Kemi Shea Butter Pomade


Well-Known Member
I went to the BSS to find something to lay my edges down. I'm afraid gel may harden and break my hair off. So I purchased the Kemi pomade. It's pretty good! reminds me of Carols Daughter HHB. Has a nice smell, lots of shine, and no waxy residue. My hair feels so soft! I'll definitely buy this one again.
It is good stuff. I use it to moisturize my hair, and when I do twists to add shine. I am probably on my 4th jar, it is a keeper.
yeah, I bought it hoping it would soften my new growth (I'm thinking of giving the relaxer up). I have 4a/4b hair so it can get a little puffy and hard to comb. But the shea butter really softened my hair around the perimeter of my head, especially my hairline.
I agree it's really good for smoothing my hair; I bought it for my fiance to enhance his curl pattern, but I've used about 1/4 of the jar
Babygurl said:
Had to bump this topic, I saw this in the BSS and want to get it but need reviews first!

I like this product. I started to use it on my twists and it worked very well. I also use it to smooth down my hair and keep it moisturized and it works well for that too.