Kemi Laboratories - Live Chat


Crazy Greek
Staff member
Hi girls,

I am happy to announce that we have arranged for our sponsors Kemi Laboratories to have a live internet chat with all of you.

The topic of this discussion will be "Kemi Laboratories Products" and you will have the chance to ask any questions you might have on the products to the Kemi Laboratories representatives.

The date has not been set yet but it will be for sure within the next week or two.

I would like to ask you to post in this thread any questions you might have, so that we can help the people from Kemi to be prepared and answer as many questions as possible.

The chat will be moderated by myself and other moderators and will be open only to members of the Long Hair Care Forum. The forum rules will apply. Any profanity or misconduct will result in immediate termination of your account in this discussion board. There will also be a limit of 100 people in the chat room so whoever gets there first can ask.

This is the first of - we hope - many informative sessions that we had planned to have with all of you.

Stay tuned.

Nikos, that sounds excellent. Thanks for everything that you, Beverly, Pebbles, SVT, and Vevster do to make this forum so great!!!
This is so great! I hope that this generates tons of other chats. It is too bad (and wonderful) that I will be on my wedding/honeymoon during the 2 next upcoming weeks. Ask lots of questions everyone especially about repairing dry ends.
THat's great, I'll be there because I'm loving this Kemi-oyl I just bought a few days ago...

But could you ask them to fix their website? I was on their site a few days ago checking it out and I clicked the "systems" link and they had a bunch of packages and I was going to get the moyst package for $17 but now when I hit the systems link, the packages no longer show up.

I'm wondering if they are no longer offering them? Maybe I should contact them...but Ididn't see a "contact us" link. If you have their email address I could email them... I'll probably just go to the BSS tomorrow and get the stuff anyway...
Thanks Nikos! This is a great idea.

I would like to know ..what makes the Kemi Oil it smell soooo good?
Thanks Nikos. I'm sure it'll be loads of fun

I would like to know what the Kemi Oil is made of.
Nikos, Pebbles, Bev, Vevster, SVT.
That sounds awesome! I also would like to ask what their oil is made of.

You guys do a great job with this forum!!!
That sounds great!

I have almost all of their products and have questions about use on my 7-year old daughter's hair. One question that I would like to ask is how to use the Pro-Cidic Plus Rinse. Should it be used on wet or dry hair?

How do you like the Moyst Shampoo? I was going to buy the KemiSystem package that hadd all the stuff in it but it's not on their website anymore so I'm a go to the Beatuy store to day and try to find it.

I don't like Conditioning Shampoos, you know poos where you don't need a conditioner afterwards... is it like that? And do their poo and conditioner smell as yummy as the Kemi-oyl?

Also have you tried the Kemi-oyl Conditioning spray? I'm wondering if it's like the Scurl or if it's like Cathy's moiusture dew... It looks like something I may need to add to my arsenal... I hope I find it today because I'd really like to try it.
Thanks for the responses so far girls. I am keeping the questions and I will forward them at the end of this week to Kemi - to show them what your concerns and questions are. This will not only allow them to answer as many questions as possible but improve their service to you.

Keep those questions coming!

Hi Crystal,

Being the PJ that I am, I have the Kemi Moyst Shampoo but have never used it.:o

I may give it and the conditioner a try when I wash my daughter's hair this weekend. If I do, I'll let you know how they are.

I have used the Conditioning Spray and love it! I wear my hair in 2-strand twists most of the time, and every other day or so, I will spray my hair with the conditioning spray before getting in the shower. That, along with the steam, keeps my hair very soft. If you have ever used Elasta QP's Penetrating moisturizer, it is very similar, but doesn't wet the hair as much as the Elasta QP does.

I have also used the Pro-gro plus and love it also! It's a great daily moisturizer, but I only use it about once a week (usually after spraying with the conditioning spray and showering).

I use the Shea butter pomade as a leave-in conditioner and for twisting my hair. It has a strange consistency and strong grape-ish smell, but definitely softens the hair.

