Keep Christ In Christimas Just Like The Name. Christimas is....


Well-Known Member
.....spirit filled season of thanks. See how Christ-Mas is celebrated around the world. Let's not lose focus for the reason of the season: giving, sharing, thanks for Jesus Christ was born, love and reconciliation. Any person including Santa Clause which is a spanish name that means Holy, who helps others especially children who are poor have joy from a gift of love then he or she shares in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The real Saint Nick who got the name Santa Clause left a legacy of love that money makers and others sometimes try to destort. There is nothing wrong with someone having a vision to help the poor and other children in season of giving thanks for Jesus Christ life. The rain deers and elfs and the rest of the fairy tale leaves a spirit of unity and love. I am just glad God has the whole world loving him and the below thread shows Christimas around the world. Santa Clause has always be betrayed as God's helper or angel for the children and their families.
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I do like the way other countries celebrate. Christmas is Christian holiday and we have to protect its real purpose and let no take it from us.
Santa Claus is a tradition of man and so is Christmas. The bible doesn't tell us that Jesus was born on December 25, nor does the bible say that Santa Claus is an angel or helper of God. We are to carry the spirit of love, giving, sharing and appreciation for Jesus' birth 365, 24-7 :yep:
Santa Claus is a tradition of man and so is Christmas. The bible doesn't tell us that Jesus was born on December 25, nor does the bible say that Santa Claus is an angel or helper of God. We are to carry the spirit of love, giving, sharing and appreciation for Jesus' birth 365, 24-7 :yep:

We dont know his birth but we know he had a birth. It is a national holiday for a reason our fore fathers and biblical scholars gave a estimate of his birth day and it not about the day but the purpose. Santa Clause is short for Sant Nick and he was real and had purpose and legacy that lives on inspite of others. His good will is part of Jesus Christ purpose in showing love and sharing. Also, we can share love all year round but many don't so the season helps people to stop and think about their priorties and the bible does talk about how they brought gifts to Jesus. And, we don't need gifts all year round that's what makes Christimas special is season of sharing gifts, love and cheer. And, of course the gifts can be omited if desired. It's funny we never question why we stop a red light and go on on green. Could it be that the government put that in place because does a good service to community.

I think it is kind of funny to celebrate your own birthday and not Jesus. I do not know my real birthday either I am just trusting what I was told was the truth or right day but I honestly do not know since I was a baby but I do celebrate my birthday all year round.
I am helper/servant of God and my name is not in the Bible either.

This is Christian forum and Christians celebrate Christian holidays.
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Yeah, I think some people don't know that the enemy tries to take Christ out of the name when they do the "X" thingy. They can't take 5 seconds to type Christ but write all this non-sense about Beyonce.:look:
Oh, I'm sick of seeing X-mas too. :nono:

I posted this blog on my myspace page two years ago.


The stories seem to be coming more frequently: a grade school choir sings "We Wish You a Happy Holiday" instead of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" for their "Winter Concert." A library invites "holiday displays" from the community, provided the displays have no religious connotation—the stable may have animals in it, but no people. This year, it seems possible to do all one's Christmas shopping and never see or hear the word Christmas in the stores.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings." But if someone says "Happy Holidays" for the sole purpose of not saying "Merry Christmas," then we are right to question what's going on. "Why is the word Christmas censored?" we wonder as we wander through the malls. Why do some public schools celebrate everything from Kwanzaa to Labafana the Christmas witch, and ban the Nativity, all in the name of "inclusion" and "tolerance"?

One reason put forward by those seeking to avoid the word Christmas is that it would offend non-Christians. But, according to a recent Gallup poll, only 3 percent of adults in America say it bothers them when a store makes specific reference to Christmas. The exclusion of Christmas, then, is not really a way to "adapt" to a more diverse culture, but a way to engineer a more secular culture.

Many times, the arguments against Christmas programs and displays are couched in political terms, but we believe the bias against Christmas goes much deeper than that. This is primarily a spiritual battle, not a political one.

Jesus at His birth was born of a virgin, announced by angels, and adored by kings (Matthew 1:23; Luke 2:10-11; Matthew 2:11). Definitely a unique entrance. If someone denies the truth of Jesus' birth, he or she may not want reminders of Jesus' birth. Avoid Christmas, and avoid having to consider who Jesus is and why He came.

