Jumping the "Less Is More Wagon".


New Member
As I read the board I notice there are ladies who have an arsenol of hair care products that they use on a regular basis. Sure we all have things under the cabinet that didn't work or we only use every once in a blue moon, but I'm talking about your core products that are apart of your regular reg.

Well, I simply feel less is more. Right now I'm using 5 products...a shampoo and condition, a protien, an oil, and a hair dressing. I feel these products supply what my hair needs. If my hair is not shiny or isn't swinging right I wanna address the needs of my hair and not just layer on product until it takes the form I want. Also, with fewer products I know what's not working and what really is.

For a short time I jumped on the pj wagon...really up until this week. I tried all things that were raved about. Yet, after my last wash my hair looked and felt dreadful. I was like, what happened? Yet, I'd been using so many products over the last few weeks I really didn't know what happened. Was it the Carol's Daughter? The ApHogee? The Suave Milk and Honey? The Kera Care Dentangling Poo? The Humecto? The Rose H2O hair dressing? The Elasta QP Mango Butter? The Silicon Mix? and on and on and on.

So I sat down and asked myself how I went from having an enviable mane to a ball of poodle clippings atop my head. Simply...I left what worked in search of the Holy Grails of Hair Care.

So I pledge to go back to what was always true. My Nexxus. Keep the hair dressings to a minimum and use my protien bimonthly. I'm considering adding some silk touch or the serum from the NTM line before my roller sets with my new pibbs dryer, but I will use one leave in at a time so I know what effect it has on my regimine.

No more buying everything that hits the board for me. From this point on, when it comes to products, I'm sticking to what works. Anyone wanna join me?

I would love to join you, however I have a couple of things I want to try. I want to buy the Nexxus Phyto Organics line and NTM Silk Touch. I need a really good moisturizer and I LOVE Nexxus products so I am pretty sure I will love this new line. BTW how do you like that line?
I'm with you!!! I've been on the hide your hair challenge, so I've been bunning. I have 3 products I've used in the past 2 weeks: shampoo, a deep conditioner, and oil. I plan on continuing on this path for the rest of the challenge or until my hair "asks" for change :) .
I'm with ya!:D When my hair was at its longest and healthiest ( back in my twenty's:eek: ) I basically washed once a week or so and used heat maybe once or twice a week,and stretched relaxers, even though it was more a financial issue. :lol:
I am with u as far as being a less is more girl. But I do have a few deepconditioners that I bought to try out and if they don't work for me then I will definitely stick to my main hair staples. I also went overboard the last few months with shampoos... but I will use what works and narrow down what I don't like. I don't want to be a pj, though very tempting when u read the hair boards.. but I must be strong !!:D
Same here, more is less for my hair. I went through a brief PJ stage, and after a while, my hair started to look dry and not as healthy. What works for one doesn't work for all.
I am with you here. My regimen includes Shampoo, Conditioner, a Deep Conditioner, A Leave in and a good oil. This goes a long way when you are bunning 24/7.
Yes this is what I am aiming for. Being new to this whole thing, I was trying so many different things. I think I've stopped and would like to have a normal looking cabinet of hair products, without having to find new places at home to put my products!!!

My last hurdle is between leave-ins and moisturisers. I have learned that you can use either, as a leave-in can also double up as a moisturiser and vice versa and I don't need to buy both. This way, cutting down on more excess products!
omg!!! grrr i typed a whole long post and now its gone.....

anyway...... yes im already there.. my hair loves less. lol
I'm have my staples, but I like variety so I have a lot of stuff. But once everything is gone, I'll be sticking to what I know.
I really need to jump on this band wagon after using 18 products for one wash. But I just ordered 4 different Dominican conditioners to try for the first time. I need deliverance from this weakness.
janeemat said:
I really need to jump on this band wagon after using 18 products for one wash. But I just ordered 4 different Dominican conditioners to try for the first time. I need deliverance from this weakness.

