Jerri Redding Vegetable Protein


Ready to be APL
HI all,

I purchased the above from folica due to the great reviews. I used it 2 weeks ago and I like it, albeit a little messy stinky and it was dripping down my neck (not a good feeling :perplexed). Soooo fast forward to this week while perusing and I come across Ion Effective Care Intensive Therapy it is a creamy vegetable protein.

I thought to myself I can mix the two together and get the benefit of both without the mess and the stinky smell. I put 2:1 creamy to liquid in a color applicator shook it up and voila, a non messy vegetable protein conditioner squared. Check out the pics below.

BTW I will do this after my TU and then every 2 weeks. protein/?albumview=slideshow
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lol, i know how you feel because when i use the aphogee two step, that mess runs soo much, and sometimes i gets in my eyes and it burns!!!!!