Kemi Moyst Conditioner


New Member
Hi everyone-

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried the Kemi Moyst Conditioner. If so, did you like the results? I've visited the website and am interested in purchasing the Moyst system, but don't want to waste anymore money on a sub-par product.

I bought the Moyst system about two weeks ago, I think it's a good buy, for only $17 bucks. I also bought the conditioning spray and a big bottle of Kemi Oyl.

Of all the products in the moyst system , I like the conditioner, the oyl and the shea butter the best. I think a lot of the girls will like the shampoo but it's not my favorite. I like my hair to squeek after I wash it. The poo left me with a more conditioned feel and it took me several washes before I got a lather and I like lathers.

But I know a lot of girls like poos like Cream of Nature and Break thru so they would love this one. But my personal preference is the squeaky feel.

I used all their products one washing... the poo, the conditioner, the conditioning spray, the oyl and the shea butter... my hair liked it. The smell is great. I'm still not sure what to do with the procidic spray though since I dont' use heat on my hair... I said if I blow dry my ahir, I would spray this on first... it smells like papaya, I wanted to drink it, it smelled so good.. I did taste it though and it did have a sweet taste too it.. But that was the only product that did the rest tasted like chemicals.. and no I'm not retard for tasting shampoo but it just smells so good

But all in all, I think the system is a good one. I probably won't repurchase the shampoo but the other stuff were good products.
OK, Crystal. You sort of freaked me out on the "tasting the chemicals"
It reminded me of the guy on that Rio infomercial eating the "relaxer".

Anyways, thanks for your feedback. I like Creme of Nature, so hopefully I'll like the Moyst shampoo. I'm trying to stick with one line of haircare products and since Kemi is so reasonable I will start with them.

I still have some other products to use before I purchase the Kemi line(trying not to be a PJ), but once I do I'll be sure to let you know my results.

I never like the shampoo. I gave it away, it gave my hair a sort of dry scummy feeling on it, like castille soap does. I never got a lather which I liked. The conditoning spray is great so is the pro cidic rinse. I have the shea butter and love this too