KeraSmooth, similar to BKT but better!!!


New Member
I originally created a thread yesterday about Kerasmooth and before I could reply to your posts, it was closed :perplexed. I went to reply to some your responses and I read the rest of the responses. You are guys are funny. My intentions for this thread was to give insight and share my thoughts on the product and the hair salon. But some where it took a left turn. But its OK. Now the thread is closed ( I wonder why?). Anyway I still wanted to answer some of the questions that came up. So here are some answers. I am not starting this thread with the intentions of having a debate about BKT, relaxers, etc. So let's not get off topic.

1. What makes Kerasmooth better than BKT?

Kerasmooth doesn't have formaldahyde, aldahyde or ether . From what I know this chemical is harmful. Also, Kerasmooth takes half the time to apply as the BKT. It is also cheaper.

2. Can you DIY?
I am sure you can, but I do not know. That is just my opinion. The stylist told me she went to a class for it. So I really don't know. I know some ppl put the BKT themselves, so I am sure you can DIY.

3. How much does it cost?
At the salon, I paid $90. That's it. I know BKT cost over $100. I know you can by Kerasmooth online. I did a quick search online and found it for $40.

4. Can it be applied to relaxed hair?
No, it cannot. But there are 2 types of formulas. One for virgin/resistant hair and the other for chemically treated hair. I am sure this is because the virgin/resistant formula is stronger. With the chemically treated formula you apply part of the treatment to the NG and another part to the previously relaxed hair.

5. Is it applied the same way as BKT?

I never had a BKT done, but from what I read, yes. It is applied in a similar fashion. Clarify first, apply product, wait, wash out, blow dry and flat iron. But the process is shorter than the BKT, half the time. This is partly due to the flat ironing. With the BKT you have to use smaller sections of hair and the flat iron has to pass x amount of times.

5. Is it permanent?
No, it is not. Results last up to 12 weeks.

Ok I believe that's it. Thanks to everyone who said they were happy for me. I appreciate that. I was struggling for a little bit. And yes, I did go to Dominican Essence in Brooklyn. And like I said before the hair stylist was very knowledgeable, helpful. and nice. And my hair has no breakage whatsoever. I am still trying to figure out how to post pics but I will get there soon.

Here is the link to the website:
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Great job answering the questions! which one did u get done? The one for virgin hair or for chemically treated?
I originally created a thread yesterday about Kerasmooth and before I could reply to yuor posts, it was closed :perplexedOk, so I went to reply to some your responses and I read the rest of the responses. You are guys are funny. My intentions for this thread was to give insight and share my thoughts on the product and the hair salon. But some where it took a left turn. But its OK. Now the thread is closed ( I wonder why?). Amyway I still wanted to answer some of the questions that came up. So here are some answers. I am not starting this thread with the intentions of having a debate or BKT, relaxers, etc. So let's not get off topic.

1. What makes Kerasmooth better than BKT?

Kerasmooth doesn't have formaldahyde, aldahyde or ether . From what I know this chemical is harmful. Also, Kerasmooth takes half the time to apply as the BKT. It is also cheaper.

2. Can you DIY?
I am sure you can, but I do not know. That is just my opinion. The stylist told me she went to a class for it. So I really don't know. I know some ppl put the BKT themselves, so I am sure you can DIY.

3. How much does it cost?
At the salon, I paid $90. That's it. I know BKT cost over $100. I know you can by Kerasmooth online. I did a quick search online and found it for $40.

4. Can it be applied to relaxed hair?
No, it cannot. But there are 2 types of formulas. One for virgin/resistant hair and the other for chemically treated hair. I am sure this is because the virgin/resistant formula is stronger. With the chemically treated formula you apply part of the treatment to the NG and another part to the previously relaxed hair.

5. Is it applied the same way as BKT?

I never had a BKT done, but from what I read, yes. It is applied in a similar fashion. Clarify first, apply product, wait, wash out, blow dry and flat iron. But the process is shorter than the BKT, half the time. This is partly due to the flat ironing. With the BKT you have to use smaller sections of hair and the flat iron has to pass x amount of times.

