Juanita Bynum files for divorce and...


Well-Known Member
that beating was not the first time...


Well-known television evangelist Juanita Bynum spoke exclusively with FOX 5 News about allegedly being attacked by her estranged husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks, III. Bynum said last months alleged assault wasn't the first time the couple has had problems.

ATLANTA (FOX 5) – Well-known television evangelist Juanita Bynum spoke exclusively with FOX 5 News about allegedly being attacked by her estranged husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks, III. Bynum said last month's alleged assault wasn't the first time the couple has had problems.

Weeks is accused of attacking Bynum in a parking lot at the Renaissance Hotel, near the airport last month.

ed. There's more to it than that for me. I know that scars heal, but I lost somebody that I loved very much. I know people go through this saying I loved him. No, I love him," said Bynum.

Bynum said she will probably never stop loving her husband, but the pastor and accomplished author said she was finished with what she called an abusive marriage.

"My love for Bishop Weeks I don't think will ever die. I said this to someone yesterday, my love for him, separating what I experienced in that parking lot, I have enough love. It's so much until I think I can marry him twice, but this one is over," Bynum said.

Bynum said she gave her attorney the go-ahead for divorce proceedings last week. She said she thought the routine blow-ups in their near five year marriage were normal.

"This was not the first time that we had had a physical altercation. It's never been to this degree, never. Shoving. He's never physically drawn a fist back and hit me, but it's been pushing and shoving," said Bynum.

The Gospel singer and preacher said she will assist prosecutors in any way she could with the aggravated assault case, but said that she could not pass judgment on whether Weeks should go to jail. Bynum said she believed Weeks still had redeeming qualities.

"He's a brilliant man and I believe God is [going to] get that purpose out of his life. Maybe he wasn't meant to be with me and so that's why I wish him the best. I wish him the best," Bynum said.
he just posted a statement on his myspace page saying that they agreed not to talk about it until they went to court about it. Now she's hosted TBN's "Praise the Lord", talked to the news and everything!

Oops! :look:
that beating was not the first time...

They were fighting before they got married - I kid you not!!! They aren't divorcing because of the abuse, I believe its because of the embarassment and because its being watched in the public eye, it seems like the expected/right thing to do. Why not counseling first...??? (only saying that because they've been in this abusive cycle for a long time and a divorce isn't going to make it any better for this relationship or the next - not saying anyone deseves abuse). They need help.
Umm I feel for her, but is her situation really going to "change things all over the world" what does she mean by the church needs to take responsiblity", and I love that she made a point to plug that fact that she has a show to do so she had to leave. On and she skated past the what was said that lead up to abuse question. Not saying she deserve to be hit, but I bet when the doors were closed she gave as good as she got.

It's really sad that two people who put themselves out there as representative of "God's word", can cut up like this. but you never know what's happening behind closed doors.

but as the saying goes
what you do in the dark will come out in the light:swordfigh
Why is everyone acting like she told what happened out of her mouth. The media told it first. She did not go into detail about it...she is just letting the world know that she is ok and that this situation will not beat her down like so many people expect and want it to. Everyone has their speculations about what happened but no one was there. People speak out against this womans ministry, try to take away the annointing that God has given her. So what she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband a Bishop. Even as pastors, they are NOT perfect. That is where people fail,....they put too much trust in man...they mess up like us...the things we do everyday...gossiping, backbiting, lying, cursing...all that. But I guess b/c we are not in the public eye and we are not pastors, it makes us different. We are doing just what Satan wants us to do, taking our eyes off God. People say her message is just about prosperity, money..she doesnt give back. We dont know what she does...have we heard every message she's given? Nope. But lets keep it real, us as black people dont like to give their money. The 10 percent which is required, as the Bible tells us. We are touchy about money. I dont think everything she is about is about money. So what she has a lot of it...do you think God would have given her what she has if she wasnt giving out as much? Nope...but he said when we give..He will rebuke the devour for our sake....
But I digress...but there are some hypocritical, judgemental people here and I would hate for someone to go into your closet..they might get lost.
#1Why is everyone acting like she told what happened out of her mouth. The media told it first. She did not go into detail about it...she is just letting the world know that she is ok and that this situation will not beat her down like so many people expect and want it to. Everyone has their speculations about what happened but no one was there. #2People speak out against this womans ministry, try to take away the annointing that God has given her. So what she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband a Bishop. Even as pastors, they are NOT perfect. That is where people fail,....they put too much trust in man...they mess up like us...the things we do everyday...gossiping, backbiting, lying, cursing...all that. But I guess b/c we are not in the public eye and we are not pastors, it makes us different. #3We are doing just what Satan wants us to do, taking our eyes off God. People say her message is just about prosperity, money..she doesnt give back. We dont know what she does...have we heard every message she's given? Nope. But lets keep it real, us as black people dont like to give their money. #4The 10 percent which is required, as the Bible tells us. We are touchy about money. I dont think everything she is about is about money. #5So what she has a lot of it...do you think God would have given her what she has if she wasnt giving out as much? Nope...but he said when we give..He will rebuke the devour for our sake....
#6But I digress...but there are some hypocritical, judgemental people here and I would hate for someone to go into your closet..they might get lost.