Here are the products that I have:

Kemi-oyl conditioning spray
Pro-gro plus
Pro-cidic plus rinse
Pro-gel plus
Kemi press
Kemi moyst shampoo
Kemi moyst conditioner
African Shea butter
African Shea Butter Pomade

I am a serious PJ!!! Somebody help me, please!
Nikos, This is a wonderful idea! Thanks for providing us with the opportunity to ask questions.

I have 2 questions/comments.

1) I'd like to see a list of ingredients for their products on their website. I can understand that they don't want to list it for patent purposes, or whatever, but does this apply to products besides the Kemi Oyl too?

2) Also, will you be providing a chat log for us to download and view the chat if we cannot make it?
Thanks Girl, I was waiting for you to reply.. Okay I'm a go get the Moyst poo and Conditioner and the Conditioning spray.. that looks like it's some good stuff.

Now where do you buy this from... I literally had never heard of seen Kemi before the Banner. I could have very well overlooked though.. I found the oyl at Rite Aid but that was all they had... I'm going to Asain BSS in my area... I'm hoping they have it... But where do you get yours from?
2) Also, will you be providing a chat log for us to download and view the chat if we cannot make it?

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Of course CurlyCrly. The questions that will not be answered in the chat will be answered in a form of newsletter and posted on the forum as well.

I have the Kemi Oyl Conditioning Spray but I dont know if I have a good batch, what I mean is....the spray I have is cloudy and they all looked like that in the BSS so I thought that is how it is supposed to be but everytime I use it, it weighs my hair down and I have used it on wet and dry hair, with all this explanation I guess my questions are:

Should the spray be used on wet or dry hair? Is it supposed to be kind of cloudy looking?

This is a wonderful thing you guys are doing. My question to the company would be as follows: What sets your products apart from others that are on the market? Why should I choose your products?

Thanks for the opportunity!

Hey Nikos,

I went on an all out man hunt yesterday looking for the Kemi Shampoo to no avail, I could find the Kemi-oyl all day long but I want the Shampoo and other stuff... so my question would be why is it so difficult to find Kemi Products and could they list a list of suppliers on their website? Thanks.
I think I might love this company.

Since I couldn't find their products in the store I had to order them on-line but I had transaction errors and I called Kemi to see what that was about and these were the nicest people I've talked to. I placed my order over the phone and they said they'd search the system to make sure my on-line purchase didn't go through.

He asked how I found out about Kemi and I told through LHCF and how LHCF had a powerful word of mouth and he was like, "most definitely"

He said they are opening a retail store in a few months in Maryland. They're a family owned Black owned business that's been in Business 20 years.

The guy I talked to was just as nice as he wanted to be. He thanked me over and over again for trying their products. That was nice.

I ordered one of the packages that contain the shampoo, conditioner, the procidic plus, the pro-gro plus and a small bottle oyl... All that only cost $17 I also got a large bottle of Oyl and the conditioning spray. I should be getting my products next week some time and I'll write a review.

But for now they are high on my list...Just wish it was easier to buy their products.
Did you ask them about nationwide suppliers of the rest of their products?

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I guess they're working on it... He said that the Asians typically dominate Beauty Supply Stores and they have enough power to dictate the products they want because of their collective presence and that they determine what goes on their shelf space...And for now, we as consumers have to request Kemi products and create a demand for them. This is my first experience with Kemi, so I'll know after I use them if I'll start requesting their products.

But he said you can find the oil just about anywhere. But the other stuff has been harder to place which is why they have the website. And because the public really isn't aware of their other products.

Sounds like they may need to get a marketing firm to market them. Get some ads in Ebony or something....
I can't wait. One question I would like to ask is using their no- soap shampoo just as good being on the no-poo treatment.
Just to advise you that a provisional date of this Thursday the 5th of July has been scheduled for a 30 minute chat. We need to confirm this with Kemi and decide the time.

Stay tuned.
