Just for me texture softener


New Member
Hello Ladies ! :drunk:
Ive been doing research on the just for me texture softener and im still unsure about how i feel about the product. im currently natural (1 yr & some change) and im thinking about putting something in my hair so that its a Little more manager. How was this product worked for you??

~~I would appreciate it if there were NO negative comments about me wanting to put a chemical in MY hair~~ :yep:
I've been use JFM Texture Softener for a couple years now and I really like it. My hair is a combination of 3c/4a. I haven't updated my album in a long time, but my hair still has its curl pattern and it's still thick (not as thick as it was when natural). It has certainly made my hair more managable. I've noticed that when my new growth comes in, the curl pattern is still the same, but it's thicker. And of course my hair gets frizzy around the hairline after a while.
I was relaxed and I've been using it for over a year now and my hair is a lot thicker and healthier. I can wear my hair curly or straight and I luv it. My hair isn't as brittle when it was bone straight.
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I have been using it for a year and a half now. And I have 4b hair and it has made my texlaxed hair consistently textured and more manageable. And it is still really thick and healthy. I recommend it.
OP thanks for starting this thread. My natural hair is very dense and the longer it gets the more difficult it is for me to manage. Anyone have any pictures of their hair after using it and how often do you apply it?
I tried it in '09 and my hair didn't like it at all. I had to cut off my hair and start my journey again. It life my hair hard, brittle, and dry. I followed the directions, dc and everything. I guess I'm the one it didn't work for
I tried it a few years ago. My hair went straight. Maybe my hair is just sensitive like that, but I had to transition all over again.
for some it works like a gentle relaxer for others they have to restart their journey not just their natural journey but their hhj. I say follow the directions and leave it in less than the directions say. that way if all goes well you'll have a texlax type style and if you want to go further you can.
it worked for me exactly as a full blown relaxer... no problems (however my hair was BONE STRAIGHT)

my goddaughter now uses this product, her hair is BONE STRAIGHT as well

basically it's a relaxer (don't know anyone who's texture it softened personally)
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You cannot leave the product on very long. I use it on my mother, her hair is fine, but very dense 4b. And she mostly wears wigs, but is trying to get some length so that she wear other styles. The packaging says to leave it on about 5 minutes. And you are not supposed to comb it through. So that's what I do to her hair, and it only loosens it up, it doesn't straighten at all. Now if you have a looser curl pattern(3s, 4a), it probably will straighten it.
it worked for me exactly as a full blown relaxer... no problems (however my hair was BONE STRAIGHT)

my goddaughter now uses this product, her hair is BONE STRAIGHT as well

basically it's a relaxer (don't know anyone who's texture it softened personally)

Same thing happened to me. I tried it in 08 and it worked just like a relaxer. In July I texlaxed with Silk elements mild mixed with Miss Key 10 n 1. It worked perfectly.
Hello Ladies ! :drunk:
Ive been doing research on the just for me texture softener and im still unsure about how i feel about the product. im currently natural (1 yr & some change) and im thinking about putting something in my hair so that its a Little more manager. How was this product worked for you??

~~I would appreciate it if there were NO negative comments about me wanting to put a chemical in MY hair~~ :yep:

I haven't tried it. But, I'm guessing that it will give you style, body and shine...a look that's totally all mine. Just...for....Me.... :spinning:

Sorry, I haven't tried it and I don't know. But, that jingle is stuck in my head now from the title of this thread. I just wanted to sing it out. :lachen:
Welp I just researched this and found some before and after pics of how it worked on type 4 hair. Not a good look in my opinion. If I do decide to texlax, I will get a mild relaxer and cut it with some oil myself. The JFM has too many bad reviews for me to risk it.
It melted my hair off in clumps after 4 minutes. I went from waist length to chin length.

I'm 3b so my results may be different.

I have also used JFM texture softener and I loved it...i stopped using it for whatever reason but it wasn't a bad reason...I may go back to it.
I used JFM and it relaxed my curl a little bit, I like it, it wasn't too harsh and I still have my curls. It's also easier to flat iron as well. When my hair is flat ironed it looks like I have a fresh perm.
It worked fine for me, but I think it did because I diluted the softner by adding the whole thing of oil in it. I didn't want to lose curls pattern, but did anyway due to using a flatiron too much. I believe it is a good product if you want a mild relaxer.
I have been going back & forth on which relaxer I should used. And it was between just4me or lineage. I decided 2 go w/ lineage. I have reviews on both products & it appears 2b more positive reviews for the lineage. Any b/c I burn so easily, I'm hoping lineage will be safer. We shall see:)

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I have been going back & forth on which relaxer I should used. And it was between just4me or lineage. I decided 2 go w/ lineage. I have reviews on both products & it appears 2b more positive reviews for the lineage. Any b/c I burn so easily, I'm hoping lineage will be safer. We shall see:)

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch Q using LHCF

Linange has like almost zero burn...it's so mild, I don't even base (don't judge me). I throw in a few spoonfuls of DC, and it takes a lotta frizz and poof out of my hair. Try the neutralizing conditioner as well...it's like a conditioning shampoo, and doesn't leave the hair stripped.
I just made my hair extra crispy. I ended up relaxing my hair after I used it, was nothing I could do with that mess it turned my hair into.
Use it once, my hair got BONE straight; Went on Ebay and got the Linange Shea Butter Texturizer and haven't looked back since :).

That's so funny. My sister just mentioned Lineage to me after I bought JFM. Some people at her job recommended it. I tried the JFM last night on a patch in the back of my head and it did nothing. It hangs down slightly more when its wet but now that my hair is dry I can't even tell where I put it. I'm going to look for Lineage.