People are entitled to their opinions about what happened.

Bolded #1: She did speak about what happened out of her own mouth. I watched it on my local news last night. Not to mention the fact that she posted pictures of the abuse on her myspace page directly following the incident. That speaks volumes.

Bolded #2: She is doing this through her actions.

Bolded #3: Maybe we are doing just what God wants us to do--opening our eyes to an undeniable truth. And, she does preach prosperity. That is the crux of her message. Can you, or anyone for that matter, show where or how she has "given back" to the community using the funds she has received? I am interested to know.

Bolded #4: A 10% tithe is no longer required according to the New Testament.

Bolded #5: Yes, God allows bad things to happen to good people and vice versa all the time. Maybe that's just not for us to understand.

Bolded #6: I will have to agree with you there. However, given the nature of the situation, and the audience her teachings drew, she had to know that what she did in the dark would come to light faster than what Jane Doe does in the dark coming to light. When you put yourself in a position for everyone to see the good, they often times see the bad as well.
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Why is everyone acting like she told what happened out of her mouth. The media told it first. She did not go into detail about it...she is just letting the world know that she is ok and that this situation will not beat her down like so many people expect and want it to. Everyone has their speculations about what happened but no one was there. People speak out against this womans ministry, try to take away the annointing that God has given her. So what she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband a Bishop. Even as pastors, they are NOT perfect. That is where people fail,....they put too much trust in man...they mess up like us...the things we do everyday...gossiping, backbiting, lying, cursing...all that. But I guess b/c we are not in the public eye and we are not pastors, it makes us different. We are doing just what Satan wants us to do, taking our eyes off God. People say her message is just about prosperity, money..she doesnt give back. We dont know what she does...have we heard every message she's given? Nope. But lets keep it real, us as black people dont like to give their money. The 10 percent which is required, as the Bible tells us. We are touchy about money. I dont think everything she is about is about money. So what she has a lot of it...do you think God would have given her what she has if she wasnt giving out as much? Nope...but he said when we give..He will rebuke the devour for our sake....
But I digress...but there are some hypocritical, judgemental people here and I would hate for someone to go into your closet..they might get lost.

they both need to freeze their tongues and stop living in the limelight. What they need to do is take a sabbatical AWAY from the television and go on a retreat to Africa... something... She talks too much. Her mouth is her worst enemy.
I agree a time of reflection and prayer is needed. It's not the time to began another ministry.
Why is everyone acting like she told what happened out of her mouth. The media told it first.

She did not go into detail about it...she is just letting the world know that she is ok and that this situation will not beat her down like so many people expect and want it to.

Everyone has their speculations about what happened but no one was there. People speak out against this womans ministry, try to take away the annointing that God has given her.

So what she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband a Bishop. Even as pastors, they are NOT perfect. That is where people fail,....they put too much trust in man...they mess up like us...the things we do everyday...gossiping, backbiting, lying, cursing...all that.

But I guess b/c we are not in the public eye and we are not pastors, it makes us different. We are doing just what Satan wants us to do, taking our eyes off God. People say her message is just about prosperity, money..she doesnt give back. We dont know what she does...have we heard every message she's given? Nope.