5. Is it permanent?
No, it is not. Results last up to 12 weeks.

Ok I believe that's it. Thanks to everyone who said they were happy for me. I appreciate that. I was struggling for a little bit. And yes, I did go to Dominican Essence in Brooklyn. And like I said before the hair stylist was very knowledgeable, helpful. and nice. And my hair has no breakage whatsoever. I am still trying to figure out how to post pics but I will get there soon.

Here is the link to the website:

Ohhhhhh, this is the BioIonic. This has been around since the early 90's. I had this in my hair for about 4 years until some stupid stylist thought I was lying about having it in my hair and tried to sneak a regular relaxer in my hair and everything but the newgrowth melted off. :perplexed That is what brought me to LHCF back then. The original Bio Ionic was a thermal reconditioner like the Japanese Straightening Systems. That's why the stylist (wyt girl) thought I was lying because she was told that it wouldn't work on black hair. My hair was the thickest and healthiest when I had this. And yes I eventually ended up doing it myself. It is very easy to do and you can buy everything you need off ebay. For the first time I would suggest having it done professionally so you can watch what they do and how they do it. After that I'd say you're ready to go solo. When I first got it my then stylist (Cuban guy) had me plan for it. He had me grow out my relaxer for about six months so there was a clear indication of where the virgin hair was and where the relaxed hair started. This is very important because the two different chemicals in the bioionic and a regular relaxer DO NOT MIX!!!!! This is very important to stress. At that time the Bionic cost around $300 to do in a salon, and about $50 to do yourself at home.

Now is this Kerasmooth just a new name or a completely different product than the original Bioionic? One other thing, the BioIonic was permanent and would remove ALL the curl from your hair permanently. There is no reversion. Even wet hair will be straight wet and will dry straight. I'm wondering if this Kerasmooth is just a reformulation so the process will not be permanent.
PurAngl, you do what works for you. All you can do is make the board aware of their options. They are free to do whatever they want with the information. I don't necessarily do everything suggested here but I'm thankful to anyone who make me aware of something I didn't know.
I am glad you were able to repost about this :) I called a salon yesterday about this... and boy :rolleyes: I got the whole "This won't work on black hair" speech......

Where I live I would be doing it at home for sure......
Ohhhhhh, this is the BioIonic. This has been around since the early 90's. I had this in my hair for about 4 years until some stupid stylist thought I was lying about having it in my hair and tried to sneak a regular relaxer in my hair and everything but the newgrowth melted off. :perplexed That is what brought me to LHCF back then. The original Bio Ionic was a thermal reconditioner like the Japanese Straightening Systems. That's why the stylist (wyt girl) thought I was lying because she was told that it wouldn't work on black hair. My hair was the thickest and healthiest when I had this. And yes I eventually ended up doing it myself. It is very easy to do and you can buy everything you need off ebay. For the first time I would suggest having it done professionally so you can watch what they do and how they do it. After that I'd say you're ready to go solo. When I first got it my then stylist (Cuban guy) had me plan for it. He had me grow out my relaxer for about six months so there was a clear indication of where the virgin hair was and where the relaxed hair started. This is very important because the two different chemicals in the bioionic and a regular relaxer DO NOT MIX!!!!! This is very important to stress. At that time the Bionic cost around $300 to do in a salon, and about $50 to do yourself at home.

Now is this Kerasmooth just a new name or a completely different product than the original Bioionic? One other thing, the BioIonic was permanent and would remove ALL the curl from your hair permanently. There is no reversion. Even wet hair will be straight wet and will dry straight. I'm wondering if this Kerasmooth is just a reformulation so the process will not be permanent.

What's the application process? do you have to use flat irons like BKT?
Ohhhhhh, this is the BioIonic. This has been around since the early 90's. I had this in my hair for about 4 years until some stupid stylist thought I was lying about having it in my hair and tried to sneak a regular relaxer in my hair and everything but the newgrowth melted off. :perplexed That is what brought me to LHCF back then. The original Bio Ionic was a thermal reconditioner like the Japanese Straightening Systems. That's why the stylist (wyt girl) thought I was lying because she was told that it wouldn't work on black hair. My hair was the thickest and healthiest when I had this. And yes I eventually ended up doing it myself. It is very easy to do and you can buy everything you need off ebay. For the first time I would suggest having it done professionally so you can watch what they do and how they do it. After that I'd say you're ready to go solo. When I first got it my then stylist (Cuban guy) had me plan for it. He had me grow out my relaxer for about six months so there was a clear indication of where the virgin hair was and where the relaxed hair started. This is very important because the two different chemicals in the bioionic and a regular relaxer DO NOT MIX!!!!! This is very important to stress. At that time the Bionic cost around $300 to do in a salon, and about $50 to do yourself at home.