How should we as Christians respond to the ubiquitous use of "Happy Holidays" and the exclusion of Christmas? Here are some suggestions:

1) Celebrate Christmas! Let the joy of the season show in your life. Teach your family the significance of Jesus' birth and make the Christmas traditions meaningful in your home.

2) Wish others a Merry Christmas. When confronted with a "Happy Holidays," get specific, and wish the greeter a "Merry Christmas!" You may be surprised at how many respond in kind. Even if you're met with resistance, don't let it dampen your cheer. Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew was rebuffed year after year, but it never stopped him from wishing his humbug of an uncle a Merry Christmas and inviting him to Christmas dinner.

3) Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). The Christmas season is a wonderful opportunity to share Christ's love and the gospel message.

4) Pray for those in positions of power (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Pray for wisdom. Pray for revival so that Christmas, instead of being "offensive," would be honored by all.
Santa Claus is a tradition of man and so is Christmas. The bible doesn't tell us that Jesus was born on December 25, nor does the bible say that Santa Claus is an angel or helper of God. We are to carry the spirit of love, giving, sharing and appreciation for Jesus' birth 365, 24-7 :yep:
Actually it's 365 1/4 ... Don't forget leap year...:rolleyes:

And actually, we are celebrating and proclaiming what the Bible has said:

"For unto us A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Dearest Ones, we are proclaiming to the world what has been told and promised to us 1000's of years ago...This beautiful message of love below.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, GOOD WILL toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; Luke 2:6-22

Come on, we ALL know Jesus wasn't born on December 25. So it's not the date we celebrate, it's the REASON and there true REASON is Jesus and it always will be. We also know that Santa is not in the Bible, and neither are we. But post Bible text, many good Samaritains evolved and went around and did good for others in need...and we all have names...his just happens to be Santa.

I understand not making Santa a god, which many in the world has done so. But each Christian who celebrates Christmas does so with only one person in mind and that person is Jesus Chrisit, our Messiah. The time when the whole entire world has to stop...and acknowledge His birth, regardless of when it was historically, it's being celebrated and acknowledged that Jesus was indeed born to us as God promised.

Songs and Carols are sung all over the world for the world to hear and know that Jesus the Son of God was indeed born unto us.

O' What a Love...Jesus. What Wonderous Love is This. Our Saviour who is born. Something to Celebrate...Something the world takes note of and does not ignore, even under the rush and dash of commercialism...they hear and take note.

Jesus Christ is Born....who was and is and still to come.

God bless you Caramela...:kiss: I mean this with all of my heart.
Actually it's 365 1/4 ... Don't forget leap year...:rolleyes:

And actually, we are celebrating and proclaiming what the Bible has said:

"For unto us A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Dearest Ones, we are proclaiming to the world what has been told and promised to us 1000's of years ago...This beautiful message of love below.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, GOOD WILL toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; Luke 2:6-22

Come on, we ALL know Jesus wasn't born on December 25. So it's not the date we celebrate, it's the REASON and there true REASON is Jesus and it always will be. We also know that Santa is not in the Bible, and neither are we. But post Bible text, many good Samaritains evolved and went around and did good for others in need...and we all have names...his just happens to be Santa.

I understand not making Santa a god, which many in the world has done so. But each Christian who celebrates Christmas does so with only one person in mind and that person is Jesus Chrisit, our Messiah. The time when the whole entire world has to stop...and acknowledge His birth, regardless of when it was historically, it's being celebrated and acknowledged that Jesus was indeed born to us as God promised.

Songs and Carols are sung all over the world for the world to hear and know that Jesus the Son of God was indeed born unto us.

O' What a Love...Jesus. What Wonderous Love is This. Our Saviour who is born. Something to Celebrate...Something the world takes note of and does not ignore, even under the rush and dash of commercialism...they hear and take note.

Jesus Christ is Born....who was and is and still to come.

God bless you Caramela...:kiss: I mean this with all of my heart.

Thanks, Shimmie. I couldn't have said it better!
Thanks, Shimmie. I couldn't have said it better!
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: right back at you...

