It's been about 3 weeks since my last Marcia T Advanced, and I'm experiencing much more reversion at the roots than I'd like.
This is only a problem for me because I'm wearing a straight weave, and I need my hair to blend without using too much heat.
This is a big change from the straightness I experienced with my first treatment. I have pinpointed two possible reasons for this:
1) I suspect that the first treatment was done on 450, even though I asked the stylist to use 430. I experienced a lot of split ends and damage on the ends of my hair. This second BKT was done on damage, but not too much straightness, either.
2) I did a henna treatment before my first BKT. Henna loosens my texture a lot, and it probably worked in concert with the BKT to give me smooth, straight hair.
So I'm going to redo it.
First I will do a henna, then wait a week and do the MTA on my
roots only, at 450. My weave is absolutely beautiful (best I've ever had), and I'm hoping this will allow me to enjoy it for the rest of the summer, without worrying about puffy roots.
(ETA: I might strip the BKT with sulfates and salt before doing the henna. :scratchch It's only a tiny horseshoe at my hairline.)