JML ISLAND OIL now with mineral oil...?


New Member
I went to my local bss store and picked up one of my favorite staples Jamican Mango Lime Island Oil. When I got home I added some EO's to the oil and then started mixing. I mixed some with my sulfer oil and added a little to my braid spray. Then I put the oil on my scalp. Since it was a staple I didn't think twice about, I didn't read the back of the bottle. The product behaved as it normally did and I continued to use it. Well last night after oiling my scalp I looked at the ingredients list and to my suprise MINERAL OIL was the first thing listed. I don't know wether I should be mad or not because the product works the same.
Can they lie on ingredient list?
Did it always have mineral oil?
Should I stop using it?
Hmmmm. I love this oil and I dont remember it having mineral oil. I'm all out of it, so I cant check the bottle... if I were you, I would continue to use it on my hair but NOT my scalp.
It didn't have mineral oil before the first ingredient was castor oil now it's the second. the thing that bothers me about the ingredient change is that my hair isn't acting any differently. I normally get itchies if I use mineral/petro products on my scalp but not this time.:ohwell:
My hair likes MO, but I always feel cheated if it's one the first 3 ingredients in a product. I feel like I could have saved my money and bought some baby oil instead.