You know, it's all good is one chooses not to celebrate. But it's good for those of us who do.

Wavy, out of all the things we celebrate in this life...INCLUDING our hair progress which God gave us...:rolleyes: How much more to celebrate Jesus.

Celebrate Him everyday and then a High Day. For a High Day (Holiday) is simply a build up of all of the joy and the Love that we feel for Jesus and we want the whole wide world to know it. Christmas Day gets everybody's attention...Everybody. And Jesus's Name is all over it. :rosebud:
Yeah, I think some people don't know that the enemy tries to take Christ out of the name when they do the "X" thingy. They can't take 5 seconds to type Christ but write all this non-sense about Beyonce.:look:
I agree with this also. the X means the unknown this is why Malcom put X as his last name. Stay focus and keep Jesus in the season.
Oh, I'm sick of seeing X-mas too. :nono:

I posted this blog on my myspace page two years ago.


The stories seem to be coming more frequently: a grade school choir sings "We Wish You a Happy Holiday" instead of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" for their "Winter Concert." A library invites "holiday displays" from the community, provided the displays have no religious connotation—the stable may have animals in it, but no people. This year, it seems possible to do all one's Christmas shopping and never see or hear the word Christmas in the stores.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings." But if someone says "Happy Holidays" for the sole purpose of not saying "Merry Christmas," then we are right to question what's going on. "Why is the word Christmas censored?" we wonder as we wander through the malls. Why do some public schools celebrate everything from Kwanzaa to Labafana the Christmas witch, and ban the Nativity, all in the name of "inclusion" and "tolerance"?

One reason put forward by those seeking to avoid the word Christmas is that it would offend non-Christians. But, according to a recent Gallup poll, only 3 percent of adults in America say it bothers them when a store makes specific reference to Christmas. The exclusion of Christmas, then, is not really a way to "adapt" to a more diverse culture, but a way to engineer a more secular culture.

Many times, the arguments against Christmas programs and displays are couched in political terms, but we believe the bias against Christmas goes much deeper than that. This is primarily a spiritual battle, not a political one.

Jesus at His birth was born of a virgin, announced by angels, and adored by kings (Matthew 1:23; Luke 2:10-11; Matthew 2:11). Definitely a unique entrance. If someone denies the truth of Jesus' birth, he or she may not want reminders of Jesus' birth. Avoid Christmas, and avoid having to consider who Jesus is and why He came.

How should we as Christians respond to the ubiquitous use of "Happy Holidays" and the exclusion of Christmas? Here are some suggestions:

1) Celebrate Christmas! Let the joy of the season show in your life. Teach your family the significance of Jesus' birth and make the Christmas traditions meaningful in your home.

2) Wish others a Merry Christmas. When confronted with a "Happy Holidays," get specific, and wish the greeter a "Merry Christmas!" You may be surprised at how many respond in kind. Even if you're met with resistance, don't let it dampen your cheer. Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew was rebuffed year after year, but it never stopped him from wishing his humbug of an uncle a Merry Christmas and inviting him to Christmas dinner.

3) Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). The Christmas season is a wonderful opportunity to share Christ's love and the gospel message.

4) Pray for those in positions of power (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Pray for wisdom. Pray for revival so that Christmas, instead of being "offensive," would be honored by all.
Good post!!
If you choose to celebrate Christmas that's great. I'm not trying to steal anyone's shine. We celebrate Christmas in my house too. But we don't celebrate it as a Christian holiday because it's not. I don't know the whole bible, but if you can show me where it says Jesus' birth was Dec 25, I would have a total change of heart. And as far as loving, sharing and teaching Jesus' birth, we do that year round too. I don't get too hyped up for traditions and teachings of man, but for those who do, carry on! Have a great time. Just understand this is not something that Jesus has commanded us to do :look:
If you choose to celebrate Christmas that's great. I'm not trying to steal anyone's shine. We celebrate Christmas in my house too. But we don't celebrate it as a Christian holiday because it's not.

I don't know the whole bible, but if you can show me where it says Jesus' birth was Dec 25, I would have a total change of heart. And as far as loving, sharing and teaching Jesus' birth, we do that year round too.

