Just relaxed? OK to workout right afterwards?


I just relaxed and I'm currently DCing. I am wondering if after I come from under this dryer I could do a 40 min cardio session without jepordizing my relaxer or making it revert. A stylist told me not to work out for 3 days after a relaxer is that true? I would keep my conditioner and baggy on my head and just rinse my hair after the workout? What do you think?
My stylist always told me not to work out the same day I got a retouch because the pores on the scalp are still open. I don't know how much of that is true, but that's what she said. I usually work out two days after a retouch and I've had no problems. I never want to work out after a retouch anyway. I'd hate to undo all that went into the retouch by sweating and washing it out after the workout. But that's just me.
I think it is okay to work up a sweat while your hair is wet with conditioner and then finish washing afterwards. Your hair dresser was probably referring to having a damp scalp within that three-day period right after and not so much to keep it from reverting, but to keep your scalp healthy.
I work out a lot, and if you want to workout after a relaxer, you should be just fine. I don't believe that hair can revert...I think that if it curls back up with moisture, it's under processed or texlaxed. Once the bonds are broken (and hair is straightened) then that's it.