18 products :eek: :eek: :eek: WOW!! That is SERIOUS PJism!

I am WITH you on the Less is More....after a couple months of PJism when I first joined...I settled on my staples. Its not as simple as possible but its a lot better...and my hair is happy
I've been on the band wagon from the beginning..but by default. I think I've tried everything for my hair because it used to flake uncontrollably and for the HUGE detangling problem I used to have. I got the flaking to go completely away by using Parnevu's Tea Tree line of products. Once that ran out, I tried Elasta QP's shampoo and conditioners and they were the only ones that actually detangled my hair and made it feel soft and silky - just like they said. I did run out and get NTM Silk Touch and I LOVE that, but I've found a line that works so I stick with it.

But I'm sooooooo tempted to try some of the Dominican products that everyone raves about....and to buy more Salerm 21 that I also love....and the K-Pak line that someone posted about yesterday...:p:D
I agree. I have always had a simple regime until joining the board. I started buying up everything. I found out that the NTM Silk use of Sodium Hydroxide ( it is the last ingredient on the bottle) was not good for my hair type. I had breakage, especially around my thinning edges. I wrote the company to see if regular use would be good on relaxed hair and they told me to inquire of my stylist for that answer. I know that it is used as a perservative but I can't imagine despite how good my hair felt that long term it could possibly be damaging. My stylist said discontinue using this product.

I will be more careful with too many Silicones too. If they are too heavy on the hair, moisture can't get it. I will moisturize first and then apply it as a sealant. If you don't, it can give you a false sense of moisturized hair when the hair may be infact dry and in need of moisture.

If a product begins to fail me, then I will change.

But I am thankful for all of the insight that the women on this board have. There is nothing like a true testimony of what has worked for them and they always appear to be unbiased.

My two cents ( I know more like 10 cents)
I agree. I have always had a simple regime until joining the board. I started buying up everything. I found out that the NTM Silk use of Sodium Hydroxide ( it is the last ingredient on the bottle) was not good for my hair type. I had breakage, especially around my thinning edges. I wrote the company to see if regular use would be good on relaxed hair and they told me to inquire of my stylist for that answer. I know that it is used as a perservative but I can't imagine despite how good my hair felt that long term it could possibly be damaging. My stylist said discontinue using this product.

I will be more careful with too many Silicones too. If they are too heavy on the hair, moisture can't get it. I will moisturize first and then apply it as a sealant. If you don't, it can give you a false sense of moisturized hair when the hair may be infact dry and in need of moisture.

If a product begins to fail me, then I will change.

But I am thankful for all of the insight that the women on this board have. There is nothing like a true testimony of what has worked for them and they always appear to be unbiased.

My two cents ( I know more like 10 cents)

I noticed this and stopped using the Silk Touch as well. I didn't know it was a preservative. I thought it was to lift the cuticles to let the product into the strands. Anyway, I liked it but I didn't love it, so no biggie.
I'm going thru a PJ stage, but I barely use half the stuff I buy. I use it once or twice, then under my cabinet it goes :ohwell: Everytime I think I find a staple product I go, "Maybe there's something even better than this!"

I'm think I'm gonna try that Aubrey Organics conditioner everyone's raving about, find a new staple moisterizer (for some reason, just like sunsilk hydra tlc 24/7 creme, the smell of mango butter is starting to give me headaches?) then no more new products....til march :lol:
I was a PJ but I have recovered. It is to the point that I am sick of myself and my hair product buying habit. My cabinet still looks a mess considering that I got rid of alot of stuff before I moved. I have recently realized that I need to stick with one product line because they are made to work together. I relaxed my hair with Silk Elements (lye regular but I think I need to switch to mild or no lye) about 2 weeks ago and my hair was feeling so dry but not shedding or breaking. When I washed my hair I didn't have that silky feeling and was hard to detangle even after I trimmed my ends, deep conditioned, and did a hot oil treatment. Over the last 2 weeks I have been using everything from cream of nature to Elasta QP to shea butter to many many more things. Even Nexus Humectress wouldn't soften my hair . So frustrated me went to Sally's and spoke with the cashier who is a retired hair stylist and she put Silk Elements leave-in in my hair and my hair immediately felt so moisterized and it was soft as butter. She told me that she too is guilty of using many different products but knows better. She said that it is best to use one product line. So I purchased everything in the line (can you say product junkie) and went home and washed and conditioned my hair and it felt like silk. I wet wrapped my hair and let it air dry mostly and my hair was so nice. DUH and to think I used the relaxer but I have never purchased any of the products. So I will stick with this line and figure out how to get rid of my products. All I need is my silk elements line and my many many magnetic rollers and flexi rods.