Now is this Kerasmooth just a new name or a completely different product than the original Bioionic? One other thing, the BioIonic was permanent and would remove ALL the curl from your hair permanently. There is no reversion. Even wet hair will be straight wet and will dry straight. I'm wondering if this Kerasmooth is just a reformulation so the process will not be permanent.

So even the one for chemically treated hair would not work on relaxed hair?
So if you're relaxed, you have to be extra super careful to only put it on the new growth....and if you relax again you can only get the relaxer on the new growth without the Kerasmooth?
.....or your hair might literally come out?
I wouldn't trust myself or anyone else to do that! I'm paranoid about having a setback. I guess I'll stick to my plan of getting the BKT.
Glad you had good results...and a good stylist! Please post pics if you can!
I wish I could find a BKT stylist here....I might have take a trip to GA and beg DSD to do it for me :-)
Has anyone tried this brand???
KeraVino is supposed to be for 'our hair' -

information taken directly from their website

Smells like Grapes
Protects Damaged hair
Eliminates frizzy hair
Reduces hair volume
Can be used on all types of hair
Leaves hair straight or with natural waves up to 3 months is a revolutionary hair re constructor and volume reducer treatment that eliminates frizzy hair, leaving it straight or wavy, healthy and shinny for up to three months.
It works on all types of hair.
Considering the way it works, we could call it a "Deep Leave-in Conditioner" in which the mayor ingredient is Keratin extracted from human hair.
Kera Vino Brazilian Keratin allows you to color, hightlight, shampoo and condition your hair the same day the treatment is applied.
This keratin contains 1.6 of Formaldehyde.
The treatment can be washed out right after but we recommend 24 hours minimum and not to wear any clips on the hair to avoid any marks.
The temperature of the flat iron you need to use is at least 450 F.

Now is this Kerasmooth just a new name or a completely different product than the original Bioionic? One other thing, the BioIonic was permanent and would remove ALL the curl from your hair permanently. There is no reversion. Even wet hair will be straight wet and will dry straight. I'm wondering if this Kerasmooth is just a reformulation so the process will not be permanent.

Yes it is BioIonic. I don't think it is the same exact version you had. Because this treatment is temporary. The stylist also told me that I would def be able to relax my hair again with no problem.

I am glad you were able to repost about this :) I called a salon yesterday about this... and boy :rolleyes: I got the whole "This won't work on black hair" speech......

Where I live I would be doing it at home for sure......

LOL. I would def give it a try though. I have 4z hair and it worked for me.

So even the one for chemically treated hair would not work on relaxed hair?

Yes, it would work. But part of the treatment is specifically for your NG and the other is for the relaxed hair. I used the one for chemically treated hair.
What's the application process? do you have to use flat irons like BKT?

As I remember, First u wash(clarify), then apply the BioIonic creme,rinse, blow dry, flat iron, apply some type of ionic restructurizer, rinse, blow dry, flat iron,then you can't get your hair wet or bend it in any way for 3 days. It's been almost 4 years so I may be missing a step, but I remember you do have to blow dry and flat iron twice for it to set. In all it took me about 2 hrs to do everything.
Yes it is BioIonic. I don't think it is the same exact version you had. Because this treatment is temporary. The stylist also told me that I would def be able to relax my hair again with no problem.

LOL. I would def give it a try though. I have 4z hair and it worked for me.

Yes, it would work. But part of the treatment is specifically for your NG and the other is for the relaxed hair. I used the one for chemically treated hair.

How many inches of NG did u have? I would really consider this if it also protects the relaxed hair. But I really hate having to go to astylist for anything anymore. This may actually make me go. :perplexed
I am glad you were able to repost about this :) I called a salon yesterday about this... and boy :rolleyes: I got the whole "This won't work on black hair" speech......

Where I live I would be doing it at home for sure......