I don't get too hyped up for traditions and teachings of man, but for those who do, carry on! Have a great time. Just understand this is not something that Jesus has commanded us to do :look:
Hey Darlin...:giveheart:


Christmas is a Christian Holiday as it is celebrated by Christians celebrating Jesus Christ.


We all know that December 25 is not the actual birthdate of Jesus. According to the Jewish calendar, Jesus was 'probably' born sometime in September.


All of us Christian or non Christian follow the traditions of men of some form or fashion....

* Wedding Celebrations (God never commanded us to celebrate weddings). Most weddings were simply a Covenant agreement between the families and that was it. Man devised the festive celebrations.
* Birthdays - Traditional cake, candles, ice cream
* Bridal Showers - Traditional lingerie, home gifts, festivities
* Baby Showers - Traditional festivities
* Graduations - Traditional cap and gown
* Retirement Parties - Traditional festivities
* A New Job - Traditional celebrations
* Promotions - Traditional celebrations
* House Warmings - Traditional festivities
* Thanksgiving Day - Traditional Festivities
* Veterans Day - Traditional honorarium of those who served our country
* July 4th - Tradition fireworks, festivities
* Labor Day - Traditional picnic end of the summer celebration
* Memorial Day - Beginning celebration for summer
* Martin Luther King's Birthday - Honorarium (sp?) not always celebrated on his actual birthdate.
* New's Eve and New Year's Day - Traditional Festivities.

All of the above and more are 'Traditions of Men" and somewhere along the line, we as Christians participate in at least one of them, if not all. However, we make the difference in what it means. We give Jesus the praise in each and every one. Even if only for me personally to thank Him for giving me a day off from work.

Now the point I'm making is that we cannot call Christmas a tradition of man, without calling out the other things we as humans celebrate and/or participate in. A tradition is what it is...a tradition. And we all as 'men' have them and take part in them.

I know that the devil wants to shut Christmas down, for as I've shared in my earlier posts about this, Christmas is still a day when EVERYONE hears the name of Jesus, whether they want to or not. 99% of the music we hear on the media, radio, tv, internet, etc...sings about Jesus. The other 1% sings of fun and/or sharing love with family loved ones.

Who can walk thru a store adventing towards this holiday, and not hear Christmas 'worship' music playing during the entire time we are shopping. It fills the air everywhere.

Granted, I agree that the Lord never 'commanded' us to celebrate Christmas, but He did ask that we celebrate Him.


Jesus never commanded us to be on this forum, neither is there a command to focus so much upon our hair and other issues....Yet we do and here we are...'here'. And only by His grace. For I don't see one worship song coming out of our mouths in our hair care. But then, such is the traditions of men. :yep:

God's word says, do not do as the pagans, neither their practices. I've yet to see a pagan give glory unto God....yet we DO...indeed we do. :yep: For our practices are focused upon giving God glory, which has totally taken the rug out from under the pagans and their intent.

Yeah...satan would just love for Christians to shut down Christmas, for he knows it's one of the 2 times in the year where everyone, has to hear that Jesus is Lord. And Lord He is.

Peace and Love....:love3:
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Hey Darlin...:giveheart:


Christmas is a Christian Holiday as it is celebrated by Christians celebrating Jesus Christ.


We all know that December 25 is not the actual birthdate of Jesus. According to the Jewish calendar, Jesus was 'probably' born sometime in September.


All of us Christian or non Christian follow the traditions of men of some form or fashion....

* Wedding Celebrations (God never commanded us to celebrate weddings). Most weddings were simply a Covenant agreement between the families and that was it. Man devised the festive celebrations.
* Birthdays - Traditional cake, candles, ice cream
* Bridal Showers - Traditional lingerie, home gifts, festivities
* Baby Showers - Traditional festivities
* Graduations - Traditional cap and gown
* Retirement Parties - Traditional festivities
* A New Job - Traditional celebrations
* Promotions - Traditional celebrations
* House Warmings - Traditional festivities
* Thanksgiving Day - Traditional Festivities
* Veterans Day - Traditional honorarium of those who served our country
* July 4th - Tradition fireworks, festivities
* Labor Day - Traditional picnic end of the summer celebration
* Memorial Day - Beginning celebration for summer
* Martin Luther King's Birthday - Honorarium (sp?) not always celebrated on his actual birthdate.
* New's Eve and New Year's Day - Traditional Festivities.

