
New Member
After reading soo many wonderful things about this product, I just had to give in and make an order....I cant wait....so in the mean time I was just wondering if it is okay for me to mix MN along with the BT...r could I mix MTG along with the BT????..I'm thinking about beginning a personal challange that includes me co-washing, moisturizing, and sealing with which ever concuction I choose to take on....I just wanted to know how long it took for you guys to see results with the BT and also how often do you apply the product, and how long should I keep it in before I wash it out??????HELP PLEASE.....
GIRL CONGRATS!!!! It took me two weeks to see results of 3/4 inches!!! You are going to LOVE this stuff!!! I apply it everyday to the scalp only, and I wash my hair every 3 days...
You can use it every day to see max results. I co wash every day, then apply my growth aid. Repeat next morning. So my growth aid has 24 hours to soak in and do it's job :yep:

Remember to always moisturize and seal before you use a growth aid, because they can be drying. And since they're oil based, they lock moisture out on top of being drying. So it's VERY important to moisturize and seal first.

Also, only apply the growth aid to your scalp, for the reasons listed above. You don't want to apply a drying oil on the length of your hair :nono:

ETA: Don't mix BT with anything, it's so not necessary. Don't waste your time with MTG either. I've never used and and never will because there are just way too many good smelling growth aids (BT, Bee Mine, Delouise Ayurveda Elixer) for my hair to be smelling like bacon :barf:
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GIRL CONGRATS!!!! It took me two weeks to see results of 3/4 inches!!! You are going to LOVE this stuff!!! I apply it everyday to the scalp only, and I wash my hair every 3 days...
are you kidding me?

how long have you been using BT and how much growth have you had so far?
are you kidding me?

how long have you been using BT and how much growth have you had so far?

No I am not kidding. I received my relaxer on May 24, 2008..that is when I started using BT. For the three weeks that I used BT, I got the 3/4 inches of growth...which is so weird because usually I don't see growth until week 4 (post relaxer)...but not this time:drunk:

No I am not kidding. I received my relaxer on May 24, 2008..that is when I started using BT. For the three weeks that I used BT, I got the 3/4 inches of growth...which is so weird because usually I don't see growth until week 4 (post relaxer)...but not this time:drunk:

wow...... the pj in me is trying to jump out
do any of you ladies know how I could contact the lady on this forum,,asides from her website??

It would be smart to say which lady Im talking about....LOL Im talking about naturallady,,,the creator of BT???
Yeah she is, try sending her a PM. I just received mine the other day and have started using it. I cant wait to report the progress!
You can use it every day to see max results. I co wash every day, then apply my growth aid. Repeat next morning. So my growth aid has 24 hours to soak in and do it's job :yep:

Remember to always moisturize and seal before you use a growth aid, because they can be drying. And since they're oil based, they lock moisture out on top of being drying. So it's VERY important to moisturize and seal first.

Also, only apply the growth aid to your scalp, for the reasons listed above. You don't want to apply a drying oil on the length of your hair :nono:

ETA: Don't mix BT with anything, it's so not necessary. Don't waste your time with MTG either. I've never used and and never will because there are just way too many good smelling growth aids (BT, Bee Mine, Delouise Ayurveda Elixer) for my hair to be smelling like bacon :barf:

co-signing.....this is so important.