Keeping my braids in forever


Well-Known Member
I'm not taking my braids out anytime soon. I plan on keeping them for as long as I can and, just maintain them in the process. I'll be washing and conditioning my hair while it's braided and, as the new growth comes in I will redo the individual braids until my whole head is done. I will take them out in November or, if they still look good, maybe even later. I know the hairlady aka Robin would have a heart attack if she heard this but...This is what I'm going to do. I willl let u know the verdict once I take these out.

I don't advise anyone else to do this unless they can manage their braids and redo them on cue!
Hey Girl, welcome to the club.
Hi SweetNic! I'm with you on keeping braids for a while, but I'm going to redo mine every 3 months. You're lucky that you can do braids yourself. Good luck!
HUH!! I always kept my braids in for 3 months without ever retouching them. Somehow most people admire them when the new growth gets curly at the front and so do I.

I haven't had damage keeping them in that long. I also continue to rinse them and spray then with my own braid spray every day.

Go for it, you should see the major growth in the 3 months.
I am new to this site and very excited because I really need maintenance care. I am wearing braids and having them taken out and redone every two weeks. What is the braid spray you are wearing?
Thanks. I have had so many problems with my hair. You name it I have tried it. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars at salons and on Internet purchases trying to grow hair. Everytime the hair would grow, I would finally say I have learned how to keep my hair on my head, but after a relaxer and one touchup. It starts to fall out. I have wanted to give up and just wear wigs. I hate braid,etc., but right now I have no choice..... My last episode was with the infusion hair. That was a total disaster. Yesterday, I purchased flaxseed tablets, MSM, Vitamin C, L-Cysteine. Also I am using Aphogee 6 week Treatment and the Aphogee conditioner treatment
welcome to the boars shirley
whilst readin yo post i was quite suprised by the fact that u re do yo braids every 2 wks yet u mentioned that u're havin problems with it. Is it necessary for it to be done so frequently considerin the stress its goin thru?? I keep mine in for 8 wks at a time and wen i remove them i dont lose much hair...

Another thing u may want to try is go a lil while without relaxin coz it seems that yo scalp and hair may not take well to the chemicals. Have u tried alternative ways eg havin it pressed instead?? coz if u did this press and braid type thign for a while then u'd allow yo hair time to get stronger so that wenu eventually relaxed it, itd be strong enuf 2 handle the chemicals and wudnt break on u...
Welcome to the board, Shirley! Ngaa gave some great advice. Maybe you're doing too much to your hair - rebraiding every 2 weeks might be more stress than your hair can take. Plus, what type of relaxer are you using, when do you use it, how is it being applied, and how often are you doing retouches?

I know you didn't address the question to me, but I use African Royale Brx braid spray. It's pretty good but a little watery, so I also use shea butter creme and work into the hair. I hope this helps, and I'm sure the great advice you'll find on this board will nurse your hair back to health.