Jumping Off the No Comb Bandwagon


Well-Known Member
I have decided that no combing is not for me. I loose more hair not combing due to knots and tangles and matting. I loose less hair if I gently comb 2X a day. I'm going back to what works for me.
You said it best.....Do what works for you! Me and combs will not part. I use good quality combs and take my time. I do not rip out my hair and I dont have hair broken off all over the place.
Letitia said:
You said it best.....Do what works for you! Me and combs will not part. I use good quality combs and take my time. I do not rip out my hair and I dont have hair broken off all over the place.

same here. I have learned my combing technique timeline from relaxer to relaxer. Also, I have determined the appropriate combs to use from my arsenal depending on the amount of NG. I can comb more freely during the weeks after a relaxer, but I have to take my time and section it more often as I get more NG. But I enjoy combing my hair and I, too have no breakage unless I do it wrong or fail to keep my moisture and strength right.
i can only go without a comb if I dont do frequent wash n goes...otherwsie I have to do it every day if I want to wear my hair out all the time. wide tooth only.
I comb my hair 2-3 times a months
and when its time to comb for me to comb my hair:eek: i see all kinda of tangled knots,matted dead hair,
i gets mad.

I am tottally lazy
i just jumped on it....i only wear ponytails, so it's not hard for me....my hair stays pretty much tangle free cause i do almost no manipulation in between washes....im glad you found what works for you though :D
no combing dosen't work for everyone. Sometimes I find it a hassle, sometimes I think its fabulous:lol:

It took me quite a while to get used to the idea, even longer to stretch out the combing/brushing! Since I generally bun and keep my hair in one direction it works out well for me for about 3-4 days. Then I must comb or something because I'm tangle city longer than that! I do find I shed much less though because of this.

I had to jump off, too. I found that the shed hair was causing more tangles. I use a seamless comb to gently detangle my hair whenever I cowash. That's usually everyday or every other day. Waiting longer than three days is not good for my hair.

If combing works for you, then that's what you should do.
When I was just washing and going with no comb I also found that I had major knoting. I would only comb out one in a blue mood to avoid the knots, but I always ended up having to rip them out. Now I plait my hair before going into the shower and keep it that way until it is dry. I had made such a big difference..no knotting!!!
If I have to comb between washes, I usually spritz with distilled water/leave-in mix first. This has saved me from breakage.
I am 2.5 months in stretching my touchup and I CAN'T comb my hair with a regular comb. It gets so tangled wet or dry. I started using a "pick-comb." Some of you may not know what that is but it has really helped detangle my hair. It's more popular with folks with naturals. It was taking me 45 minutes to detangle my hair after washing - not fun.
wow..I don't even know if my hair is tangled or knotty because i don't even really touch it until wash day and even then I get right in shower and start washing.
No combing for me has been like the best thing ever. I keep my scarf on all the time and it keeps hair smooth looking and flat. As long as it LOOKS smooth and flat I guess I don't care if its tangled or notty..lol
I'm 20 weeks post right now and the no combing is the best thing for my stretches, the only way I'm able to strtech
tsmith said:
I comb my hair once a day and I ALWAYS use a wide tooth comb with no breakage:) girl comb dat hurr:p

yep...what she said. I use the wide tooth bone comb and so far so good. Sometimes I even use a brush but shhh...I'm keepin that on the lo lo :lol: .

No-combing doesn't work for me either. Maybe that's the case for finely textured hair that tends to tangle more easily? No-brushing works for my hair though - still can't bring myself to throw away the brush yet.