But lets keep it real, us as black people dont like to give their money. The 10 percent which is required, as the Bible tells us. We are touchy about money. I dont think everything she is about is about money. So what she has a lot of it...do you think God would have given her what she has if she wasnt giving out as much? Nope...but he said when we give..He will rebuke the devour for our sake....

But I digress...but there are some hypocritical, judgemental people here and I would hate for someone to go into your closet..they might get lost. [/quote]
:clap: :amen: Thank you Meka! Thank you! If you read any of my posts, you will see that I totally agree!!!!

Thank you for speaking the truth. I should have just bolded your entire post. :amen: Again!

I've been in Church long enough to know that this is not the only case of domestic violence. It happens far too often in the Church than we realize.

To back up your comments on domestic violence among ministers:

The wives are ashamed, they are afraid, they don't want to lose their status as the Pastor's wife and 'first lady'. The children are another reason they 'stay', for they do not want to have a fatherless family; let alone be without a husband. But there's something else. They find it so hard to believe and accept that the abuse is actually happening to 'them.' Afterall, what does it say about their faith? What does it say about all that they represent and stand 'tall' for? What does it say about their relationship with the Lord?

Ministers in domestic abuse are far more troubled than those outside of ministry for there is much more expected from them and they cannot relate to coming to the front with this. It's not a reality to them to admit publicly or privately that they have such a problem, yet they deep down, they want to escape and do not know how.

Meka, you've touched on an area that needed to be shared. As you stated, there's too much speculation and attacks being directed at Juanita Bynum, not enough compassion and prayer.

Gotta love you for your boldness and why not just love you period! :love2:

God bless you, sweet bold lady.
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:clap: :amen: Thank you Meka! Thank you! If you read any of my posts, you will see that I totally agree!!!!

Thank you for speaking the truth. I should have just bolded your entire post. :amen: Again!

I've been in Church long enough to know that this is not the only case of domestic violence. It happens far too often in the Church than we realize.

To back up your comments on domestic violence among ministers:

The wives are ashamed, they are afraid, they don't want to lose their status as the Pastor's wife and 'first lady'. The children are another reason they 'stay', for they do not want to have a fatherless family; let alone be without a husband. But there's something else. They find it so hard to believe and accept that the abuse is actually happening to 'them.' Afterall, what does it say about their faith? What does it say about all that they represent and stand 'tall' for? What does it say about their relationship with the Lord?

Ministers in domestic abuse are far more troubled than those outside of ministry for there is much more expected from them and they cannot relate to coming to the front with this. It's not a reality to them to admit publicly or privately that they have such a problem, yet they deep down, they want to escape and do not know how.
Meka, you've touched on an area that needed to be shared. As you stated, there's too much speculation and attacks being directed at Juanita Bynum, not enough compassion and prayer.

Gotta love you for your boldness and why not just love you period! :love2:

God bless you, sweet bold lady.

Shimmie, you are so right about this. Thank you for sharing.:love2:
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of people chastizing others for talking about this!

First, there's the "I wish people would pray istead of talking about it!" crowd.

How do you know we're not praying? Because it's not announced on this board? Many of us are praying for the situation, but that doesn't mean we have to be silent about it.

Second, Miss Bynum and her husband are the hypocrites. Yes, we all have skeletons. My marriage is far from perfect, but you don't see me holding conferences on marriage when I know I'm getting hit and we're separated. That's fraud.

How are people going to say in one breath that these people are just like us...human...and shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then turn around and say we shouldn't talk about them or put our "mouth on them", because they are annointed men and women of God? You can't have it both ways.

And if YOU read YOUR bible and stopped believing everything you hear out of these people's mouths, you would see that the truth is staring you in the face. 10% is NOT required, and giving Miss Bynum $1000 will not propel you into your destiny (yes, she's said that).

And if you are judging her wealth as a sign of her annointing, then you must think Bill Gates, Puffy, George Bush, and 50 Cent are annointed. Wake up!!!

Don't be upset with us because God exposed them. The tree is being shaken.

For those who want to be silent about the issue and just pray, do so. Stay out of the threads if it bothers you to see people discussing it. Otherwise, you're just adding to it.:wallbash:

The irony of it all is this...it's kind of hypocritical to come into the thread fussing. Shouldn't you be praying for us instead???
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of people chastizing others for talking about this!

