Are any of you journaling? If so, can you share your method? Is it only when you're in a pit, daily, whenever you have a thought? Do you use prompts or write freely? Is it specifically for prayers, sermon notes, gratitude, releasing burdens?
I used to journal regularly whenever I had a thought. I wrote freely and whatever came to my spirit after reading Scripture, hearing a sermon, reading something on here, or having quiet time. The beauty of journaling (at least for me) was that all these things I wrote seemed to come together to present an overarching message to my spirit.
I journal. It started more like an affirmation journal but now I use it to talk to God about the things I'm feeling. I try to do it everyday but sometimes I can't get around to it because it takes me at least 30-45 minutes each time I journal. I feel so much better when I'm done talking to God...well, for the most part.
I’ve a journal that chronicle the details of the problems that I’ve faced and how G-d answered my prayers. What I do when I have an issue that seems insurmountable, I’ll go back to my journal and see how The Lord had led and helped me out of my pass history of troubles, I then gain renewed strength and faith -- knowing that He will help me with what I am facing at the time. That’s how I journal.