Kera Care and Aveda


Active Member
Do they still make the old kera care(white and pink bottle)? Before kera care I was using Aveda sapp moss shampoo and brilliant moisturizing conditioner. When that line got discontinued I switched to kera care hydrating shampoo in humectant conditioner in the white bottle. My hair responded very well to these products leaving my hair nice and soft . Well ,I finally ran out of the old Kera Care and purchased the new gold bottle. After washing and conditioning my hair just didn't feel the same as it did with the old Kera Care. Did something change as far as the ingredients? Now, I'm wondering if they still make the old kera care or what other shampoo and conditioner do you recommend that will give me the same results.
The formulas are now Sulfate free or whatnot. I'm not feeling the shampoos now; My hair never feels clean. Some Korean spots still have the old formulas. I used to like Aveda Sapp Moss Shampoo too back in the day. There are so many good brands out here though. Research some of the threads or experiment.

Good luck
I know that they do still make the old version of the Keracare shampoos; look for the bottles that say "Classic" that is the original formula but in the new packaging.
I will have to do some research. When I was trying to find a product after Aveda discontinued Sapp Moss, i went through the experiment phase which led to me using wrong products and hair breakage. I'm trying to avoid that route this time..