June 2011....What Did YOU Buy this Week? (Hair Care Edition)

Satin rollers to use at night.. Staying away frm the flat iron thus summer. Can't wait to see results :)!
Thanks to the LHCF enabler, IDareT'sHair, I purchased 2 of Jasmine's Hibiscus DC,1 Silk Detangling Spray Leave In and 1 Shea Butter Cream Rinse / Leave In.
Oh! Oh! Oh! How could I forget, I'm also going to pick up my order of Chagrin Valley Shampoo Bars! :D

*thinks that it may be a blessing in disguise that her credit card expires this month......BUT then remembers that she will be getting the replacement card in da mail!* :D
Ummmm so IDareT'sHair what's that about a 30% off sale on Jasmines stuff???
Coffee You are Right.:grin: Toy is my Gurl too.:lol:

If I had all that, I'd probably have twice as much "stuff":look: ......:lol:

I told her, If I had that Hurr....My PJ'ism would be Totally Outta Control :lol:
too many Hibiscus DCs from Jasmine's (I tried to resist but I couldn't) in the following scents:

Berry Bliss
Raspberry Buttercream
Coconut Almond
Exotic Coconut Cream Smoothie
Brown Sugar Buttercream

Ummm Is there a place where PJs like me can go and admit that I actually Like buying stuff :look:
too many Hibiscus DCs from Jasmine's (I tried to resist but I couldn't) in the following scents:

Berry Bliss
Raspberry Buttercream
Coconut Almond
Exotic Coconut Cream Smoothie
Brown Sugar Buttercream

Ummm Is there a place where PJs like me can go and admit that I actually Like buying stuff :look:

You're already here :lachen:.
Well....I got the Mixed Silk Leave In Conditioner and Deep Conditioner.
Sally's is having a sale. If you by either the Shampoo or DC, you get the leave in free. Plus, I had a 15% off coupon. I could not pass that up!