Yeah, that's just code for "we don't want your kind in here."When they go to class to learn the system they watch the video by the guy who invented the system performing it on Black and Caucasian hair. So she was blowing you off.:nono:
On that kerasmooth page the technology is called "Keratin-henna"...interesting...I'm not a huge henna fan.
As I remember, First u wash(clarify), then apply the BioIonic creme,rinse, blow dry, flat iron, apply some type of ionic restructurizer, rinse, blow dry, flat iron,then you can't get your hair wet or bend it in any way for 3 days. It's been almost 4 years so I may be missing a step, but I remember you do have to blow dry and flat iron twice for it to set. In all it took me about 2 hrs to do everything.

The newer system doesn't require it to be blow dried and flat ironed twice. Just once. And also you can bend it. You can't wet it for 3 days. But anything else is game. I wrapped my hair when I got home.
Was there an odor to the product or any fans involved? I understand theres no formaldehyde but just wondering if it had a relaxer -type odor
I am glad you were able to repost about this :) I called a salon yesterday about this... and boy :rolleyes: I got the whole "This won't work on black hair" speech......

Where I live I would be doing it at home for sure......
LOL, what salon did you call? This Kerasmooth sounds like something I'd be willing to try, but i don't want to deal with any foolishness...
Bump Bump Bump - I may be able to get this professionally done for $100 over the course of the next year but I'd have to commit and make the purchase now. Why am I interested? Not sure just the bandwagon tendency in me but I do like the no frizz and strengthening properties. I also like the fact that I could do it myself at home if I like it. The 1st time I'd rather watch a professional.

Any pictures or additonal feedback on this product/procedure? TIA!
OMG OMG OMG TY TY TY all those doing research please keep us posted I'm natural and was considering heat training or texlaxing but this sounds like the perfect solution and it lasts 3 months shoot

As I remember, First u wash(clarify), then apply the BioIonic creme,rinse, blow dry, flat iron, apply some type of ionic restructurizer, rinse, blow dry, flat iron,then you can't get your hair wet or bend it in any way for 3 days. It's been almost 4 years so I may be missing a step, but I remember you do have to blow dry and flat iron twice for it to set. In all it took me about 2 hrs to do everything.
Yes that's pretty much what they told me the procedure consists of. I read a posting on Fbk that made me a little nervous:perplexed Anyone have any feedback on this (especially tnorenberg). Did you say that it permanently straightened your hair? This is supposed to allow you to revert back and forth or at least restore your curl/coil once it wears off.

On that kerasmooth page the technology is called "Keratin-henna"...interesting...I'm not a huge henna fan.
I am - that's another reason it appealed to me. What doesn't appeal is the fact that it contains 2 or 3% perm solution - what the heck? I thought it was all natural?

The newer system doesn't require it to be blow dried and flat ironed twice. Just once. And also you can bend it. You can't wet it for 3 days. But anything else is game. I wrapped my hair when I got home.
PurAngl1 - that's not the information they gave me at the salon. Blow dried and flat ironed twice but what I did find out (since I was concerned about blowdrying on naked natural coily hair) is that they won't roller set my hair but I can use a leave in condish.:yep:

Bumping.. has anyone else tried kerasmooth? OP are you still happy witht the results of the treatment? Thanks
I have the same questions!:grin:
I have had this treatment, and it is wonderful! I got mine done at Dominican Elegance Salon in LA ( cost $85.00) I had a relaxer done 20 weeks ago, but decided no more relaxers. Gonna stick with the Kerasmooth for now.
My hair is all natural. I would like to do this for a few months, ONLY. If I can't revert back I would be devastated.
I have had this treatment, and it is wonderful! I got mine done at Dominican Elegance Salon in LA ( cost $85.00) I had a relaxer done 20 weeks ago, but decided no more relaxers. Gonna stick with the Kerasmooth for now.

Glad you responded. Tell me why you like it so. I was there a few weeks ago and it was suggested to me. My hair is relaxed, but I am deathly afraid to try it as I have heard horror stories- hair breaking off at the transition line etc. Is your hair thicker, stronger, your experiences please.
1. Any naturals consider using the version for chemically treated hair? I was thinking about it because I would always prefer to use a weaker formula as to a stronger formula. Or is it the same strength just different?

2. How does co-washing impact this? My last wash with shampoo was over six (6) months ago and my hair was in braids at the time. If you had this treatment are shampoo washes now mandatory? Or can you continue to co-wash and just can't reapply as often because it hasn't completely washed out?