Just a few pics of my puff :D

If you ever see me in the streets and I'm just staring at your hair - don't be alarmed, I am in awe!! lol - Georgous!!!!
girl what puff! i see a gorgeous ponytail!!! so many atliens on this forum
nice to see you ladies!

I thought the same thing when I saw. I think it is really pretty (wish my hair could do that when stretched), but I don't consider it a puff.

^^Really? I never even thought about not calling it a puff :look:...it just always has been. It's just bigger than it used to be :drunk: I get what you're sayin though :yep:

Thanks for all of the lovely complements ladies! :grin::grin::grin:
Just lovely!!! What did you use on the sides? (gel, conditioner, leave-in) How do you sleep with it at night to avoid tangles?

Thanks!! The only thing that's in my hair is leave-in conditioner (Giovanni Direct). I put like a quarter-sized amount in my hair while it's wet after twisting my entire head. So nothing extra on the sides. Sometimes I'll add a pea sized amount of IC fantasia gel (in the clear tube) though...just not this time. I think my hair responds well to very minimal products (think water, 1 moisturizer, sealant most of the time and I'm good.)

Last night I was bad and only tied a scarf around the perimeter; I didn't sleep very wild so it worked out cuz my curls weren't disturbed at all this morning.
That's what I usually do and I can wear it 2-3 days (I usually wear it out on the weekend.) I may try plaiting it in sections tonight to see if that makes it hold up any better...I know alot of LHCFers do that to maintain their twistouts...:yep:
Wow!!! I wear my hair in a puff everyday and I usually don't get excited when I see someone elses.....but your so-called puff (joking) is bangin'!!!!! I can't wait 'til mine gets that big!
I wanna sing Luther Vandross songs to your puff!

I missed the last couple of comments in this thread but just had to come back to say Mook that you had me laughing at loud at my desk at this comment :lachen: (I actually imagined someone singing a Luther song to my hair LOL)

You did an absolutely beautiful job:yep::yep::yep: You're gonna have people wanting to know where they can "buy" one just like it:grin:

^^And to tenderheaded, a guy in the mall asked me if my hair was all mine and I replied "Yes, I bought all of it, so it's all mine :look:" I can't help but to play jokes with some people sometimes lol Before I could tell him I was just joking he went on and on about "how well I blended it" and etc, etc...by the time he was done rambling I didn't feel like explaining that I was actually joking. lol :look: