Keep Your Hands Out Of Your Hair

This is not a challenge. It is a way to get your hair and scalp healthy by leaving it alone. If you know that you have been messing with your hair to much, doing to many treatments, washing it to much, oiling it to much and more. Than this thread is for you. Just check in from time to time and tell us how you have simplified your routine and how you are keeping your hands out of your hair.
i'll start. for the past week, i've been cowashing, dc'ing, detangling, moisturizing, putting my hair in big twists and putting my wig on. right now i have to keep my hair out of sight, out of mind, in order to keep my hands out of it. i am going to try to do this throughout the summer to see if i can achieve my goal by the beginning of Sept.

i got one cute short wig, but i might get another when it starts to look rough. plus i got so much going on in my life right now, i don't have time to be consumed with my hair.
I have my hair up into flat twists instead of my usual 2 strand twists. With the 2 strand twists I have a tendency to take some out and redo them, stretch them to see how long they are, etc. etc. With the flat twists, its easier to put them up and keep them up. And instead of my usual Thursday twist out, I will keep the flat twist in and do my weekly shampoo on Friday or Saturday. During the week I moisturize and seal the ends and wrap it in a scarf. In the morning I take the loose ends of the twists and put them up in a mini bun.

Hopefully I can keep the flat twist through June until I install kinky twists in July. And with the kinky twists my hands will definitely be out of my head.
I will try to wash my hair less. I was washing everyday. To much for my scalp. I will try to oil it less also. I think too much oil clogs the follicles.
Cool thread:yep:

I found that when I wash my hair at night, I tend to get tired:look: and end up moisturising/sealing and putting my natural hair in a ponytail.

However, I've finally learned that when its left to dry unbraided overnight, it creates WAAAYYYYY more tangles and knots at the ends. Plus, I'm more prone to play in my hair and mindlessly finger-detangle:rolleyes:

So now I make sure I have a few hours to spare, then wash and braid. When its dry, I put in fewer braids until its all "stretched". From there I can wear my hair in buns/ponytails and look decent.
But during the time its braided, Its been good training to keep my fingers OUT!:lachen:
I'm moving tomorrow and all of my hair products are in a box at the new place. It's driving me nuts but it's definitely been good for me. I washed and DCed on monday before I packed and have been wearing it in a bun since then. I usually cowash or do something everyday so it's nice to see it like this. I haven't gone this long without wetting it since my relaxing and flat ironing days.

When I mess with it all the time it gets dry and needs moisturizer but now that its been a few days, it's actually getting kind of naturally oily.
I always wash my hair to get products out, its never beenn oily like this and in need of a wash without products

So I am hoping to do a lot more of this now that I see that my hair can kind of take care of itself and I don't need to be using so many products.

I recently started seeing my first split ends and I think a lot of it has to do with my frequent shampooing.
When I mess with it all the time it gets dry and needs moisturizer but now that its been a few days, it's actually getting kind of naturally oily.
I always wash my hair to get products out, its never beenn oily like this and in need of a wash without products

When I wash frequently, it needs to be thouroughly detangled everytime, which is ALOT of manipulation a few days a week, plus it was prone to get dry! Actually, I love the way my hair feels at 4 days old, its moisturised and stretched.
So washing only 1x a week now!:yep:
Nice thread
I also recently went from daily wash/rinses back to 1 or 2 x a week. I was finding more SSK's. I also lightened up on my oils for a bit keeping concentration on the ends.
I need to reduce what I do to it over the weekends but working on it. I DCd friday and put in 2 medium strand twists and wore a twists out yesterday. Last night I put in mini 2strand twists and braided those up into 2 cornrows. No loose hair to play with and it reduces the temptation to redo my twists midweek.

Have to come up with a style for next week.
I keep forgetting about this thread. Thanks for bumping.

I did well last week. Wore my style through Saturday and then wore a twist out for a few hours. Today its back up in flat twists in the back and 2 strand twists in the front and all of those braided up into some kind of braided knot.

I always pray for less fuzz but we will see. Won't be doing anything to my hair until Friday.
Because I'm in school and actually don't have to go out too much, how I wear my hair was of little importance. On wash days I would braid it up in individual box braids regardless of look or length and would wear it until I couldn't take it anymore!

I did my BC a few days ago and knowing that I would want to play in my hair until no end I quickly got my hair braided in individual braids. Now I can manipulate as much as I want to with little to no consequence on my actual hair.

So in short my PS is what keeps my fingers out of my head.
Just braided up in trail braids. I hope I can keep them in "untouched" for at least a week. I tend to mess with my twists too much. I shampoo'd and conditioned yesterday. Today I re-wetted with water then added oil/butter mix. The mix varies each time I make it - I think this time it's shea/ olive/castor/aloe vera left over from last week.

I know I need to leave it alone for real.:look:
I am working on keeping my hands out of my hair as well. As it grows I tend to want to play in it more to see my length, but this isn't good for retaining. I have done good so far this week, it's Wednesday evening here and I have re-adjusted my bun twice so far this week. At night I have been spritzing it and sealing it with hair butters and leaving it alone. My goal is to make it to the end of the week doing this and then repeat next week.
I've been doing better. My hair is in another flat twist updo this week. So I am keeping it up from Sunday through Friday and doing my cleansing process Friday/Saturday. I think I may take out my front flat twists though and put them into 2 strand twists. Um but maybe not :lol:

It was hard at first to just put my hair up and leave it but it is getting easier. Now just moisturizing and sealing the ends 2x a day and putting it back up.

Figuring out how I want to wear my hair the following week is the hardest part.
I've been doing better. My hair is in another flat twist updo this week. So I am keeping it up from Sunday through Friday and doing my cleansing process Friday/Saturday. I think I may take out my front flat twists though and put them into 2 strand twists. Um but maybe not :lol:

It was hard at first to just put my hair up and leave it but it is getting easier. Now just moisturizing and sealing the ends 2x a day and putting it back up.

Figuring out how I want to wear my hair the following week is the hardest part.

Yeah, it's like you get addicted to doing something to it ... :lachen:!
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One thing that has help me is that I like to wear my hair out alot. So when I wear my hair down I know that I cannot comb it or play in it because my hair shrinks up and if I mess with it I will get lots of tangles. So the only time I touch it is in the morning to fluff it out with my fingers or add moisture to it. Also this controls how often I wash my hair because the older my style is the better it looks to me. So I have been able to cut back how often I wash my hair to once a week even sometimes every 2 weeks and I don't play in my hair at all anymore.
I think my main problem is touching my hair and pulling it to check my length *sigh* so obsessed with growing it past my shoulders =/

I'll be more conscious of it, less touching.