Kid relaxer on adult hair


New Member
Has anyone used a kids relaxer for their hair? I was using the texture softner for awhile and I love how soft it made my hair feel, but I am ready to go back to relaxers, I want my hair straight again. I was thinking about using a childs relaxer thinking it may be milder and healthier for my hair...does anyone else do this and what relaxer do you use?
I was using PCJ mild and my hair :love: it! My stylist used it in my hair first, when I dyed my hair and after that I used it at home when I self-relaxed. I noticed that my hair had more body and was less dry.
I used it once back in the day, It got my hair straight but I have fine hair. I dont know if it has different strengths tho
Kids relaxers are just as strong as adult relaxers. It's the same thing just in a different package.

OMG...I hate to be confrontational but I tell people this all the time. Just stand in the store and compare the ingredient list. It is the same thing , they just package it differently to make people think that it is milder and gentler and made especially for children. They are very successful because so many that I know that relax think they are better off because they use a "childrens relaxer" . If they can make lye less caustic they should do that in every relaxer.

If they did I may consider going back to relaxer . I don't think so!!

No offense meant. When I had a relaxer I enjoyed it, it just caught up with me.