Joico Pak users....quick question


New Member
I've been seeing this over and over...Joico Pak...Joico Pak...Joico Pak. I said I would not be buying anymore hair products for a while, but after seeing so many good results and reviews of the product, the PJ in me just has to have it! So for those who use it can I get local or do I have to buy it online? Any help would be appreciated. THANKS!!
Are you near an Ulta? There's a buy 2 get 2 free sale going on until the 14th. I bought mine for good prices at Several on here have gotten great deals from ebay. Another member mentioned earlier today, though, that you have the peace of mind that you are getting it from a reputable professional dealer if you go to Ulta.
Ive never heard of Ulta, but just did a store search, and there's one right down the street from my job! Thank you very much! Definitely going tomorrow.
what is it exactly? a deep conditioner or a protein conditioner. thx for me letting me know...

The Joico K-Pak is a whole line! There's a shampoo, daily conditioner, leave-in, deep penetrating reconstructor (often referred to as the DPR; that's what Klomax uses), and an intense hydrator (also in Klomax's reggie).

The entire K-Pak line is enriched with hydrolyzed human hair keratin. Here's a link that talks about it a little bit more in depth.

I bought a big ole bottle of the DPR but decided to use up some of the DCs I already have before springing for the intense hydrator. I did buy the moisture recovery shampoo and conditioner because I wasn't sure my hair needed keratin in every single product when I use the reconstructor every wash (1x per week)

ETA: Forgot to add the link!
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I just checked the website and they don't have joico products. Never mind, I just found a trade secrets in the mall still right up the street. Thanks for your help ladies!
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I just checked the website and they don't have joico products.

For some reason, you don't see their products at the Ulta site, but Ulta definitely sells them. :yep: Stop in that shop near your job and you'll see. You'll have to be strong, though. The first time walking into an Ulta is tough for anyone that's into hair, make-up or "smell goods" :spinning:

you can look at for pricing info. Or for more info on the specific products, themselves.
Ive never heard of Ulta, but just did a store search, and there's one right down the street from my job! Thank you very much! Definitely going tomorrow.

I practically live in Ulta - there is one by Willowbrook Mall - I use the Joico K-Pak Liquid Reconstructor for fine hair...good stuff!