First, there's the "I wish people would pray istead of talking about it!" crowd.

How do you know we're not praying? Because it's not announced on this board? Many of us are praying for the situation, but that doesn't mean we have to be silent about it.

Second, Miss Bynum and her husband are the hypocrites. Yes, we all have skeletons. My marriage is far from perfect, but you don't see me holding conferences on marriage when I know I'm getting hit and we're separated. That's fraud.

How are people going to say in one breath that these people are just like us...human...and shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then turn around and say we shouldn't talk about them or put our "mouth on them", because they are annointed men and women of God? You can't have it both ways.

And if YOU read YOUR bible and stopped believing everything you hear out of these people's mouths, you would see that the truth is staring you in the face. 10% is NOT required, and giving Miss Bynum $1000 will not propel you into your destiny (yes, she's said that).

And if you are judging her wealth as a sign of her annointing, then you must think Bill Gates, Puffy, George Bush, and 50 Cent are annointed. Wake up!!!

Don't be upset with us because God exposed them. The tree is being shaken.

For those who want to be silent about the issue and just pray, do so. Stay out of the threads if it bothers you to see people discussing it. Otherwise, you're just adding to it.:wallbash:

The irony of it all is this...it's kind of hypocritical to come into the thread fussing. Shouldn't you be praying for us instead???

Tell us how you really feel!!! J/K
Great Post! I agree that the tree is being shaken. I stated before that I know a lot of people have been praying for the truth to be revealed about a lot of churches and church leaders. I pray that it continues.
Shimmie, you are so right about this. Thank you for sharing.:love2:
Thanks Precious Wavy. :giveheart:

I've learned that being a minister's wife can be a very lonely and isolated place to be. She has to chose her friends with caution; even family members are not always those whom she can lean upon. For something happens when God promotes, people in our lives change. Some for the better, some for the worse. In truth, God is actually showing us the truth of loyalties among us. And there are few who are loyal and can keep a confidence.

As a minister's wife, one minute she's up 'there', the next she feels as low as the ground beneath her feet. So much is being pulled upon her and as a human being she cannot do it all. There's still 'life' to live and much is required and expected and it takes much faith to give all that is being demanded upon her.

And it's her husband who demands and requires the most. For he has a 'postion' which he must maintain and he is dependent upon his wife's support and picking up where he falls short. He may not verbally admit his needs, but the demands upon her are there and it's not easy.

Hence if abuse starts (of any form) she's so far into the needs and demands, that she really doesn't know her way out from under the abuse. She literally has a hard task of putting into perspective that leaving 'all' is her only option. Yet, she so far in, that she can't see or grasp it.

And then it's back to not having anyone to turn to whom she can trust and receive help. Does she 'shame' herself before the other Pastor's wives who seem to have perfect lives or the proper stature in ministry? Heaven forbid that she confides that her marriage has failed or has problems such as this. Family will look upon her as a failure; afterall, she was the one who compelled them to come to Jesus and make life right.

Hence she finds other outlets...love of mammon, substance dependancy; prayers if despair that never seem to leave the air. What does she do? She stays until God exposes the truth about her abuse....

This should not be... :nono:
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of people chastizing others for talking about this!

First, there's the "I wish people would pray istead of talking about it!" crowd.

How do you know we're not praying? Because it's not announced on this board? Many of us are praying for the situation, but that doesn't mean we have to be silent about it.

Second, Miss Bynum and her husband are the hypocrites. Yes, we all have skeletons. My marriage is far from perfect, but you don't see me holding conferences on marriage when I know I'm getting hit and we're separated. That's fraud.

How are people going to say in one breath that these people are just like us...human...and shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then turn around and say we shouldn't talk about them or put our "mouth on them", because they are annointed men and women of God? You can't have it both ways.

And if YOU read YOUR bible and stopped believing everything you hear out of these people's mouths, you would see that the truth is staring you in the face. 10% is NOT required, and giving Miss Bynum $1000 will not propel you into your destiny (yes, she's said that).

And if you are judging her wealth as a sign of her annointing, then you must think Bill Gates, Puffy, George Bush, and 50 Cent are annointed. Wake up!!!

Don't be upset with us because God exposed them. The tree is being shaken.

