Jheri curls ad plastic caps .. I have type 4b hair


Well-Known Member
You all may laugh :yawn:, but I recall when I was younger and had a Jheri curl it seemed like my hair gre healthy and long and im sure it was due to the moisture daily as well as sleeping with a plastic cap on my head. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to sleep with a plastic cap on my head after I add my jojoba, alvocado, and almond oil?
You all may laugh :yawn:, but I recall when I was younger and had a Jheri curl it seemed like my hair gre healthy and long and im sure it was due to the moisture daily as well as sleeping with a plastic cap on my head. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to sleep with a plastic cap on my head after I add my jojoba, avocado, and almond oil?

Recently, I started baggying at night. I apply my moisturizer and seal with oil then place a plastic cap followed by my bonnet sleeping cap and go to bed. If you are doing something similar to this, then I say go for it. My hair is really moisturized when I wake in the morning and I have 4b hair, as well.
I never stopped wearing plastic caps since jheri curl days. It's the way I have slept every night since back then. And since I don't use leave-ins or styling products, it's how I keep moisture in my hair when I sleep: by donning a plastic cap. We call it doing a "whole head baggy" around here.
I do this a couple times a week, it keeps my ends moist. I wear one under my half wig sometimes as well.
I do this a couple times a week, it keeps my ends moist. I wear one under my half wig sometimes as well.

That's what I plan to do when I start wearing my phony puff. I wear one under my hats, caps, and wraps. :yep:
You all may laugh :yawn:, but I recall when I was younger and had a Jheri curl it seemed like my hair gre healthy and long and im sure it was due to the moisture daily as well as sleeping with a plastic cap on my head. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to sleep with a plastic cap on my head after I add my jojoba, alvocado, and almond oil?

Yes, I think it is a GREAT idea :yep: