Kids Vitamins


New Member
Okay, so I have a 2 year old niece and she obviously has kids vitamins. I was looking the other day at her Centrum Kids vitamins to see what’s in them, and I was amazed at how many wonderful vitamins it contained. It even has Vitamin K. That’s one of the most difficult vitamins to find. I haven’t even found it in regular stores where they sell vitamins (i.e. Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Walgreens, Vitamin Shoppe). Anyway, do any of you ladies take childrens’ vitamins and if so, what brands? Thanks!
Yes, I take Flintstones vitamins because I can't swallow pills and I realized they had the same things as the adult ones.:grin:
I take The Land Before Time Children's Complete Chewables (vits & mins). I take these because I cannot take large pills, and because regular vitamins smell like feet.

These don't have Vitamin K in them unless it goes by some other name. I get em at Wal-Greens, they are on sale this week BOGO free for the 60 count. HTH