Just subscribed!


Well-Known Member
LHCF hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D..K, now down to buisness...

Okay so I registered to this site in October and was lurking for a couple of months before that. But today, I've finally decided to come out of hiding and pay this wretched $6.50! Feels good now that I'm actually going to be able to post and not be limited anymore to just a couple of forum topics. Feels real good. Also, I know you guys have no idea who I am but I feel like I know some of you already, especially the frequent posters and I love the little family thing you guys got going on and I would like to be a part of it :grin:

Sooooo, I guess I should give you guys a little info about mi hair.

Hair type
: I'm not so sure but I think like a 4a or b. I'm not really a big fan of the hair typing thing because knowing this hasn't really done anything for me :ohwell:
Hairstory: I'm going to start from when I got my first relaxer at the weeeee age of about 8 or 9 I think, yeah i know..*lays down on therapist couch*...well I got my perm and everything was fine for a while. I would go over to my local beauty salon that was owned by Dominicans and get my hair touched up or washed and set every 2 weeks or so. Then after a while, my hair started going downhill. It was breaking off and it was becoming really damaged. Soooo, my mom had to do it..yeah she did, she did the BC. My hair went from almost apl I believe to about 1.5 inches of hair :cry2:. Okay so from then I vowed not to get perms again and had my hair braided in extensions until I grew it out. Fast foward to the age of 17 [i'm 19 now, yes mi know i'm young but I want my healthy hair care to become a habit and for it to go into my adulthood and beyond] and my dad convinces me to get my hair permed again. Why did I let him do that? :wallbash:. So I get my hair permed and it looks good and I keep it up for a while then once again my hair started reacting to it and plus my hair was already damaged so this just added more. On November 7, 2008 I got my hair cut. Well actually I just went to get my hair washed and straighted but the lady convinced me into getting it cut because there was part of my hair that wasnt really growing and she wanted to even it...so I let her..and I went from damn near apl to some ugly above shoulder cut. I was not happy and when I left after paying $70 to get my hair butchered I wanted to cry. So from Nov until about May i've been completely lost as to how to take care of my hair and keep it healthy. In May I bought Chicoro's book "Grow It: How to Grow Afro-Textured Hair to Maximum Lengths in the Shortest Time" and that helped a lot. From there I learned that I should be washing my hair at least once a week instead of my normal 1 or 2 times a month. I also learned about protective styling, moisturizing, tracking hair progress with pics, and what not. So I started doing that..kinda.. but I didn't really have a regimen or anything because I was still wasn't very knowledgeable about hair care. But now, since I found LHCF I am more educated about hair care than I ever have been and I love it! I'm still an amateur though and i'm hoping to become as educated as possible on my hair and hair care because I love when my hair is healthy and it loves it too.

Oh and sorry for the lengthy post, I just wanted to give you guys a little background on my hair's life and how it's been treated. I've skipped some major setbacks that I had but you'll probably find that out as i continue to be on this site. But yeah, I think i'm done for now...

Oh and p.s. anyone know how to change your username because I just made the one I have now because i just wanted to hurry and register but now that I actually subscribed I would like to change it. Thanks :D
Welcome!!! Your background sounds similar to mine :) You are going to LOVE it here. How is your hair health doing now?
Welcome aboard. Chicoro is or was a member her. Her knowledge is sound and good. But remember if something is not working for you then change it. What works for one person may or may not work for another.

I guess you will be dealing with two different textures for a while, I would recommend you search the forum for all things 2 textures and see how some of the ladies are dealing with this situation.

Enjoy your hair care journey.
Best $6.50 I ever spent! Welcome from one newbie to another I too have been on the hair horror story merry go round :yep:
Welcome. I'm glad you decided to join us.

To change your screen name go the your "user cp" its at the top left side of the webpage. Click on that and then go all the way down to to the last link on the control panel. It'll say "request username" Follow the directions from there. I think it takes a day or two for your new name to appear.
Okay, so I don't know how to put multiple quotes in one post yet so I'm just going to do this lol...

Skiggle: Thanks so much Skiggle! :D

Bettina: Yeah, im sure we're not the only ones that had this traumatic experience :nono: lol...But my hair health is doing really good actually. It's sooo much thicker and since I started taking pics, well kinda, I've been able to see how much its growing since I started taking care of it :D. I tried to put a pic up but i'm having a hard time doing it :/..but once I figure it out, I'm going to post one :D

mscocoface: Thanks mscocoface. Yeah these two textures are getting annoying but on thanksgiving I had my mom cut off a couple of inches so I could gradually start getting rid of my relaxed ends. Thanks for the advice, will do :D

yeswecan: Yea, i'm really excited that I finally gave in and paid. Funny thing is I actually joined BHM a couple of days ago, the 4th lol, because i told myself I was going to wait for a while before I paid for this site...then I gave in and i'm glad I did! :D
Welcome. I'm glad you decided to join us.

To change your screen name go the your "user cp" its at the top left side of the webpage. Click on that and then go all the way down to to the last link on the control panel. It'll say "request username" Follow the directions from there. I think it takes a day or two for your new name to appear.

Thank you, i'm glad I decided to join toooo!

And thank you so much. Now I have to figure out what I want to change it to lol.
Okay so I said I would post a pic. I don't wanna get hit with one of these lol :needpics:
So this is a pic of my hair and this was taken October. It's twisted in reallyyyy tinyyyy twists and I'm sorry that they look kind of raggedy. I just needed to redo them but i'm a college student and they're really time consuming because they're so tiny. But yeah, here ya go:

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Hey!! I just subscirbed too after lurking for nearly a year now. Now we can see all the hidden pics we were missing before. Yaay.