Just got a relaxer.......top of bsl?

Should I have trimmed?

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Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! If you do a trim make it very slight as the only thing I see is a teeny tiny need for evening up (if at all). If your ends are cool there really is no need in my opinion :)
Thanks to this website. I was kinda nervous about not trimming. My last trim was 11 1/2 weeks ago.

Sandyrabbit, I think you're like me...so used to getting trims that when you don't have to, you get nervous and wonder, "am I doing okay? Will I sabotage my hair if I skip a trim."

I had my first - EVER - experience of having a stylist say my ends were in good shape and didn't need a trim. My friends and SO also confirmed. Now, I'm about to do the search and destroy dustings that someone recommended in this thread because I haven't trimmed since May 30, 2008. I just washed my hair this weekend, and I maybe saw one or two strands that could use a healthy snip.

It just amazes me that all of the LHCF tips really work!
Keep up the good work, and continue to thank God for it!
Sandyrabbit, I think you're like me...so used to getting trims that when you don't have to, you get nervous and wonder, "am I doing okay? Will I sabotage my hair if I skip a trim."

I had my first - EVER - experience of having a stylist say my ends were in good shape and didn't need a trim. My friends and SO also confirmed. Now, I'm about to do the search and destroy dustings that someone recommended in this thread because I haven't trimmed since May 30, 2008. I just washed my hair this weekend, and I maybe saw one or two strands that could use a healthy snip.

It just amazes me that all of the LHCF tips really work!
Keep up the good work, and continue to thank God for it!

Oh my gosh I'm exactly like this. I keep inspecting my ends lol. I also keep running my fingers through my hair to see if I have breakage. My hairdresser was surprised too. I could see it on her face. So far no breakage, no split ends. So I'll be bunning 90% of the time until waist length.
I just got my relaxer and I did not get a trim. I will get a trim my next relaxer. Do you think I should have trimmed. I do think I've made the top of bsl though so yay!!:grin:

Wait Sandyrabbit, your ends are still in very great shape. I don't see any splits or anything like that. Your hair looks like a crowning glory and I think that if you aren't having any issues with it, you shouldn't trim it at all. You are so lucky to have that lovely"V" shape coming in and that is wonderful to have hair growing like this.

These are your lead hairs. After the lead hairs get to your ultimate length goal then consider getting and keeping it trimmed at that spot until the rest of your hair at the sides catches them up. There is no point in losing length progress just yet. I made this mistake once and to no avail because my hair continued to grow the "V" right back in. So now I made up my mind to wait it out.
Wait Sandyrabbit, your ends are still in very great shape. I don't see any splits or anything like that. Your hair looks like a crowning glory and I think that if you aren't having any issues with it, you shouldn't trim it at all. You are so lucky to have that lovely"V" shape coming in and that is wonderful to have hair growing like this.

These are your lead hairs. After the lead hairs get to your ultimate length goal then consider getting and keeping it trimmed at that spot until the rest of your hair at the sides catches them up. There is no point in losing length progress just yet. I made this mistake once and to no avail because my hair continued to grow the "V" right back in. So now I made up my mind to wait it out.

thanks aggie... the lack of split ends is really due to the dc challenge and the bunning. Your hair in your avatar looks great. I think thats what I'm going to try to do. I'm just scared of not trimming. I'll see at my next relaxer in about 3 months.
thanks aggie... the lack of split ends is really due to the dc challenge and the bunning. Your hair in your avatar looks great. I think thats what I'm going to try to do. I'm just scared of not trimming. I'll see at my next relaxer in about 3 months.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Those deep conditioning treatments are the truth:yep:. Thanks for the compliment on my hair. At first I was scared of not trimming my hair also but I'm not anymore. I realize that I don't need them and so now I can finally see some length coming in and I'm excited about it.

My last trim was in August and only because I wanted to trim off my "V" but that was a mistake because it came right back and I was back to square one and lost a whole month's progress. I will not be dusting my hair until December 22nd, 2008 for Christmas but only if I need it. I might dust again 6 months later but again, only if I need it. I made up my mind to limit trimming to no more than twice a year, if needed.
I love your hair!! And if the ends are fine just wait to trim. I haven't trimmed since Dec '07 and I know i'm all scraggly and uneven - but I refuse until I reach BSL!! Then.....maybe :)
Thank you. Damn girl, your hair grew a lot in a month. I love it.

Thank you!! One word - MEGATEK. I wasn't believing at first, but now that's the only thing I've been doing differently, so it must be helping! I was gonna stop at one bottle...now I think I may keep it up.
Beautiful hair, SandyRabbit!! Your ends - actually your whole head - really looks so healthy. The DCing is definitely working for you.

I know a lot of ladies have already chimed in, but I'm going to add my 2 cents anyway: you don't need no stinkin' trim! Your ends look great!