All of the above and more are 'Traditions of Men" and somewhere along the line, we as Christians participate in at least one of them, if not all. However, we make the difference in what it means. We give Jesus the praise in each and every one. Even if only for me personally to thank Him for giving me a day off from work.

Now the point I'm making is that we cannot call Christmas a tradition of man, without calling out the other things we as humans celebrate and/or participate in. A tradition is what it is...a tradition. And we all as 'men' have them and take part in them.

I know that the devil wants to shut Christmas down, for as I've shared in my earlier posts about this, Christmas is still a day when EVERYONE hears the name of Jesus, whether they want to or not. 99% of the music we hear on the media, radio, tv, internet, etc...sings about Jesus. The other 1% sings of fun and/or sharing love with family loved ones.

Who can walk thru a store adventing towards this holiday, and not hear Christmas 'worship' music playing during the entire time we are shopping. It fills the air everywhere.

Granted, I agree that the Lord never 'commanded' us to celebrate Christmas, but He did ask that we celebrate Him.


Jesus never commanded us to be on this forum, neither is there a command to focus so much upon our hair and other issues....Yet we do and here we are...'here'. And only by His grace. For I don't see one worship song coming out of our mouths in our hair care. But then, such is the traditions of men. :yep:

God's word says, do not do as the pagans, neither their practices. I've yet to see a pagan give glory unto God....yet we DO...indeed we do. :yep: For our practices are focused upon giving God glory, which has totally taken the rug out from under the pagans and their intent.

Yeah...satan would just love for Christians to shut down Christmas, for he knows it's one of the 2 times in the year where everyone, has to hear that Jesus is Lord. And Lord He is.

Peace and Love....:love3:

Thanks Shimmie I just about the post the other holidays we celebrate but for a different reason. The word Christmas has Christ right in there. I celebrate all holidays and event that will bring happiness and love to others which glorfies the God character in us since God is love.

Here some others that are great that not in the bible but God has given Man dominion over the land to make decsision or put laws into place that will help others.

Easter or Resurrection Day - This day is move around every year
Grandparents Day
Valentine Day - I do not know no woman who does not like this day since it all about the woman on that day.
Mother's day
Father's Day
Family Reunions

I am not surprise that some people celebrate Christ-Mas without believing it belongs to Christ-ians because it is anointed time of year that God makes extra special since we take time out our schedule to remember, reflect and embrace the birth of Jesus. I am just glad our forefathers way back in 1610 were Christians who implimented this day and made it a National Holiday or Holy Day. It is more giving, love and forgiveness this time of year than any other time. And, yes in perfect world this would happen all year round but I just grateful that it happens and people will not be holding onto negative things for 20 and 30 years. This time which really starts in September helps to break down walls in peoples' lives and of course this happens other times of year but I notice more love from strangers and in the communtiy during this Holy season of thanks and love.
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Thanks Shimmie I just about the post the other holidays we celebrate but for a different reason. The word Christmas has Christ right in there. I celebrate all holidays and event that will bring happiness and love to others which glorfies the God character in us since God is love.

Here some others that are great that not in the bible but God has given Man dominion over the land to make decsision or put laws into place that will help others.

Easter or Resurrection Day - This day is move around every year
Grandparents Day
Valentine Day - I do not know no woman who does not like this day since it all about the woman on that day.
Mother's day
Father's Day
Family Reunions

I am not surprise that some people celebrate Christ-Mas without believing it belongs to Christ-ians because it is anointed time of year that God makes extra special since we take time out our schedule to remember, reflect and embrace the birth of Jesus. I am just glad our forefathers way back in 1610 were Christians who implimented this day and made it a National Holiday or Holy Day. It is more giving, love and forgiveness this time of year than any other time. And, yes in perfect world this would happen all year round but I just grateful that it happens and people will be holding onto negative things for 20 and 30 years. This time which really starts in September helps to break down walls in peoples' lives and of course this happens other times of year but I notice more love from strangers and in the communtiy during this Holy season of thanks and love.
This is beautiful Star and so very true. I love that you created this thread. All the world wants us to do is shut up about Jesus...However they cannot, for it's like fire shut in our bones.....we must proclaim the life, birth and love of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord forever.