For those who want to be silent about the issue and just pray, do so. Stay out of the threads if it bothers you to see people discussing it. Otherwise, you're just adding to it.:wallbash:

The irony of it all is this...it's kind of hypocritical to come into the thread fussing. Shouldn't you be praying for us instead???

Lord, Lauren450 you hit it on the head. There were a lot of things I want to say about the matter including Juanita Bynum herself but I had to be careful about my views. Truth be told I was thinking of the same thing but I wanted to tread lightly with this.

Like Michael Baisden said when the attacked first came out while Weeks was in hiding, he said that we need to stop being afraid of speaking out against these ministers especially when they are in the wrong. I agree 100%. Yes they are human but if they are so much human then why can't we point out their faults like we do everybody else? They are human, too. But they always throw in that they are annoiting so therefore we can't touch them.....just pray for them.

I'm not perfect and I have my faults, did my dirt. Believe I'm not angel but I don't want a pastor preach to me about how I should live my life holy but yet he's buckwild himself especially with someone who is not his wife. And I must agree about the 10% part. I assume you are talking about tithing. I can't remember the scripture but I have read that the rich give abundantly and the poor should give what they can. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. There were no mention of a percentage. I wonder where that came from?
Why is everyone acting like she told what happened out of her mouth. The media told it first. She did not go into detail about it...she is just letting the world know that she is ok and that this situation will not beat her down like so many people expect and want it to. Everyone has their speculations about what happened but no one was there. People speak out against this womans ministry, try to take away the annointing that God has given her. So what she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband a Bishop. Even as pastors, they are NOT perfect. That is where people fail,....they put too much trust in man...they mess up like us...the things we do everyday...gossiping, backbiting, lying, cursing...all that. But I guess b/c we are not in the public eye and we are not pastors, it makes us different. We are doing just what Satan wants us to do, taking our eyes off God. People say her message is just about prosperity, money..she doesnt give back. We dont know what she does...have we heard every message she's given? Nope. But lets keep it real, us as black people dont like to give their money. The 10 percent which is required, as the Bible tells us. We are touchy about money. I dont think everything she is about is about money. So what she has a lot of it...do you think God would have given her what she has if she wasnt giving out as much? Nope...but he said when we give..He will rebuke the devour for our sake....
But I digress...but there are some hypocritical, judgemental people here and I would hate for someone to go into your closet..they might get lost.

Tell us how you really feel!!! J/K
Great Post! I agree that the tree is being shaken. I stated before that I know a lot of people have been praying for the truth to be revealed about a lot of churches and church leaders. I pray that it continues.

I believe you. As a matter of fact I have posted about Jamal H. Bryant of Empowerment Temple about a scandal that was going on. I posted it in the OT forum. You can pull it up to check it out but I don't think a lot of people were crazy about it but my thing is this needs to be addressed. I took a deep breathe before I posted it because I know it's going to ruff a lot of feathers but me being the person that I am, I feel that if something like this is going on in the house of the Lord, I feel that it's my responsibility to put it out.

During the Jamal situation, I have told someone a while back that God is going to put a smack of all the ministers/pastors who is exploiting the congregation for money, false teachings, etc. Honey, you would think I slapped their mama! But I meant what I said and sure enough look what happen with him exposing Juanita Bynum. I have been told by someone that Juanita Bynum was a fraud but I pretty much kept it to myself.

But I will say this and you best believe, GOD AIN'T THROUGH!!!! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!
For those who say that "I" am wrong for saying that "WE" should be praying about this situation instead of talking about Juanita's/Thomas's situation, then.....:


Talk about it/me if you must, I am going to remain a MINISTER OF RECONCILIATION, because that is what the BIBLE says I should be! And if that is causing you to have a problem with me, then SO BE IT!!!
I believe you. As a matter of fact I have posted about Jamal H. Bryant of Empowerment Temple about a scandal that was going on. I posted it in the OT forum. You can pull it up to check it out but I don't think a lot of people were crazy about it but my thing is this needs to be addressed. I took a deep breathe before I posted it because I know it's going to ruff a lot of feathers but me being the person that I am, I feel that if something like this is going on in the house of the Lord, I feel that it's my responsibility to put it out.

