Keracare: Silken Seal or Silken Seal Liquid Sheen


Active Member
Ok ladies, which do you use on your wet hair with rollersetting. Is it Silken seal or Silken Seal liquid sheen?

Can yo tell me if you get the soft and bouncy hair, also?

I used to use silken seal (you will love the slip) on soaking wet hair for rollersetting and the liquid sheen on dry hair for sheen. I stopped using it because of the CONES, I think it was blocking the moisture I was trying to achieve with certain products.
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I have used Silken Seal for blow outs and it works only need a little bit. I'm surious about the liquid myself.

Thank you ladies!!!

I didn't quite understand how the two work and the difference. But I think I understand now.

I am going to buy the silken seal, not the liquid sheen.

Thank you again!!!!
I have had hair dressers use the liquid one on my hair as they flat ironed it for extra shine. I just bought the liquid one (spray) yesterday for this purpose.