I love you, Star...God bless you and your dreams. :love3:
This is beautiful Star and so very true. I love that you created this thread. All the world wants us to do is shut up about Jesus...However they cannot, for it's like fire shut in our bones.....we must proclaim the life, birth and love of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord forever.

I love you, Star...God bless you and your dreams. :love3:

Love you too and thanks for the excellent information you shared.
Shimmie.....girl, you are the bomb!:yep:

Hey Darlin...:giveheart:


Christmas is a Christian Holiday as it is celebrated by Christians celebrating Jesus Christ.


We all know that December 25 is not the actual birthdate of Jesus. According to the Jewish calendar, Jesus was 'probably' born sometime in September.


All of us Christian or non Christian follow the traditions of men of some form or fashion....

* Wedding Celebrations (God never commanded us to celebrate weddings). Most weddings were simply a Covenant agreement between the families and that was it. Man devised the festive celebrations.
* Birthdays - Traditional cake, candles, ice cream
* Bridal Showers - Traditional lingerie, home gifts, festivities
* Baby Showers - Traditional festivities
* Graduations - Traditional cap and gown
* Retirement Parties - Traditional festivities
* A New Job - Traditional celebrations
* Promotions - Traditional celebrations
* House Warmings - Traditional festivities
* Thanksgiving Day - Traditional Festivities
* Veterans Day - Traditional honorarium of those who served our country
* July 4th - Tradition fireworks, festivities
* Labor Day - Traditional picnic end of the summer celebration
* Memorial Day - Beginning celebration for summer
* Martin Luther King's Birthday - Honorarium (sp?) not always celebrated on his actual birthdate.
* New's Eve and New Year's Day - Traditional Festivities.

All of the above and more are 'Traditions of Men" and somewhere along the line, we as Christians participate in at least one of them, if not all. However, we make the difference in what it means. We give Jesus the praise in each and every one. Even if only for me personally to thank Him for giving me a day off from work.

Now the point I'm making is that we cannot call Christmas a tradition of man, without calling out the other things we as humans celebrate and/or participate in. A tradition is what it is...a tradition. And we all as 'men' have them and take part in them.

I know that the devil wants to shut Christmas down, for as I've shared in my earlier posts about this, Christmas is still a day when EVERYONE hears the name of Jesus, whether they want to or not. 99% of the music we hear on the media, radio, tv, internet, etc...sings about Jesus. The other 1% sings of fun and/or sharing love with family loved ones.

Who can walk thru a store adventing towards this holiday, and not hear Christmas 'worship' music playing during the entire time we are shopping. It fills the air everywhere.

Granted, I agree that the Lord never 'commanded' us to celebrate Christmas, but He did ask that we celebrate Him.


Jesus never commanded us to be on this forum, neither is there a command to focus so much upon our hair and other issues....Yet we do and here we are...'here'. And only by His grace. For I don't see one worship song coming out of our mouths in our hair care. But then, such is the traditions of men. :yep:

God's word says, do not do as the pagans, neither their practices. I've yet to see a pagan give glory unto God....yet we DO...indeed we do. :yep: For our practices are focused upon giving God glory, which has totally taken the rug out from under the pagans and their intent.

Yeah...satan would just love for Christians to shut down Christmas, for he knows it's one of the 2 times in the year where everyone, has to hear that Jesus is Lord. And Lord He is.

Peace and Love....:love3:
Precious Beautiful Wavy :kiss: Beautiful Precious Star :kiss:

and to Caramela...:kiss: (It was the topic not you...I was focused upon).

Jesus is the Bomb...:rosebud: I just love celebrating Him and Christmas.

Ummmmmmm, Precious Star...I sure don't mind Oprah's money...:rolleyes:

All of you are so precious and so loved.

Guess what? It's snowing here in Maryland...It's so pretty and seasonal.

:hug2: to each of you...