Just Heard A Crazy Story - Catch A Cheater

Reminds me of the woman last week who said 2 condoms fell out of her at the same time. From 2 different dudes.
Who the heck would you not feel a condom inside of themselves :eh:
Like unless you and ole boy was getting it in at your house, then your man comes home unexpectedly. He sees you naked and decides he wants early dessert.:barf:

I worked at a gyn office. It is not totally uncommon to find whole condoms or condom pieces. You can't feel them. They are smaller lighter and more flexible than period cups which you also can't feel. You also find old tampons. Lord these things smell like death and can cause sepsis aka toxic shock.

I like old boys style. This is some straight up forensic files type trap a heaux in her lies type stuff. He set her all the way up. He had his suspicions and he needed to make sure he was right.

I want to know if he leaves or if he forgives her. I wonder if they have kids. I wonder if he will ask DNA if they are his. Dana will tell you the truth about your youth.

Reminds me of the woman last week who said 2 condoms fell out of her at the same time. From 2 different dudes.

She needs to tell these men super sized trojans aren't for everybody. A condom should fit like a glove not an oversized turtleneck
I'm trying to understand how she didn't feel him inserting the condom with his finger. Naked skin feel different.
I get within an hour or so of relations. I'm talking about so long that you shower, get dressed, travel to another destination and have relations again.

This is how one of my best friends got pregnant. Went to the doctor for a regular exam and found out.Was shocked, swore to God she used condoms all the time, and that's when they pulled an old decrepit condom out of her. She said it was the most embarrassing moment of her life, but now swears by it for people trying to conceive. She has 3 kids now.
This is how one of my best friends got pregnant. Went to the doctor for a regular exam and found out.Was shocked, swore to God she used condoms all the time, and that's when they pulled an old decrepit condom out of her. She said it was the most embarrassing moment of her life, but now swears by it for people trying to conceive. She has 3 kids now.
Yo that's actually a great plan for those TTC,. Did she conceive the other two kids using this method?
Yo that's actually a great plan for those TTC,. Did she conceive the other two kids using this method?

Why don't I get how this is a TTC method? :cry3:

So you leave an old rubber in and that's more likely to get you knocked up?
the f'd up thing about this to me is that the dude must have known it slid off in her and just did not say anything? what a pos

This is how one of my best friends got pregnant. Went to the doctor for a regular exam and found out.Was shocked, swore to God she used condoms all the time, and that's when they pulled an old decrepit condom out of her. She said it was the most embarrassing moment of her life, but now swears by it for people trying to conceive. She has 3 kids now.