Also I was reading two magazines that suggest sticking to one product line because you will be consistent with your hair.
I am a PJ too, and i think that is whats breaking my hair right now. When i first started this board, i had just taken my hair out of braids ( wearing of and off for several years) and my hair was perfect. Now, its dry and sheds/BREAKS like crazy. I think i have found my staples and i just gotta stop buying everything i see/ finding every excuse to use something. I love y'all, but enough is enough!
I have always had a simple regime until joining the board.
Me too. I was relaxed and all I used was relaxers, shampoo, grease, and a blowdryer. After joining the board, I started trying different products and trying different hairstyles. Now after being a member for almost 3 years, I have gradually gone back to keeping it simple. I'm also have natural hair now and my regime has gotten even simplier than before... shampoo and grease/oil, and that's it. I have other products but don't see the need to use them anymore. They were the products that I would just buy and try, and I couldn't use up the whole product. Looks like they'll just go to waste.
I've always believed that less is more so I'm right there with you......I'm not trying anything new until what I have is GONE!
CoCoGirl821 said:
I would love to join you, however I have a couple of things I want to try. I want to buy the Nexxus Phyto Organics line and NTM Silk Touch. I need a really good moisturizer and I LOVE Nexxus products so I am pretty sure I will love this new line. BTW how do you like that line?

Loving the Nexxus PO line...just ordered two liters :lol: .

Yep..I duwanna knock the board cause I mean I've got LOTS of great advice and information from this board, but I realise now that as far as products go I need to stick with what works for me and use the board to benefit in other ways beyond product recommendations at this point. But LHCF is a huge source of inspiration and a place to voice my thoughts about hair and ask questions from those who have a voice of experience. And of course...there is the occasional product that I'm sure I'll try, but not EVERYTHING as before.

I have been on this wagon for the last couple of months now. I have made a pledge not to purchase any new products this year except my hair oils (jojoba, almond, wgo, coconut, and amla). Everything thing else I have multiples of and they should last me through the year. Luckily I don't have anything that I don't use, I just get greedy and buy more than one of the same product if I like it.
chayil0427 said:
So I sat down and asked myself how I went from having an enviable mane to a ball of poodle clippings atop my head. Simply...I left what worked in search of the Holy Grails of Hair Care.
I am there. Since getting pregnant I just have not been interested in trying anything really new. I purchased the Aveda Be Curly line including the shampoo, conditioner adn enhancer. I already had that really. So I just use that along w/ the Aveda elixir and IC Fantasia Gel as my gel and call it a day!

Heck I tie it down with my satin scarf, pull it off in the morning and go! I don't even fluff. My hair HATES oils rather my face does b/c somehow it ends up making my face very greasy - I don't care how little of it I put on there - ick. But at least I know what my hair can handle so no need to even push it.

Hair is growing like weeds but then again I am preggers and I have additional blood flowing through my system carrying nutrients to my hair follicles plus the prenatals.

Less really IS more. I find it interesting though reading people's assessment of the various products. Very interesting and every once in a while it seems your hair gets used to your products and you have to switch up. At least there are recommendations of products to switch when you are ready to make that move.