Joined The Violated Club


New Member
Well today I went to Sally's. A girl that I use to go to college with works there. Well I try to avoid her ( but that is another story). She caught me today lol. Well I had my hair going back with a headband on and she asked if that was my hair. Well I answered yes and the next thing I know this chick's hands are patting down my hair. She is lucky I know her. But still I felt kind of violated but then again kind of good also
. On one hand, I was like damn I didn't know my hair was looking that good and on the other hand I was like I just washed my hair and this chick who was probably just smoking is putting her hands through it. I am so obsessed with cleanliness I felt like going home and washing it again (my mother said that I am crazy). Normally I would told this girl about herself but "the my hair is looking good" just took over lol.

But anyway any time I see this girl, in or out, of the beauty supply she seems obsessed with my hair. I don't get it. When I was in school I wore braids/weaves alot of the time and she still focused on my hair. Now she is one of those people that claim they are a beautician but whose hair and weaves always looks jacked up.

I thought I would share because I read your stories about being violated by strangers and never thought it would happen to me. I mean it happens with friends and family members, but this girl is just someone I had a class with and conversated with casually and she felt she had the right to do this. I would never put my hands in someone's hair that I am not close to, especially without asking. And now that I am thinking about it, I answered her question and it was like she was calling me a liar by having to feel it. By the way, my hair is a few inches above bra strap and I didn't think it would be such a big deal. Matter of fact I wish it was thicker but I guess we always see the flaws in our hair while other people see the true beauty.
diamond_nh said:
Matter of fact I wish it was thicker but I guess we always see the flaws in our hair while other people see the true beauty.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true...
Girl, take it as a complement. I have never had someone say "eww, you hair looks chewed up" and then want to touch it. People try to touch my hair when it's freshly done and looking good.

I am definitely taking it as a compliment it is just a little weird. And I read the posts on here when people say that complete strangers did it to them. It's just crazy.
I think thats absolutely rude to put your hands in someone's hair..

Maybe thats just me...
Welcome to the club. People normally ask to touch the fro before they put their grubby little fingers in it. I usually slap the hands of people who touch my hair with out asking. You are obviously a lot more mature than I am.

Your hair must be beautiful!
That's like touching a pregnant woman's belly when u dont even know her. I dont know where folks get their brass....maybe I dont want your negative energy running thur me...jeez...