During the Jamal situation, I have told someone a while back that God is going to put a smack of all the ministers/pastors who is exploiting the congregation for money, false teachings, etc. Honey, you would think I slapped their mama! But I meant what I said and sure enough look what happen with him exposing Juanita Bynum. I have been told by someone that Juanita Bynum was a fraud but I pretty much kept it to myself.

But I will say this and you best believe, GOD AIN'T THROUGH!!!! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!

well Juanita even said this on TBN (the bolded) that God is going to cause some Big Name ministers to go thru some great prosecutions. Well know that I type that Jesus said that first.
For those who say that "I" am wrong for saying that "WE" should be praying about this situation instead of talking about Juanita's/Thomas's situation, then.....:


Talk about it/me if you must, I am going to remain a MINISTER OF RECONCILIATION, because that is what the BIBLE says I should be! And if that is causing you to have a problem with me, then SO BE IT!!!
AND I AM WITH YOU! I refuse to join in with the world with their ways of condemnation. It's one thing to be 'aware' of an issue, but a totally different 'face' to join satan's team and agree to talk against a person in need or in trouble using with his format. Why sit in satan's parlor?

And I say this not just for Juanita Bynum, but for any brother or sister in trouble. We must be selective in our sources. I'm not looking to have a big thread, because of what I said, reporting the 'latest' on the greatest. I don't need the attention. :nono:

I care more about loving and praying for someone who has been hurt beyond measure, be it here or there no matter who it is...I care.

Thanks Precious Wavy. Again, with you I stand.

Case Closed!

All in love :love2:
For those who say that "I" am wrong for saying that "WE" should be praying about this situation instead of talking about Juanita's/Thomas's situation, then.....:


Talk about it/me if you must, I am going to remain a MINISTER OF RECONCILIATION, because that is what the BIBLE says I should be! And if that is causing you to have a problem with me, then SO BE IT!!!

Nice & Wavy, I have no problem with you or anyone else on this board. I wasn't even thinking of you. I was ranting in general. It just bothers me that we, as Christians, tend to clam up when issues like this arise. God is exposing this stuff for a reason.

I don't know about anyone else, but I realized some things about my own marriage and attitude from watching this whole thing play out and talking through it. God doesn't just work in secret...sometimes He exposes things and people are drawn closer to him.

So if you feel that you are to be silent, then that is your right and I have absolutely no problem with it. But just understand that there are some of us who may be led to talk about it, pray about it, and learn from it, and that's ok. It doesn't make us any less Christian to do that (not saying you said that).
Nice & Wavy, I have no problem with you or anyone else on this board. I wasn't even thinking of you. I was ranting in general. It just bothers me that we, as Christians, tend to clam up when issues like this arise. God is exposing this stuff for a reason.

I don't know about anyone else, but I realized some things about my own marriage and attitude from watching this whole thing play out and talking through it. God doesn't just work in secret...sometimes He exposes things and people are drawn closer to him.

So if you feel that you are to be silent, then that is your right and I have absolutely no problem with it. But just understand that there are some of us who may be led to talk about it, pray about it, and learn from it, and that's ok. It doesn't make us any less Christian to do that (not saying you said that).

I have never posted in this forum..just lurk. But I had to let you know I agree with you! Like you said, Can't have both ways.....Rev Bynum and Bishop Weeks tried to have and did, IMO ,have it both ways when they were separated, fighting but giving marriage seminars???? Was the Lord supposed to let them keep on? Maybe He uncovered them to make us talk and see some of things that may be wrong in our own marriages and relationship with Him.
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Nice & Wavy, I have no problem with you or anyone else on this board. I wasn't even thinking of you. I was ranting in general. It just bothers me that we, as Christians, tend to clam up when issues like this arise. God is exposing this stuff for a reason.

I don't know about anyone else, but I realized some things about my own marriage and attitude from watching this whole thing play out and talking through it. God doesn't just work in secret...sometimes He exposes things and people are drawn closer to him.

So if you feel that you are to be silent, then that is your right and I have absolutely no problem with it. But just understand that there are some of us who may be led to talk about it, pray about it, and learn from it, and that's ok. It doesn't make us any less Christian to do that (not saying you said that).

