there has been a threat spoken out by Osama bin Laden that within 35 days the USA shall experience a catastrophic event. But even as I brought out the other rogue from the hole in the ground, in the same period that bin Laden predicted catastrophe against this nation, I shall bring him forth, I shall raise him out of his own hiding place, and I will bring him to a place of accountability.”

Did this event come to pass?

January 12, 2004 on TBN, Clement restated the Utica NY prophecy and expanded it to include the following

The Spirit said to me, "Take note of the digits on your clock (3:11) when you first awakened." An unfolding of many thoughts came to me after I heard this. I know these thoughts were for the purpose of me entering into a greater level of prayer and intercession. God told me that March 11, 2004 would be the beginning of an unusual chain of events in the Kingdom of God. He spoke about that day being the unveiling of mysteries and revelations that would affect the following areas over a period of time:

Political events that will bring a period of peace for the USA
Hidden agendas exposed and a shaking of terrorist activities in a big way
Unusual access into secular arenas for the purpose of evangelism
Medical discoveries that will affect the following diseases: Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, a lung disease, and a rare bone disease
Unusual spiritual manifestations in spiritually uninhabited places with mass responses due to media coverage of these events

Kingdom appearances in church meetings (churches that are hungry for fresh things from God will "tarry" until these Kingdom manifestations actually take place. ...Regarding "Kingdom appearances," I was taken to Matthew 17:2-3. Jesus transfigured before them and they saw Him in an appearance that they had never seen before. I believe that these appearances will carry the church into a period of prophetic revelation which will not only unleash ideas, strategies, and inventions, but an overwhelming outpouring of miracles which will manifest without man's command. )
March 11 will begin disclosures in political circles, and the President will have to use a firm hand against internal enemies

Cain will be exposed (Ministries that attempted to "destroy and kill" their brothers because of jealousy, accusation, and hatred, will be banished for a season until they are humble again.

"Finally, I saw March 11 as the "beginning of the end" of major terrorist leaders and movements. God will bring them out and will display them before the world. Even though there will always be terror, hatred, aversion, and attacks against Christian Nations, there will be a reluctance to use modern methods of attack in such a violent way against this generation of believers and leaders. However, God has a plan to demote them, but that will be revealed later on.

When the 35 days came and went without the capture or death of bin Laden, Clement first tried to claim that the term “bring him forth” did not necessarily mean capture. Then he issued the following clarification.

Not once did I say that the 35-day period would begin from January 10 or 12. It clearly says that as bin Laden put a time limit on his attack on the USA, God has placed that same time period upon him. However, there is a deadline and from what I can gather from the utterance, Easter is the time to celebrate this victory.

On March 5th he wrote: "We do know from this word that the specific time period would be linked to March 11 and Easter. We also know that God has indicated that OBL will be uncovered. In baited expectation, we look forward to the season ahead of us, anticipating the wonderful things that God has promised for both our personal lives, the nations of the earth, and specifically the United States of America."

First it was 35 days from either Jan 10 or 12. That would have put the bin Laden event around Feb 14-16 2004. Nothing happened. Then it was March 11 and Easter. Apparently the god that Clement hears from cannot read a calendar because Easter 2004 was on April 11 not March 11. But something important did happen on March 11. Do you know what it was?

On March 11 2004 almost 200 people died when terrorists bombed several trains in Madrid. Was this the "beginning of the end of major terrorist leaders and movements” as Clement had claimed?

OK, lets move ahead to Easter Sunday April 11 2004. Clement said “…there is a deadline and from what I can gather from the utterance, Easter is the time to celebrate this victory.

Sunday, April 11, 2004: U.S. military says 16 troops killed in past 3 days.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The deaths of two U.S. Army pilots Sunday and the announcement of eight additional American military deaths in Iraq pushed the total number of troops killed there since Friday to 16, according to U.S. Central Command.

Is this the victory that Clement said we should celebrate on Easter? Was any of this from God or was it perhaps a vision of Clements own heart. What does God’s word have to say about this?

Jer 14:13-14
Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.

Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

I have kept copies of many of Clements prophecies over the years and I can tell you that what I have chronicled above is only the tip of the iceberg. For every one prophecy he seems to get right there are many that are absolutely without question false. For more of Clements false prophecies see Bob Hunters excellent site The Contenders

Some people excuse this by saying that a New Testament prophet is under a different anointing than an Old Testament prophet. They say that a New Testament prophet doesn’t always have to get it 100% correct. Somehow under the better covenant we cannot expect 100% accuracy. Many use 1Cor 13:9 to legitimize today’s false prophets.

1Cor 13:9
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

To prophesy in part, they say means that we sometimes mix error with truth or that our own flesh gets in the way. They say that because we now live in a covenant of grace we must excuse those who make “mistakes” when speaking for God.

Well I say that is a lie, spoken by liars, to cover up for other liars!

The word translated ‘part’ is the Greek word meros {mer'-os} which means, one of the constituent parts of a whole, in a measure, to some degree.

What this means is that when God gives a prophecy it is usually only a piece of the complete picture. There is no evidence to indicate that this scripture validates false or untrue prophecy uttered in the name of God. Let me give you an example from scripture.

In Acts 21 we have the story of a prophet named Agabus who prophesied to Paul about his upcoming trip to Jerusalem.

And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. Acts 21:11

That is all Agabus told Paul. He prophesied in part. He only gave Paul a small piece of the picture. At that point Paul did not know what the outcome of this event would be. It could have meant his death, but from that little piece of prophecy Paul had to decide whether or not he would obey God.

Has God ever done that to you? Has he ever given you one step and waited to see if you would obey him before revealing more of his plan to you?

In the case of Paul we know that ultimately this event led to Paul being able to preach the gospel in Rome which was God’s purpose all along. So Agabus prophesied in part but he did not prophecy falsely! Everything he told Paul came to pass exactly as he said it would. Read it for yourself in Acts 21:30-33.

There is no evidence anywhere in the New Testament of anyone prophesying falsely and that false prophesy being excused by God. Let me say this plainly. Anyone claiming to speak for God had better be sure he is hearing from God or else he should keep his mouth shut!

Now, I understand that some prophesy can be conditional. God gave prophecies in the Old Testament that were warnings of what would happen unless the people repented. In some cases the people repented and God delayed or canceled the prophesied judgment. Jonah’s prophesy to Nineveh would be an example of this.

But most so called prophets today are not giving conditional prophecies. Most aren’t even giving prophecies of judgment at all but rather ear tickling talk of all the wonderful things God is going to do for us because we are so good and holy. I fear for these people. There is absolutely no fear of God before them. They say thus sayeth the Lord without a second thought as to the actual source of what they are saying. If they do not repent they are bound for destruction.
Last part....

There is one other aspect to this that I need to mention.

If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deut 13:1-3

Kim Clement fits the above scripture to a tee. God himself sends false prophets like Clement to test us, to see of we are going to follow Gods word or the false word of the prophet.

Clement sometimes gives signs or dreams that seem to come to pass. But he also preaches a false gospel which is what God is saying when he warns ‘Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known’. Clement does not believe that the preaching of the cross is the way to win people to Christ.

Here are some quotes from one of Clements appearances on TBN.

” The church, with its prophetic mantle can actually win a lot more people to the Lord because of the idea that we are presenting right now, and that is that every one of you were born and formed and sent upon by God for something great. The prophetic makes you aware of something that is already present in you that you've not seen……. Everyone that's born, God has placed something special inside. It's our responsibility as preachers of the New Millennium to bring out the treasure that's already there……….. I'm telling you there's going to be some ignoramuses coming to meetings, into our meetings, the New Millennium church, that's not focusing on the sin and trying to force them to repent and make them afraid because they're going to go to hell, and they're going to discover 'there's a glory, there's a beauty inside of me' that only Christ can bring out by the power of His breath and His resurrection. And that's what way the church is going

Does scripture actually teach that every one was formed by God for something great?

Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: Rom 9:21-22

Does scripture teach that there is something special inside us, a treasure that must be brought out?

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing:…….
Rom 7:18

Am I an ignoramus as Clements claims for telling people that except they repent of their sin they are bound for hell?

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1Cor 1:18

On a personal note I have attended a Kim Clement ‘Prophetic Gathering’ as he calls it and I can tell you that it felt more like a demonic gathering than anything else. The entire ‘service’ was man centered, not God centered. What he called praise and worship was never directed toward God but was all about man. All about our great power. All about our great anointing. All about our great warfare against the devil. It was all very dark (both figuratively and literally) with lots of repetitive chanting and calling forth of spirits. It was almost hypnotic and the people just ate it up.

Today many are called prophet’s and many claim to operate in the gift of prophecy. Most are nothing more than religious fortune tellers. Like the popular false prophets of the Old Testament they tell the people and the leaders what they want to hear. They talk of America’s greatness. They flatter religious leaders, telling them how God is going to use them in ever greater ways. They tickle the ears of the people with stories of material wealth and abundance that will soon be released to them. They are liars and unless they repent they are bound for hell.

The office of the prophet exists to call the people back to proper worship of a holy God. The true prophet of God always warns people of God’s righteous judgment. He always calls them back to repentance. His words are usually harsh and sometimes seem to be unloving. He rarely has good things to say about individuals or about society. He is usually seen as some type of crank or bitter doctrinaire legalist. He is always greatly outnumbered by the false prophets and in most cases the true prophet ends up dying a martyrs death.
Jer 14:15
Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

Anybody still want to be a prophet?

Steve Lumbley 2005
This article may be reproduced and distributed free of charge as long as it remains in its original form.
Angels, I don't what's troubling me about this prophesy....I truly don't. I do not profess to have 'special' gifts of knowledge. I dunno :nono: I guess I'm simply taking heed to God's word, to be vigilant.... on guard, for satan roams seeking whom he may devour.

We shouldn't be too lax -- thinking it's 'safe'. The enemy wants to catch us off guard.
thank you for the post. We can do nothing more than watch and pray.:yep: I'll be honest, my spirit didn't receive it, but I'll pray for God's discernment..if it doesn't come to pass, he is not a prophet of God! I will, like Shimmie, read up more on him...
What makes it an "Approved" prophecy, anyway? :S I did a google on his name alone and the second website, right after his own, was this... Hmm...
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Thanks for the information Shimmie. That "prophecy" didn't sound like it was from God :nono:, but it's good to have back-up info. on the history of this so called prophet.

Sorry OP. I know you meant well when you posted this :yep:.
This prophetic is awesome and so glad he spoke this word. God is going to have his way. Thanks for sharing and for us who have been praying for Obama this is very encouraging.
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This prophetic is awesome and so glad he spoke this word. God is going to have his way. Thanks for sharing and for us who have been praying for Obama this is very encouraging.

I don't know of any prophet that has a 100% accuracy record, in this day.
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I surely hope the part about the economy and the oil prices is true.

yea i hear u. asking for EVERYTHING to come true would be a perfect world, and nothing is perfect. But hey... i hope the oil prices and the economy improves as well... I hope the OBAMA part is true too :yep: cuz lord knows I want him to win.
I don't know of any prophet that has a 100% accuracy record.

Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. Not trying to be argumentative but the Bible is very clear that if a person is a TRUE prophet of God they will have a 100% track record. The punishment was death for someone who claimed a prophesy came from the Lord when it came from their own minds. God is VERY serious about false prophets.:nono:
Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. Not trying to be argumentative but the Bible is very clear that if a person is a TRUE prophet of God they will have a 100% track record. The punishment was death for someone who claimed a prophesy came from the Lord when it came from their own minds. God is VERY serious about false prophets.:nono:

I totally agree. It's a serious thing to say that you are speaking on behalf of God. God is not a man that He should lie, so everything He says is true. So if someone is claiming to be speaking from God then everything they say should be true (since it's technically God speaking through them).
I always get turned off when modern day "prophets" try to do the whole political prophecy thing. I always feel like it is so easy to "hear" something out of your own spirit that you want to happen.

I just don't see God telling ONE man the bizness. I'd rather just wait for the real outcome.
I am only saying i need to see this happen, because kim clement came to a former church of mine about 2-3 yrs ago and said God was going to take the usa off oil and give us a new energy source, and i was under the assumption after hearing him that it would happen in the nxt two yrs, even though i can't quote that, i am still waiting to see that happen....
I am only saying i need to see this happen, because kim clement came to a former church of mine about 2-3 yrs ago and said God was going to take the usa off oil and give us a new energy source, and i was under the assumption after hearing him that it would happen in the nxt two yrs, even though i can't quote that, i am still waiting to see that happen....

I've heard other prophets say that as well.
i heard kim a few times actually, im still waiting to see. I do think that if someone says God said something it has to happen or else God didn't say it.? Right?
We are the "gatekeepers" and must guard our spirit...for out of it flows the issues of life!

That should be with every area of our lives, not just in the things that we see and hear everyday from others.

Don't discount the prophesy...just watch to see if it will come to pass.
There have been prophetic words spoken that I have seen come to pass in my life where I thought it would be within a certain time period, and it came to pass when I wasn't "looking" for it.

We too must "watch what comes out of our mouths" as well. My spirit is heavy about much today....:ohwell:
Ladies, I'm so sorry if I've casted a 'shadow' over ths thread. It wasn't my intention. I'm just being 'cautious', that's all.

I pray God's blessings over each of you, no matter what the outcome of this phophecy is. You each deserve only the best and that's what I'm praying for each of you. :giveheart:
Ladies, I'm so sorry if I've casted a 'shadow' over ths thread. It wasn't my intention. I'm just being 'cautious', that's all.

I pray God's blessings over each of you, no matter what the outcome of this phophecy is. You each deserve only the best and that's what I'm praying for each of you. :giveheart:

In my famous Gary Coleman's voice..."what you talkin about, Shimmie?"

Girl, you did not cast a shadow in this thread. You were right on target by sharing this. You are wise, sis....wise!
I don't know of any prophet that has a 100% accuracy record, in this day.

Yes, the word says prophecy comes in part..." The rest is faith but whatever comes from God must be manifested if we have faith. The prophetic gives us insight to what is on God's mind.
Yes, the word says prophecy comes in part..." The rest is faith but whatever comes from God must be manifested if we have faith. The prophetic gives us insight to what is on God's mind.

That why I will always find it difficult to operate in the prophetic even when being called in that area. I know that God tells me to get over it but sometimes it just hard when you know people wont receive what you have to say. Prayfully I will get to the point where I will just say what God tells me to say and if the person doesn't have the heart to receive it, the burden lies with them. I've said what God told me to say and that is it.
I've been doing some studies on apostle and prophets, prophetic people and false prophets etc and uuuunnnnnfortunatly Kim fits in the false prophet category.
I've been doing some studies on apostle and prophets, prophetic people and false prophets etc and uuuunnnnnfortunatly Kim fits in the false prophet category.


My alarms go up when I meet anyone who claims to be a prophet. I met one my whole life and she was legit and wasn't out for money. She used her gifts to help people and bring them to God.

There is actually a great youtuber by the name of Ringo who has some amazing videos on false prophets.

Here is one he did on Kim Clements