Keeping the same regimen but constantly changing products?


Ms. Nobody
I was thinking I really need to stick to a clear and cut regimen but I love trying out new products too much!

Would i still be able to stick to a basic regimen

ie:wash,deep condition, apply leave ins, style. 1x a week

but changing products here and there and still see results?
If your hair is not finicky or picky this may be fine Napp For some folks changes in products cause serious setbacks. Also try to use what you have before buying more product.

I switch up my oil combos and moisturizers more than anything. Most of the time if ppl give me stuff I use it for pre-poos.
I change products all time, trying to use up my stash and my hair has had no reactions.
I keep the same routine and switch it up depending on availability. My have plays well with most things so my only staple is the routine. A lot of things work...some better than others, but healthy hair is a lifestyle!
For me it's about the ingredients. I'm at the point in my HHJ where I know by the ingredient listing if the product will work for my hair so I won't add a product if it contains an ingredient my hair rejects. I too like to switch up and try new products but what I try to do is use a particular combo of products for 4 consecutive washes, then switch to something new. This approach keeps me and my hair happy.:yep:
*Glances at 200+ reviews.* Yes, it absolutely is possible. I BC whenever I feel the urge, because I know I can always grow my hair back out relaxed, texlaxed, or natural. I do so with a variety of products (whatever I feel like dabbling in), because I have the knowledge needed to retain length.
This is what I have been doing the whole time. Works for me. I keep thinking I'll find staples I can't live without, but I get bored and I'm always interested in trying new products.

I choose products that will compensate for whatever is lacking in products that aren't all that great. If my shampoo is too drying, I use a very moisturizing deep conditioner. If my conditioner doesn't have enough slip, i'll find a nice leave in to detangle with.
I always keep the same Regimen, but I may have similar products in Rotation.

I will use no more than 1-3 similar products in rotation.
i have stuck to pretty much the same regimen but switch products.

for me its: prepoo overnight, finger detangle, cleanse, deep condish, acv aloe rinse, apply leave in and style.
I also agree that what's important is the regimen.
When I try a new product I only try 1 at a time so that I can really see how it works and also so that if it flops or isnt as great as my staple products I can correct at the next step in my wash day routine.

That's why I hate when a LI or styler flops because that can mess up an otherwise perfect wash day

I must say though that for me, my hairs health really improved once I found my staples and learned what ingredients my hair likes. I've had my hair take a good 2 months to recover from an unfortunate product combo, and from using too many new products in my regimen.
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I agree about the ingredients. I have tons of different conditioners, they all have the similar ingredients and the same consistency that I know my hair likes. Maybe once I get through my PJ stash I will find a holy grail, but the regimen is more important than the product IMO (give or take)
I've switched up certain products in my reggie for the whole time I've been on my HHJ. I do it in an attempt to complete my HG so one day I plan to stick to the same products but it hasn't affected my progress any. At this point I only switch up stylers and protein conditioners but I don't see any big difference from when I was changing more products but sticking to the same schedule and steps
I think both are important (regimen & product choice) but the regimen for me is what really made the difference. I've tried different steps and now that I know what I can and can't do, I keep the same regimen, but switch products.

This has helped me to know what products are working and which ones are not. For example, my regimen is to clarify, then do a HOT, followed by a moisturizing shampoo, porosity treatment, DC, then leave ins.

By sticking to this regimen I know:

A) as much as I love FPS it is too drying for my hair unless I leave it on for less than a minute; however, Roux PC does not dry out my hair.

B) I have fine hair and must clarify weekly or use no silicones at all! and my hair does not like sulfate free shampoos :nono:

C) I do not have to rely on Humecto only as my DC; I have found other cheaper products that work just as well if not better.

Finally, because my hair is so fine, I can't prepoo with a creamy conditioner, even if I clarify afterwards. I just end up with a weighed down dry looking hair. So now that I have a regimen that yields my desired results, I stick to it! And I only change/add 1 product at a time.
I have switched up products quite a bit and I don't think it makes a difference depending on how you are switching up your products. For example, if you are switching between different moisturizing DCs when you need a moisturizing DC treatment, then you will be fine. But if you are switching between a moisturizing DC product, a protein DC product, the a-cone etc when all your hair needs is moisturizing DC treatment, then you might experience some issues.

A lot of these products marketed to do the same things have similar ingredients. The key is to pay attention to ingredients and include them in your regimen where your hair needs them to be.

That being said, I cannot even stick to a regimen :lol:. The only thing I have been able to do consistently is wash and DC 1x a week. Since I have this problem, I have decided this year to just respond as my hair needs, but stay with a consistent set of products so my hair experiences less shocks.
I tried that once. Trying diff products & finding out my hair hated them caused me many setbacks (matting, etc.) . I will never do that again. I simply stick w/ what I know.