Luxury bacon
Thank you SOOOOO much for this, Sheba! I've suffered a lot of heat damage recently, and that teflon tape would really ease my fears. And I love that Bing trick, thanks for sharing! 8% sure beats the 2% I get with Ebates.Check out this thread, Mstar: The Truth About Flat Irons
I learned this trick from Fab. Do a search on for "camera". Click on the link that says to get 8% cash back (sometimes more) from ebay. Click on the ebay link and then search for Croc 2. If you get it from ebay you should be able to get your Croc2 from a trusted seller for $85 and get 8% cash back. You just have to pay with paypal.
I love my Croc2 but since you already have a titanium iron, I would probably just get me that teflon tape that improves any iron for BKT use. Don'tspeakdefeat wrapped that teflon tape around her $300 flat iron to improve it so I'm gonna put it on my Croc and see what I think. LInk to it is below. She said she replaces it every 6 months.
AtlantaJJ, I have a Karmin titanium flat iron. I got it after seeing someone's results on this forum using it to straighten their natural 4b hair. I could only find it at one site online (and the site was flled with hundreds of what I presume are fake reviews--if there were really 300 satisfied customers, I should've been able to find some reviews on other sites besides the one selling the iron.) Anyways, it seems to be okay, but I wouldn't really know because I have nothing to compare it to. (Btw, I ended up getting a Rusk ceramic blow dryer at TJ Maxx yesterday, and I'll test drive it tomorrow.)