I want to add as well, that's the problem with our people especially in the black churches. We have a need to be quiet about it and not rock the boat. Just look the other way and pretend that it didn't happen not thinking that the longer you sweep it under the rug, the more dirt it will pile up underneath and next thing you know it blows up in your face. And now you have to get rid of all this dirt when it should have taken care of to begin with.
I have never posted in this forum..just lurk. But I had to let you know I agree with you! Like you said, Can't have both ways.....Rev Bynum and Bishop Weeks tried to have and did, IMO ,have it both ways when they were separated, fighting but giving marriage seminars???? Was the Lord supposed to let them keep on? Maybe He uncovered them to make us talk and see some of things that may be wrong in our own marriages and relationship with Him.

That's the part that has blown me away. They were givinig marriage seminars WHILE they were separated! If they were serious about their ministry and the people that follow them, then they should have cancelled it and work out their problems before either one them faced the congregation. I'm glad that the Lord is exposing a lot of this. And I have a feeling there are others. He hasn't got to them yet.
Nice & Wavy, I have no problem with you or anyone else on this board. I wasn't even thinking of you. I was ranting in general. It just bothers me that we, as Christians, tend to clam up when issues like this arise. God is exposing this stuff for a reason.

I don't know about anyone else, but I realized some things about my own marriage and attitude from watching this whole thing play out and talking through it. God doesn't just work in secret...sometimes He exposes things and people are drawn closer to him.

So if you feel that you are to be silent, then that is your right and I have absolutely no problem with it. But just understand that there are some of us who may be led to talk about it, pray about it, and learn from it, and that's ok. It doesn't make us any less Christian to do that (not saying you said that).

Lauren, I am totally not silent about these things, I just speak about them in a different way. When I TALK about these things, I do them with our Father, who sees secretly and rewards openly. I don't need to discuss these things with those that don't know Christ....why speak to those who don't understand spiritual things?

God does expose things openly, that I know. How would any of you feel if your "MESS" was put on tv in front of everyone you know..all your neighbors, friends and even family members? It would not be a great thing, to say the least...that I KNOW!
AND I AM WITH YOU! I refuse to join in with the world with their ways of condemnation. It's one thing to be 'aware' of an issue, but a totally different 'face' to join satan's team and agree to talk against a person in need or in trouble using with his format. Why sit in satan's parlor?

And I say this not just for Juanita Bynum, but for any brother or sister in trouble. We must be selective in our sources. I'm not looking to have a big thread, because of what I said, reporting the 'latest' on the greatest. I don't need the attention. :nono:

I care more about loving and praying for someone who has been hurt beyond measure, be it here or there no matter who it is...I care.

Thanks Precious Wavy. Again, with you I stand.

Case Closed!

All in love :love2:

And that is what "ministry" is all about, and when you understand it makes all the difference in your walk with Christ Jesus! I don't know about others, but I know I want to hear...."Well done, thou good and faithful servant" and I know you do too!

Thank you, I love you....:love2:
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of people chastizing others for talking about this!

First, there's the "I wish people would pray istead of talking about it!" crowd.

How do you know we're not praying? Because it's not announced on this board? Many of us are praying for the situation, but that doesn't mean we have to be silent about it.

Second, Miss Bynum and her husband are the hypocrites. Yes, we all have skeletons. My marriage is far from perfect, but you don't see me holding conferences on marriage when I know I'm getting hit and we're separated. That's fraud.

How are people going to say in one breath that these people are just like us...human...and shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then turn around and say we shouldn't talk about them or put our "mouth on them", because they are annointed men and women of God? You can't have it both ways.

And if YOU read YOUR bible and stopped believing everything you hear out of these people's mouths, you would see that the truth is staring you in the face. 10% is NOT required, and giving Miss Bynum $1000 will not propel you into your destiny (yes, she's said that).

And if you are judging her wealth as a sign of her annointing, then you must think Bill Gates, Puffy, George Bush, and 50 Cent are annointed. Wake up!!!

Don't be upset with us because God exposed them. The tree is being shaken.

For those who want to be silent about the issue and just pray, do so. Stay out of the threads if it bothers you to see people discussing it. Otherwise, you're just adding to it.:wallbash:

The irony of it all is this...it's kind of hypocritical to come into the thread fussing. Shouldn't you be praying for us instead???


Thank you for putting it out there.