Just Wondering...

Does anyone hear roll their hair at night? My coworker swears by rolling her hair every night to retain length, and he hair is beautiful. I just want to hear from ladies who roll their hair and what type of results you get.
Do you mean picurls, or using actual rollers?
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Sometimes I use satin covered sponge rollers if I want to maintain curls with a roller set.

I would like to know too. I used to roll my hair (magnetic rollers) when I was in my teens and I think it really helped with retention. I think I started having breakage when I started using curling irons everyday. :sekret::spank:
I think pincurling is kinda popular. i do 4 big ones at night sometimes when my hair is straaight...

I haven't heard about rollers at night really...
Sometimes I'll roll my hair on a few flexirods or satin rollers if I want some curls but don't feel like pin curling, or if I don't feel like (cross) wrapping.
I used to roller set dry hair every evening with my mesh rollers. It kept the style looking fresh all week and was better than using a curling iron. This is not anything new though (or mybe I'm just showing my age).
I used to roll my hair in sponge rollers every night in high school. When I went to college I slept with my hair in a braid with a sponge curler on the bottom. Now, I use a silk scarf and no curlers. The braid with the one curler on the bottom was the most comfy.
I just recently started rolling and oiling my hair nightly with sponge rollers since December, my hairstylist told me that helps with retaining the ends of the hair. So far, so good. I noticed that my hair is a lot healthier and I still have style and bounce.
In college there was a whole semester where I blowdried my hair once every couple of weeks and then rolled my hair with the sating covered sponge rollers every night.

Sleeping with those rollers was super comfortable, I didn't even notice them. And I retained a lot of length. And this is before I found the board. It was also really quick to take them out in the morning, which was a plus.
I don't like wrapping my hair. It somewhat thins my sides. I've been wearing pincurls or Anchoitas (Gisellr78 knows what I mean) for many years. My hair in my avatar is the result of wearing them. HTH.
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I think I'm going to go back to this.. my grandma has been telling me to do this for years and she does it every night and she's 85! and her hair has always been at least APL
i'm not sure if this counts but i put my hair in a ponytail and put a roller on the pony before i baggy it. works well with retaining my ends and i have a nice bend in the morning. :yep:
i'm not sure if this counts but i put my hair in a ponytail and put a roller on the pony before i baggy it. works well with retaining my ends and i have a nice bend in the morning. :yep:
Just want to piggyback on this: I put my hair in a couple of ponytails and roll the ends of my hair under, securing with clips. It's like wearing invisible rollers. Try it!
When I was relaxed, I used to roll my hair with satin rollers almost every night. It allowed me to keep my style longer, and I liked the extra bounce it provided. When I flat iron, I do the same thing now.