Jumped Over My Last Major Hurdle...Thanks to Macherieamour

Royal Glory

New Member
Good morning ladies!

This weekend, I received my Rollersetting DVD from Healthy Textures. I was planning to do my hair anyway, so I watched the DVD while preparing dinner. Then after dinner I clarified and applied a prepoo, sat under the dryer for deep conditioning for about 30 minutes. Then I washed and conditioned my hair then stepped out of the shower with my hair soaking wet.

I put on my plastic cap to keep my hair wet while I got all of my supplies together. I took a deep breath...then followed Macherieamour's method.

I am so happy that I was able to accomplish it. And I'm thrilled with the near-perfect results: smooth, soft, shiny, bouncy hair without blow drying and using the curling iron. :happydance: And I'm sure I'll improve my technique even more with practice.:love5:

Now this is significant for me because, even after being a member of LHCF for a year, I had not even tried to rollerset my hair yet. I was afraid that I would have stiff, too tight, crinkly "set" hair. This was a huge psychological hurdle for me...my last major hurdle to achieving my goals more quickly with greater success.

Macherieamour's step-by-step approach gave me the confidence and know-how that I needed to achieve that.:yahoo:

Thanks, Macherie!
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Your hair look great! Awesome job. I just got her video on Friday but I left it at work so I wasn't able to watch it yet. I'm excited to see it :yep:
Congrats! Im sitting under the dryer right now! :O) Her video helped me gain the confidence to rollerset too bc I didnt used to be able to do it unless I used snap on rollers. I look forward to getting better and faster as I get more experience but Im happy with the results. Last time I used larger rollers and this time Im using smaller ones just to compare the results. I feel that rollersetting is going to help me get to the next level because it will cut down on shedding/breakage I get when my hair isnt smoothed out.
Congrats!!! I love that video and will attempt my second rollerset w/ Macherie's technique in a few days. I could not believe how soft my hair was with so little product and plain ole water. After I saw the results of my rollerset, I just knew I could do anything with my hair, and nobody could tell me otherwise:cup: