Just Venting...


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all...

I guess I just wanted to type this all out. I already know the answers lol.

So I've been seeing this guy. He's not my BF (because I don't want him to be), and I wouldn't necessarily say we're FWB either. It's a weird situation. Without all the details of that lol, I just found out I got accepted to nursing school last night. It has really been the culmination of a lot of hard work and stress for me. I didn't even think I would get in, so I was really excited!

This morning I woke up, he had stayed the night, and I wanted to drive to the school. I first of all wanted to see how long it would take me to get there in rush hour because my lease is up at the end of next month and I needed to decide if I should move or not. The school is not super far, but the traffic out here is HORRIBLE so I figured if it took me too long I know I would prefer to move somewhere else. I also told him I wanted to walk around and see the campus and maybe get some things straight with my financial aid. He agreed to go.

So we get there and I'm just being lame and corny wanting to walk around and what not and he starts getting an attitude. He does these stupid sports line ups where he gambles money on games all the time. Keep in mind this is a college campus with WIFI! So he's like I have things to do and I don't have a signal and he just starts acting like a jerk. I said why don't you get on the wifi. This n-word had the nerve to tell me he didn't want to do that nonsense over a public network like he's conducting a drug deal (mind you, he consistently goes to the bar to do it).

I just got so upset. I feel like I make so many concessions for him and his BS and he always ruins my mood. ALWAYS! I just felt like this was a momentous occasion and he ruined it. I don't know why, because trust me, there have been more egregious instances, this was just the last straw for me. I was so pissed! Maybe I'm being irrational, but I just couldn't deal anymore so I was like let's go I'll take you home. So we're in the car and he's like let's get some food, let's do this, that, come with me here later, etc. I just turned on some music and didn't respond. I dropped him off at his house and drove off, called him and told him I just can't with him anymore. I'm a bit sad though, I really did care about him. He's got a lot going on, but I can't continue to allow him to take his frustrations out on me.

Just my rant :(